I've read bits and pieces of that thread too.
It's a nice idea and I'd be all for it (regardless, I have fun with Brawl competitively anyways) were it not for one glaring detail that could really do even MORE harm to what we're trying to make work.
Distributing this to all the smashers that want to compete. There's a difference between changing the rules and turning items off and banning some stages (people can get used to that if they're mature about it) and then there's ****** the final product of a game already in our grasp and throwing the professional scene into even FURTHER obscurity.
This could cause an even greater division, much more harmful then the Melee scene where people who play casually and those who play competitively are easily differentiated. If we went through with this, we'd end up with three classes.
1.) Casual
2.) Competitive
3.) Game Rapist Community
And I say that third one in a nice way and not in any form saying that anyone's a whiner or a moaner. There WOULD be no practicing for an upcoming tournament at home since everything you knew and worked hard at would be thrown out the goddamm window if it meant that a new form of AR was used to alter the game to heighten the experience and how the game plays.
Everyone would need to buy one of those. Everyone would need specific instructions on what coding you need to use to change it to EXACTLY how you would in the new competitive light. And what happens if someone comes to the tournament in their area and realize, "Oh crap. I made a mistake and didn't know that this is what we can do now." Complaints will run rampant and all kinds of hell will break loose. Do we really want to try and make three classes where, no offense, the third will be VERY minor? We wouldn't get the redemption of returning to the main MLG circuits with hacking the system to alter everything to the glory Melee ways. It wouldn't be the same nor would it really be smiled upon. A lot of other competitive video gamers from different games may frown at us and think, "Wow. They had to bend ALL the aspects of the newest game to make it good. That's sad." I don't think I could play a game in the same circle of those who want to go as low as to shut themselves away from the rest of the world filled with those who want to pursue glory in the tournament spotlight but have to hack and pump a game full of Melee steroids to do so.
As much of a nice idea as it is, the primary issue is distribution. There wouldn't be enough of it.
I just have a bad feeling about this.
I'll pray for some official update or a patch if I REALLY want to give Brawl more of an edge. Until then, I don't want any part in hacking and the whatnot in order to compete at my best of my abilities with what I have.
I like the auto-sweetspot. And it's not like they made it so that it's ALWAYS automatic. As a matter of fact I know how to bypass the edge with all characters. If you hold down (or a diagonal portion of down) as you're moving (for some who charge their recovery such as Fox, Falco, or Wolf, you do this immediately after you've launched yourself) towards the edge, you won't sweetspot and you could land on the stage instead of always snatching the edge like it was in Melee. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed this but I utilize this with Link often.
Anywho, I'm done. G'night.