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David is way too cool to be seen with you in public

  • yes

    Votes: 53 64.6%
  • Its true. I am way too cool to be seen with you in public.

    Votes: 29 35.4%

  • Total voters


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Really? Physics is cool and all, but those things have been like that since the beginning of time, it's just that we have discovered them recently. Math on the other hand is man made, and yet there is such complexity to it. Math allows you to know those things listed.

Math vs science battle right now? :p


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
wtf Levi. I only like the second one from the right. :/ So awful. I feel like killing myself.

Hmm. Science is so broad though. If you mean physics vs math, I wouldn't know what to choose. <3

(Solving physics using calculus would get my vote tho. LOLOL)


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
What are your guy's opinion on biology in respect to the other 2 standard science courses, ie: physics and chemistry? The class itself feels so distinct in comparison to the other available science courses, since it's complete memorization and application of facts and theories where as the other 2 courses are primarily equation based questions in which you have to apply to proper theory and principal that would help prove your case.

I know a lot of people who decided to either skip out biology in general, or ditch it after biology 20. Personally, I don't find it *as* exciting as the latter, and it's so concentrated on memorization of parts and functions, that my interest is lost until exam written responses and essays where you would discuss the idea and applications in further detail. Opinions?

Also, humanity courses suck. Who's with me?


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Compared to physics? Biology is pretty different. Chemistry relates to it pretty well, as does it relate to physics well. I wouldn't say it's so distinct. Physics is just as distinct as biology. Both aren't very related and both relate to chemistry. So in a way I guess they are kind of similar (in that sense). Biology is pretty exciting considering lots of the stuff learned relates to how humans function, and how they can be killed. A great understanding on biology has allowed humans to live for a longer period of time, which is a lot more important than most of the things presented in chemistry and physics. Like who cares how atoms exist with each other when people are only living till 30 years?

I'll agree that the class itself is a little boring, but it has its moments. Although I am only in Bio 20, it's interesting to see how each body system relates to each other, and how there can be so much information on one single organism (being humans). Then there is the world of animals and plants, which are just as complex. It's cool how there are two sciences that deals with the entire universe and then there is a whole other practice for earth a lone.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
I suppose your right, but I find learning about say, the hadron-collider for example is pretty exciting in itself. I'm not having a huge thrill ride in Biology, but I guess it is interesting to learn about how the flagella functions and how evolution attempts to explain it's design. I guess the problem about it is, in Biology you can't practice with sample questions etc, instead, you're left staring at a diagrams for a few hours. Physics is so exciting and entertaining because not only do you read about fantastic facts about how the universe works, but you can do page-long questions, which is a ball. Like, 3-D collision questions are orgasmic.

Biology 20 was a lot less exciting than 30 with the exception of the evolution unit, which I found fairly stimulating, and it caused a lot of discussion and debate amongst my class which made that particular unit fairly exciting. I must admit, learning about how something we take for granted, such as hearing, can be so complex. Especially with something like the kidney and how that functions, and the release of hormones etc, Biology 30 really made me ponder the idea of theism, and at the same time, especially after learning about the brain, regretting it.

Anyways, I'm starting to lean towards a fairly controversial topic, so I'll try to ease our way back into a more appropriate topic. You're in grade 11 right Luke? I'm assuming you're taking Math 30P?


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Well can't physics also make you question religion? I mean even more than biology? Either way debating religion is stupid. There is no way to prove it wrong or right. But too be honest I think it's in everyone's best interest to believe in God, because think about it, what if God did exist? I meant like if he did, and you didn't believe in his existence wouldn't you just go to hell? But if I do believe in him I would be safe no matter what. Although I actually don't have this frame of mind, I am just trying to point out the biggest flaw in the argument of "No God".

Anyways I'd rather not go into no God vs God, because I am on the no God side, and it's not because of science.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
That guy looks like Chad....if he was 50 years old.

I tried to advert that topic, but I suppose I got what was coming. Physics did too I suppose, with the big bang controversy and all, but Biology definitely made me question it more, since people in my class had already begun talking about how this and that came to be through natural selection, it just made me think about it more. I mean, has anyone see the inside of an ear, or a flagella. My mind explodes at the very thought, and I wish I could know the exact answer, but not much can really be done i guess.

The argument that you brought up about having to believing god in order to be safe is referred to as Pascal's Wager where it's safer to believe in a god rather than not believing in a god. The upsetting thing about this is, each religion is fairly strict as to which god is worshiped, so simply believing in a faceless god would do you just as good as not believing in one at all. If the christian god was the one you worshiped, but it turned out that Allah is the true universal god, then you're pretty well ****ed. It's difficult to really choose a religion in which you can feel safe when you grew up in a fairly religious-less family, with the exception of standard Chinese "religious" traditions etc.

[edit] lol Colin. You rock.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Well I guess I could argue that most religions talk about the same God, but that is based on even more belief, but there is enough evidence to support that, but I really don't want to pull out sources and ****. I am not that committed to stating a point in a debate such as this. But even if each religion talks about a different God, even if you pick just one then your chances of living a good after-life increase. And with Christianity which has a good deal of the population under it's "control" I guess that would be the safest religion to follow. So like believe in one God and be that much more, I guess safe from being ****ed over, or don't believe in any God and have nothing to fall on. A pretty trivial topic, but it has some validity to it.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Christianity only seems like its a safe religion to follow since we live in a primarily "white" community. You visit China, or India or the middle eastern countries and you'll think otherwise. I mean really, would it be fair for a child born in Pakistan to be sent to hell only because it was "safest" for him to follow the most popular belief, (which through your logic, would be a more risky one) that happens to be in popular in his community? Of course not.

Really, the idea of an after-life is so...questionable. What I mean is, if theists believed so strongly in an afterlife, why would they weep at funerals? Why would they pray for they're sick loved ones to get better? If it were me, i'd be ecstatic to die. Visiting you're deceased family members, talking to famous deceased people. Why would people mourn rather that celebrate? I envy Christians since when their love ones die, they have the belief that they'll be able to see them, and talk to them again. But even then, it's questionable.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
A lot of people are either hesitant and avoid the subject entirely or they find it boring, or both. I'm interested in the opinions of others on the subject. It's interesting.

Speaking of interesting, I think i'm gonna try and main Peach now. Aside from Marth obviously.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2005
Really? Physics is cool and all, but those things have been like that since the beginning of time, it's just that we have discovered them recently. Math on the other hand is man made, and yet there is such complexity to it. Math allows you to know those things listed.

Math vs science battle right now? :p
Math isn't a number.

It's definitely superior to physics, but you cant look at them in the same way. The operations you do in math don't have quantity or a "value" so you can't appreciate it in the same respect. Jarret said Pi is the most amazing NUMBER


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I hope science actually starts to get in-depth in highschool. I hate how in jr high, you just get taught bits and pieces of information, with no real explanation on WHY it works that way... So often we end up forgetting half the stuff we learn.

Basically I did an independant research project on quantum mechanics in grade 6, and I noticed it was WAY easier to learn something if you just keep going more and more in depth until you finally get the whole picture. Instead of just stopping the subject when you learn about protons, neutrons and electrons, you continue on to quarks, mesons, gluons, fundamental forces, ect. until everything truly makes sense.

Luckily the internet exists though so I can actually make sense out of the random stuff I get fed in jr. high... ^_^

edit: I should be asleep...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
I hope science actually starts to get in-depth in highschool. I hate how in jr high, you just get taught bits and pieces of information, with no real explanation on WHY it works that way... So often we end up forgetting half the stuff we learn.

Basically I did an independant research project on quantum mechanics in grade 6, and I noticed it was WAY easier to learn something if you just keep going more and more in depth until you finally get the whole picture. Instead of just stopping the subject when you learn about protons, neutrons and electrons, you continue on to quarks, mesons, gluons, fundamental forces, ect. until everything truly makes sense.

Luckily the internet exists though so I can actually make sense out of the random stuff I get fed in jr. high... ^_^

edit: I should be asleep...
Well in university what happens is they teach you all this math. And then you don't do any math for like a year and forget it all. Then all of a sudden ALL you courses are using the math you forgot. Also, doing derivations in class is probably one of the most painful experiences in life.

Also, this is amazing
Makes late night surfing less painful on my eyes.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2001
Edmonton AB CA
Really, the idea of an after-life is so...questionable. What I mean is, if theists believed so strongly in an afterlife, why would they weep at funerals? Why would they pray for they're sick loved ones to get better? If it were me, i'd be ecstatic to die. Visiting you're deceased family members, talking to famous deceased people. Why would people mourn rather that celebrate? I envy Christians since when their love ones die, they have the belief that they'll be able to see them, and talk to them again. But even then, it's questionable.
I listened to a fantastic lecture on the function of dissonance in music and it's relation to everyday life and religion. I'm terrible at summarizing effectively, but the idea was that resolution is impossible without dissonance, and that the path to joy is through the existance of sorrow. It was quite moving. I wish I could explain it more effectively.

Oh yeah, I was getting to the point that I think the stereotypical Christian "heaven" would be extremely mundane.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Dude. A loved one has died. You'll never see them again for the rest of your life. Of course you'll be sad. But I'm Agnostic anyways so...

I still don't have a god**** main. After the last smashfest I'm like, "**** yeah, I'll take up c. Falcon". Then, I play Marth for a little bit and am like, "K, I'll main Marth."

Then I played some Ganondorf and was like, "**** YEAH, GANONDORF!". Then I died by trying to ledge wavedash multiple times. Then I watched some TV. Now I'm posting ^_^


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2006
i find that bio chem and phys are very different from each other equally lol.

its like rock paper scissors


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Dude. A loved one has died. You'll never see them again for the rest of your life. Of course you'll be sad. But I'm Agnostic anyways so...

I still don't have a god**** main. After the last smashfest I'm like, "**** yeah, I'll take up c. Falcon". Then, I play Marth for a little bit and am like, "K, I'll main Marth."

Then I played some Ganondorf and was like, "**** YEAH, GANONDORF!". Then I died by trying to ledge wavedash multiple times. Then I watched some TV. Now I'm posting ^_^
Yes, but that wouldn't be the case if you were religious, more specifically christian.

Just stick with Marth, like everyone else. I'm coming down to Edmonton for all of spring break, so i'll be able to smash at least once. I really wanna try out my peach against other people now! =D


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Math isn't a number.

It's definitely superior to physics, but you cant look at them in the same way. The operations you do in math don't have quantity or a "value" so you can't appreciate it in the same respect. Jarret said Pi is the most amazing NUMBER
I never did say math is a number. Just wanted to point that out. The quote you presented doesn't even suggest that :\.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta

Yes, but that wouldn't be the case if you were religious, more specifically christian.

Just stick with Marth, like everyone else. I'm coming down to Edmonton for all of spring break, so i'll be able to smash at least once. I really wanna try out my peach against other people now! =D
You're going to come down here, and be available for only ONE day.

And then we'll be like, 'Okay, smash on this day' and you'll be like, 'Alright!'

Then you'll be like, 'Oh, I gotta go to WEM'.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Oh yeah, another reason I want to stay away from Marth is because it's hard for me NOT to wall-jump tech. Whenever I do it with Marth I side B by instinct and kill all my momentum and then SD.

If I'm c. Falcon/Fox/Falco I don't need to worry about it.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Yorkton, SK
omg u gaiz, I gots a Ninjask and a Shedinja.

...But she changed genders upon evolving. ._.; Creepy.

omg speed boost, omg wonder guard


This is awesome


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
LOL I just won a school pi trivia competition, because you guys reminded me of pi day so I read the entire wikipedia section on pi the night before.
The last question asked if pi was mentioned in the bible... I said yes for the heck of it, and apparently it was...
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