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David is way too cool to be seen with you in public

  • yes

    Votes: 53 64.6%
  • Its true. I am way too cool to be seen with you in public.

    Votes: 29 35.4%

  • Total voters


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
*** i remember that ****. I remember asking maiko about what those were when I was studying for that chem midterm last year.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
four numbers can describe the position of an electron in this model

the electrons exist in orbitals around the nucleus, and each orbital has sub-orbitals.

first number is n... it describes the principal shell. you can sorta think about it as how far away the electron is from the nucleus. an electron with n=1 is the closest. an electron with n=2 is much farther away.

the second number l describes the shape of the orbital. at each level (where the level is described by n) there are different shape of orbitals. n=1 only has a spherical orbital, since l can only be 0 (s-orbital). for n=2, l can be 0 or 1. there's two shapes of orbitals for n=2: a spherical one (l=0) and a dumbell shaped one (l=1; p-orbital). n=3 has l=0,1,2, so you have s,p and d-orbitals in n=3.

the third number ml describes orientation. spherical orbitals only have one orientation, so ml can only have one value, 0. p orbitals have three orientations, one along each axis. these are described by ml=-1,0,1. d orbitals have five orientations, ml=-2,-1,0,1,2.

the final number ms describes spin. each orbital and orientation (n,l,ml) can have two electrons (so you can have two electrons with the same n,l,ml), but those two electrons must have a different spin value. spin can be -1/2 or 1/2.

so it's kinda like n describes how far you are, l describes the shape of the orbital, ml describes which orbital (since there are 3 p-orbitals, 5 d-orbitals, etc.), ms describes spin.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2006
four numbers can describe the position of an electron in this model

the electrons exist in orbitals around the nucleus, and each orbital has sub-orbitals.

first number is n... it describes the principal shell. you can sorta think about it as how far away the electron is from the nucleus. an electron with n=1 is the closest. an electron with n=2 is much farther away.

the second number l describes the shape of the orbital. at each level (where the level is described by n) there are different shape of orbitals. n=1 only has a spherical orbital, since l can only be 0 (s-orbital). for n=2, l can be 0 or 1. there's two shapes of orbitals for n=2: a spherical one (l=0) and a dumbell shaped one (l=1; p-orbital). n=3 has l=0,1,2, so you have s,p and d-orbitals in n=3.

the third number ml describes orientation. spherical orbitals only have one orientation, so ml can only have one value, 0. p orbitals have three orientations, one along each axis. these are described by ml=-1,0,1. d orbitals have five orientations, ml=-2,-1,0,1,2.

the final number ms describes spin. each orbital and orientation (n,l,ml) can have two electrons (so you can have two electrons with the same n,l,ml), but those two electrons must have a different spin value. spin can be -1/2 or 1/2.

so it's kinda like n describes how far you are, l describes the shape of the orbital, ml describes which orbital (since there are 3 p-orbitals, 5 d-orbitals, etc.), ms describes spin.
lol i don't even know how you remember that.

after i finish the semester, i basically forget everything already, not to mention that was 2 years ago for you.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
it's some schrodinger's function isn't it? i don't think you need to know how to use it, unless they changed it.

that was about as clear as i can make it

imagine your nucleus, and then huge spheres centred around it. like...huge so that they're nowhere near touching each other. if your electron is chilling around the closest sphere, it's n=1. if it's chilling around the second closest, it's n=2.

each electron is always moving though, and they take different paths. if they move along a sphere it's l=0. if they move in a figure-8-ish pattern, it's l=1. l=2 has some complex shape, and l=3 is even more complex. look them up... a picture would help you visualize them.

if it's moving along a sphere, then it's the same no matter how you rotate it. ie- there's only one orientation. if it's moving in a figure-8, it can be aligned with an x,y or z-axis. ie- there's three orientations. that's what ml describes. -1 is one orientation, 0 is another, and 1 is yet another. again, look up pictures of these orbitals, because it really helps if you visualize it. the l=2 orbital has five different orientations.

now, only two electrons can be at the same level, in the same orbital in the same orientation. you differentiate between the two by ms, which is either 1/2 or -1/2.

that's the best i can do.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2006
Lol just saw the poll and ill agree that i get the same vibe too.

David's always too cool to say hi to me


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
schrodinger's equation is effed. I took a course on quantum physics and it was BY FAR the most interesting course i've taken but man did it ever mess with my head


Smash Ace
May 30, 2010
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Paul 2 good...

Thought I had him with my Fox vs Jiggs, but last stock, a few b-airs and a lack of upsmash loses me the game. On Mangoland, too.

Oh and there's a pretty good Ganon player that came today, surprised 2 stocks off of me, skilled one more. Then I realized he was good and tech-read to F-smash.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 6, 2006
lol 101 was actually my favorite course last year.. :<

209 prof just goes at a blistering pace, i dont like him. :l
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