-Adding buttons=/= cosmetic. Playstation and Xbox remotes have been adding extra buttons pretty much for every controller, are those just "cosmetic" changes?
-Controllers =/= computers, the playstation and xbox consoles have barely changed their remotes, but for some reason it's fine for Nintendo to rehaul them every new generation.
-Well, people would want that supposed controller if it existed,
But it doesn't and until then, people will be using their gcn remotes. There's no "can't get better" mentality here that you aren't imagining. Opinions are subject to change, if you haven't noticed.
-It's not a "luxury item", it's a way to play the game that has been used for 10+ years, and the only reason the controller was discontinued is because the Wii U doesn't support gcn ports, hence why it was selling up to the Wii U's launch.
Like i said before, if you're against signing the petition, Just leave. This thread was supposed to be about the petition, and not about People whining about other people wanting a new gcn style remote.
Check M2k's profile, he posted the thread in just about every forum. This is the only one that exploded over it, so @
Eternal phoenix Fire
Is right.