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almost the 5th East Coast Canada Power Rankings -- updated around april


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I wouldn't quit if I was you. I'll post arguements.

If you look at the PR directly, there are maybe 5 out of 15 people that actually live to be higher on the PR. Everyone else just looks at it like a random list, or something to look at and go "well I've done pretty well, maybe I could go up a few ranks".

When you look at the people that talk crack about this list, and are not on the PR, most often they are wrong and everybody else disprove their attitude. Most often, these people are not aware that they aren't as good as they think they are, or they are simply fan boys just rubbing their crewmates' ego.

But I think that, all in all, even though there are maybe less positive advantages to this list, the positive ones outweigh the bad ones. I look at this list, and I look at people that strive for something. The best example I can give is Jarc. Jarc lost to Elef at STYD1. He kept on playing. The PR came out, and he was considered, but didn't make the cut (as you remember). He played the game with me, and partied hard too. He told me he wanted to make it to the PR. I encouraged him, and he worked hard, and now he's probably around number 10 on the PR (give or take 3 spots). So basically, the PR gave him a motivation to strive for excellence.

I could also name many other examples of people that have great attitudes, and even though the results don't necessarily show on paper, the gameplay they exhibit has actually improved exponentially.

I also enjoy the fact that the PR will get a stronger foundation as time goes by. When the first PR was made up, everyone over spot 10-11 was basically a toss up, but now we can actually say that we have more people that stand out of the rest (Jarc, Matt, Tect, Divine Knight for example).

So I think you should stay as a panelist. Anyway, people who stir **** are usually the people that no one cares about, or their arguments are often weak. Plus, they also play with people that are already on the panel, are knowledgeable, and can be objective. They don't have an influence on the list because of this. Plus, why should their opinion matter if the panellist from their region doesn't even agree with them?

So don't let it get to you. You were chosen because we admire your insight, your help to the community, your knowledge, and your diplomacy.

Thank you for explaining the positive side of things; however, after reading the rest of the posts I'm still convinced that the PR is doing more harm than good. A couple of people may have been motivated the right way, and good for them, but I think for most people it's just a negative influence and just starts too much ****.

I thought about getting higher, but I suck anyway. it gives false hope, alienate minds. as if performing was all there is to this game. I can't believe I've putted aside the world's greatest thing at STYD 2, fun.
I agree with Max 100% here. Smash is supposed to be about fun, not having a number next to your name.

There's your reason for keeping the PR going, right there.

I'm probably not the biggest fan of the PR myself, but I do feel it gives everyone who actually bothers to show up and perform at tournaments a little something extra. It's just like the Magic : The Gathering rating system : me and my friends go to Magic tournaments because we like the game, but comparing the rankings and ratings that we get for our performances also makes for friendly competition and trash talk. The problem isn't the PR itself, it's the individuals who react like ***** when they see it (and they are a minority, may I remind you).
The problem is, just like Magic rankings, when people get too absorbed in their ranking. Have you ever played at a Magic tourney where someone *****ed that they lost to some low-ranker and made johns for hours? Unlike the PR where rankings don't really mean too much, in Magic the ranking is very serious for those who want to go to the big tourneys, since you need at least a certain ranking to play in some of them (haven't played MTG seriously in a while so I don't remember the tourney names exactly, sorry). I don't want the community here to end up like that.

im definitely pro on this issue. The basic fundamental concept of the PR is a relative standing of competition. It is the effect of action of each competitive smasher. If you're pro, like Vwins, Bam, or Chet, then you are at the top, and that my fellow smashers is an accomplishment, to be at the top. But the PR is the result of competitive play, and those who are against the PR should quit the game and go be ghey and then maybe die. The reason you play competitively is to be compettive, to be the best, to be undefeated, to put all others to shame by method of fourstock. And it is motivation to see the recognition that Vwins gets, and all those below him to strive for the day that they might be in the same position, owning noobs from all across Canada.

All the *****ing is just an expression of how each individual is going to try and face every single person on the power rankings in hope that they will wreck one of them. Wth is wrong with that? When i see *****ing and trashtalk, i see spirit, not counter production against the community, the competitive scene, or the game itself.

The PR is the god**** reason i would travel 14 hours on a bus, getting no sleep over the majority of the weekend, and spending money that i dont really have to spend (knowing im not going to gain anything but those intense matches when i have the opportunity to try my hardest and improve myself). If the PR can cause this sort of behavior then **** yeah, that is incredibly useful to the community.
I follow your points on the whole competition/accomplishment part, but I disagree on why people travel to tourneys. There are other reasons to travel to tournaments; to see new places, meet new people, hang out with friends, and so on. Do you really go into every single tournament expecting to be #1 all the time? If you were able to go to an MLG, or FC, or whatever would you really expect to beat Ken, KDJ, PC Chris, and all the other US pros? I personally didn't spend hundreds of dollars going to FC6 expecting to kick everyone's ***, I went because I wanted to see what a big, 200+ person US multi-day tournament was like, to get some experience vs. out-of-country smashers, and to spend time with my friends who play SSBM. Even with no expectations, I still made it to second round of pools :)


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
too much truth in fogel's post. thats also why I'm pissed to give lifts. Its never as fun as being with the whole gosu crew <3. I didn't go to some tournament/smashfest because they weren't going.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Toronto, Canada
What I don't understand is why if all you're interested in is fun, you guys enter tournies? Why don't you just come and play friendlies the whole time? I think it's because competition IS fun. It's the only reason I'm still playing this game, that's for sure. You have to imagine that after playing a game for roughly 5 years, the initial enjoyment factor you get from playing begins to wear off, and you look for more ways to make the game interesting (smash drinking games anyone?).

I know in my case this game became 100% more interesting when I found out there was a competitive community for it. I can tell you that the people I could potentially meet, and play with, wasn't the first thing that attracted me to the scene, it was proving myself to be the best, or atleast one of the best. That's something that simply couldn't be accomplished without the PR, atleast not to the same degree, not even close. I would have loved for there to be PR for me when I was an up and coming noob. It gives smashers a target, a goal, and for anyone who's interested in being one of the best, that's very important, and very motivating.

Smash is like any other competitive sport. When's the last time you heard a pro hockey player saying "Why do we need to rank our players and teams, why can't we all just play for fun, and dance in sugar plum fields with lolly pops and puppy dogs?!" If you say you're only in it for fun, I say you're full of it, and you're only *****ing about the PR because of a low rank, or lack of any rank at all. If you lost confidence in yourself, and don't think you can handle the pressure of the PR, drop off it, that's fine, just don't drag down the rest of us with you, cause I'd say the general consensus is that the PR = a good thing.

EDIT: When's the PR being updated anyway?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
Smash is like any other competitive sport. When's the last time you heard a pro hockey player saying "Why do we need to rank our players and teams, why can't we all just play for fun, and dance in sugar plum fields with lolly pops and puppy dogs?!" ?
yea but hockey players live with this sports... we can't spend our life playing smash : / bad exemple there... but i understand ur point still

anyway brawl is comming soon and there's less and less tournys... so why care?


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
When you go into a competition, do you go for fun? Are you kidding me!? Do you really think those people that compete into sports or whatever it is, think that "Oh im just going there for fun and whatever" please.. These people spend countless hours training to be number 1, they try their hardest to win...

Why can't you be the same? I think the PR is great, it gives you motivation and aspiration towards the higher guys.. its like omg I just got ***** by Chet or PKM. To me thats just a kick in the butt that I know I can get much better and I try my best to fight equally with the number 1. I dont know about you guys but if all you do is play for fun then whytf do you come in the tournaments in the first place? Competition is meant to push you to your limits! IMO, you got no right to ***** about rankings if all you do is play for fun.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
When you go into a competition, do you go for fun? Are you kidding me!? Do you really think those people that compete into sports or whatever it is, think that "Oh im just going there for fun and whatever" please.. These people spend countless hours training to be number 1, they try their hardest to win...

Why can't you be the same? I think the PR is great, it gives you motivation and aspiration towards the higher guys.. its like omg I just got ***** by Chet or PKM. To me thats just a kick in the butt that I know I can get much better and I try my best to fight equally with the number 1. I dont know about you guys but if all you do is play for fun then whytf do you come in the tournaments in the first place? Competition is meant to push you to your limits! IMO, you got no right to ***** about rankings if all you do is play for fun.
The first time I went to a tournament, it was mostly fun oriented ONLY. I was playing link, because he's fun.

we finished second in teams me and bam. considering we played with advanced techs for 4 months, and haven't really played for 3 years or so it was a "good" performance according to my skill level back then.
I also did good in singles. the more I became competitive, the worst was my performance. since the games can get so boring, I need fun to keep concentrated. So if fun works for me, it works. if you can compete just for the shake of being the best, it works for you. But since I'm in for fun mostly, I didn't see much usefulness in it. I'd like to do a fun ranking, where cemo and thatguy would be getting a spot definitly. Being obssessed with being the best, doesn't work. you have to set personal goals. PR usualy blinds people into getting too high goals. It is of course my personal opinions. It just a matter of using it or not. I decided I should not use it anymore. If my name's on there fine but that's it nothing more nothing less. Cameron and del shouldn't leave the panelists job. as they are most fitted and neutral. and also the fact they don't care anymore about the pr counter the self praise during meeting. (del claiming to go higher than bread or whoever)

I personaly thinks that sport has adrenaline, physical efforts and a much more fun factor in improving, since it really pays/show. we can't compare Video games competitions and sport competition definitly.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Damax are you talking about No Mercy vs. The World? Because we all sucked pretty hard XD Well I did anyways... T.T

But you've improved a ton since then, and even if your performance has gone done, your skill has improved tenfold. You wouldn't believe how bad you looked in old matches I had of you on tape (gone now sorry). I think the next step for you is learning how to perform, eh? Instead of trying to get better...try getting more consistent.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Damax are you talking about No Mercy vs. The World? Because we all sucked pretty hard XD Well I did anyways... T.T

But you've improved a ton since then, and even if your performance has gone done, your skill has improved tenfold. You wouldn't believe how bad you looked in old matches I had of you on tape (gone now sorry). I think the next step for you is learning how to perform, eh? Instead of trying to get better...try getting more consistent.
Thos post are useless arguing. Msn me those instead. my main points where: don't blame piss off those who wish to play for fun. PR Panelist Del and Cameron, shouldn't leave.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2006
What I don't understand is why if all you're interested in is fun, you guys enter tournies? Why don't you just come and play friendlies the whole time? I think it's because competition IS fun. It's the only reason I'm still playing this game, that's for sure. You have to imagine that after playing a game for roughly 5 years, the initial enjoyment factor you get from playing begins to wear off, and you look for more ways to make the game interesting (smash drinking games anyone?).

I know in my case this game became 100% more interesting when I found out there was a competitive community for it. I can tell you that the people I could potentially meet, and play with, wasn't the first thing that attracted me to the scene, it was proving myself to be the best, or atleast one of the best. That's something that simply couldn't be accomplished without the PR, atleast not to the same degree, not even close. I would have loved for there to be PR for me when I was an up and coming noob. It gives smashers a target, a goal, and for anyone who's interested in being one of the best, that's very important, and very motivating.

Smash is like any other competitive sport. When's the last time you heard a pro hockey player saying "Why do we need to rank our players and teams, why can't we all just play for fun, and dance in sugar plum fields with lolly pops and puppy dogs?!" If you say you're only in it for fun, I say you're full of it, and you're only *****ing about the PR because of a low rank, or lack of any rank at all. If you lost confidence in yourself, and don't think you can handle the pressure of the PR, drop off it, that's fine, just don't drag down the rest of us with you, cause I'd say the general consensus is that the PR = a good thing.

EDIT: When's the PR being updated anyway?
i cheer to that

Deleted member

Lot of these posts made me think a bit - I'm going to restate my stance.

I think the PR is definitely needed..but probably not for Melee anymore. When Brawl comes out, definitely. We definitely need this PR experience to set up a PR for Brawl the second it comes out. I'm not sure why I thought the PR was really detrimental..I was definitely exaggerating. So yeah. I'm cool with it being alive, but at the same time, I kinda see it as an exercise in futility.


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
There's nothing wrong about competition... as long as it remains healty.

I like the PR because it gives me a goal... Vwins might be #1 at next update, so I will do my best to get better so that I can **** him in the future.

I'll be comming for you VWINS!!! you'll see... you'll see...

(humph, stupide Vwins avec ses stupides bair-dair combo <--- I mean, wtf is that?)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
First off, a lot of people seem to misinterpret me; I'm not anti-PR, I think it could be a good thing, but that too many people in this community are taking it the wrong way. I still DO think that too many people are taking it too seriously. That being said, people this time around seem more reasonable, and some arguments have convinced me to go back on the panel again if I'm wanted. Chet, let me know if you want me back :p

What I don't understand is why if all you're interested in is fun, you guys enter tournies? Why don't you just come and play friendlies the whole time? I think it's because competition IS fun. It's the only reason I'm still playing this game, that's for sure. You have to imagine that after playing a game for roughly 5 years, the initial enjoyment factor you get from playing begins to wear off, and you look for more ways to make the game interesting (smash drinking games anyone?).

I know in my case this game became 100% more interesting when I found out there was a competitive community for it. I can tell you that the people I could potentially meet, and play with, wasn't the first thing that attracted me to the scene, it was proving myself to be the best, or atleast one of the best. That's something that simply couldn't be accomplished without the PR, atleast not to the same degree, not even close. I would have loved for there to be PR for me when I was an up and coming noob. It gives smashers a target, a goal, and for anyone who's interested in being one of the best, that's very important, and very motivating.

Smash is like any other competitive sport. When's the last time you heard a pro hockey player saying "Why do we need to rank our players and teams, why can't we all just play for fun, and dance in sugar plum fields with lolly pops and puppy dogs?!" If you say you're only in it for fun, I say you're full of it, and you're only *****ing about the PR because of a low rank, or lack of any rank at all. If you lost confidence in yourself, and don't think you can handle the pressure of the PR, drop off it, that's fine, just don't drag down the rest of us with you, cause I'd say the general consensus is that the PR = a good thing.
When you go into a competition, do you go for fun? Are you kidding me!? Do you really think those people that compete into sports or whatever it is, think that "Oh im just going there for fun and whatever" please.. These people spend countless hours training to be number 1, they try their hardest to win...

Why can't you be the same? I think the PR is great, it gives you motivation and aspiration towards the higher guys.. its like omg I just got ***** by Chet or PKM. To me thats just a kick in the butt that I know I can get much better and I try my best to fight equally with the number 1. I dont know about you guys but if all you do is play for fun then whytf do you come in the tournaments in the first place? Competition is meant to push you to your limits! IMO, you got no right to ***** about rankings if all you do is play for fun.
You guys have many of the same points, so I'm going to respond to both of you at the same time. First off, you are both saying that playing competitively and playing for fun are opposites; I disagree. Personally, I have fun playing in tourney matches, seeing if my strategies and techniques are good enough to beat whoever I'm currently playing against. GPWN made a post earlier saying that he plays for himself, and I'm kind of the same way. I want to see how much better I can get, and how far I can go with this game; I have fun trying to do these things. So for me, 'competition' and 'fun' are the same thing. I'm not going to debate that point further, since 'fun' is just someone's personal opinion. I just wanted to make you aware that there are people who DO have fun while trying their best to win.

As for the PR as a way of "knowing" who's the best...everyone in this community knows that chet/test/pkm, and now recently bam/vwins, are the best. Most people knew this before the PR existed. Before the PR, most people were chasing after these people anyway...things aren't really too different nowadays, except now you can read a list instead of following along with tourney results. If it takes a list to get you motivated, then go nuts! Personally, the existence of the PR hasn't changed my motivation; of course we'd all love to be as good as those guys! I don't see how the PR changes that.

My last point's mainly for Bread: comparing 'competitive' smash and competitive sports is a joke; no one is seriously making a living off SSBM (no, not even Ken...MLGs don't pay enough to live off of). For competitive sports, you make a living off of how well you do. If you can't keep up in that world, you're done; for SSBM the consequences of losing/not being skilled are much less severe. Also, the amount of hours they put in to stay competitive is MUCH MUCH higher than the amount we put in. From talking to people, I think most smash groups only play once a week, or less. This is way less than the amount of time people put in for 'real' competitive sports. I think most of us would get burned out if we all played SSBM that much.

Also, way to mock people with a low/no ranking :p You seem very defensive about this whole thing, no need to attack us personally.

I also did good in singles. the more I became competitive, the worst was my performance. since the games can get so boring, I need fun to keep concentrated. So if fun works for me, it works. if you can compete just for the shake of being the best, it works for you. But since I'm in for fun mostly, I didn't see much usefulness in it. I'd like to do a fun ranking, where cemo and thatguy would be getting a spot definitly. Being obssessed with being the best, doesn't work. you have to set personal goals. PR usualy blinds people into getting too high goals. It is of course my personal opinions. It just a matter of using it or not. I decided I should not use it anymore. If my name's on there fine but that's it nothing more nothing less. Cameron and del shouldn't leave the panelists job. as they are most fitted and neutral. and also the fact they don't care anymore about the pr counter the self praise during meeting. (del claiming to go higher than bread or whoever)
There's are a lot of good points in this post. Personal goals are important; do what YOU want to do with this game, don't worry so much about other people's opinions. If you worry too much about an internet ranking, you're gonna just be hit that much harder by a loss. Also, thinking about that kind of stuff while in a match may distract you from the opponent :)

I never play this game. I don't practice and I don't have fun playing it. I just like competition, and the PR is the best way to prove your competitiveness.

We all have our different views on it, but the majority of us still want the PR.
I didn't know you didn't like playing this game :( Why spend so much time on something you don't even enjoy doing? At least do something fun with your time.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
Some people keep refering to "too many people" taking the PR too seriously or whatever. I personally think it's 3-4 people MAXIMUM who take it "too seriously". And I honestly don't consider 3-4 people "too many people" or a "whole bunch of people".

And since everyone else is doing it, so will I.

I play smash because it is one of the few games that can actually keep me interested in it. It appears I have quite the low attention span for most things (especially music on the car radio, ask brian or vlad). Smash is one of the few games that can keep me playing for hours and hours.

Deleted member

Some people keep refering to "too many people" taking the PR too seriously or whatever. I personally think it's 3-4 people MAXIMUM who take it "too seriously". And I honestly don't consider 3-4 people "too many people" or a "whole bunch of people".

And since everyone else is doing it, so will I.

I play smash because it is one of the few games that can actually keep me interested in it. It appears I have quite the low attention span for most things (especially music on the car radio, ask brian or vlad). Smash is one of the few games that can keep me playing for hours and hours.
Why is it always the Falcon players that can't get enough smash ever? Kio is a fiend.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
i don't understand why dice should be higher than me imo. ... i did the exact same thing on locke) and finished tied with him... i think we are like really close to each other. but yea, love falcon's player , got lots of respect for them

please put my name back on jesus christ

so yea i won't really complain cuz matt kicked me out of losers and i'm still top 10 so -_-:)


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Hey, how is Delorted staying put but Damax gets knocked off? Delorted placed lower in both singles and teams, Damax performed better overall and he's been more consistant than Delorted. They both lost to Bread but Damax also got knocked out by PKM while Del got knocked out by Matt. That makes no sense at all. If anything Del should be replaced by Damax, or Damax should be higher and Tect gets bumped off.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Hey, how is Delorted staying put but Damax gets knocked off? Delorted placed lower in both singles and teams, Damax performed better overall and he's been more consistant than Delorted. They both lost to Bread but Damax also got knocked out by PKM while Del got knocked out by Matt. That makes no sense at all. If anything Del should be replaced by Damax, or Damax should be higher and Tect gets bumped off.
Because I asked to get off... however I said I didn't care weither I was on or not. I dunno. Their choice, I care little.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
Name will be modified. All the panellists agreed that it would have been a cool name. =(

We might proceed to some changes though.

i loled...

yea idk about tect but ive seen that he improved a lot... and he did really close matchs agains rimi
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