... To hell with it, I've at least got one last thing to say.
The only reason why some of us tried to encourage people to play Brawl is because if ALL everyone talked about was Melee, there would be no such thing as Brawl in Alberta. Like, at all. I'm sure a lot of you would do backflips if the game rolled over and died (not taking personal jabs or anything, it's just the truth of the game you like better, and I don't have gripes with that); but if you don't push and try, you'll never know in the end. It's like encouraging new players to the community to play Melee. You guys would do it just as much as someone like me would encourage Brawl (though granted, I'd recommend Melee at the same time, being a lover of both games)
I tried to get Brawl involved, and I still might try to host something for it along with the other games (before Genesis was announced...), but it just will not feel the same. Alberta has little to no spirit in the third game, and there's nothing I can really do about that except be angry. But being angry won't solve anything, so... I don't even know what to do anymore. I'm very close to just accepting the fact that whether I try, or whether I just leave it be, Brawl will never be a spectacle in Alberta like it is in other provinces or states.
I'd call myself unlucky, but you guys are awesome friends as is. I'd rather have you guys over video games anyday, because putting a game before people is ridiculous and only closes yourself off more.
I try to get Brawl bustling here, and no one listens (and if someone does, it's such a rarity)
I don't say anything, and Melee's still running strong.
Nothing wrong with that, but no one has the right to tell me to stop complaining though, if only for a little while.
Sorry for any kind of fires I started or something? O_o I dunno. Enjoy your Melee guys, I'll seeya at CT5 or whatever.