Tyler does bring up a good point about people pushing away people trying to put forward an effort, I don't think people actively try to be jerks about things, but from having run events, as well as been around forever now, I can safely say it's hard to want to consistantly provide when you're constantly met with empty complaints and bashing, everyone can see it with how popular I am lately, the honest truth is respectfully, I've done more then pretty much anyone who has been complaining, the majority of humble people are people who have dealt with the same pressures.
That all being said, again, I think we're losing sight of what matters, we all mean well for the community, I can safely say I have no interest in playing brawl, I find it a boring as hell game, but I respect those who play it, and have seen very legitimate matches come from it, No hard feelings to anyone, and some of the best parts of the community are the brawl players, I just don't really care to play it myself. I think thats a fair statement. I put it priority over Project M, I think that is proof to anyone who doesn't believe I care.
Brad didn't listen to me and went Mario instead of ike, so I blame him lol. Also I thought I could send Simon twice cause we were short one guy, so I was gonna have him slay all you peeps at the end.
I am willing to take that blame since literally nobody wanted me to go mario, ike is just so... like I dunno, I feel like he's a crutch! (That and I actually blame my less than great performance on myself and not Mario, I seriously just didn't play all that well, Mario is ****ing great in P:M, I think I would've done equally bad with Ike in that moment)
Simon would've slayed falcos no problem. I dunno how that count happened.
I think brad understands my agenda and i understand his, i think we are on the same page and he has no resentment towards me for that comment.
This is true, Clarke is a good guy, frustration gets the best of us all. Myself included of course.
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4. Don't under estimate what I'm capable of Tyler. I've done more for this community than you can ever imagine even before you entered the scene. I've talked the talk and I've walked the walk and I feel like I have seen success in my efforts. If my contributions and volunteered time over the last 8 years aren't appreciated by the very community i'm trying to help then I'll stop bothering. I'm in my last year of engineering and I honestly have a lot more things I need to worry about and my efforts, passion, and dedicated can easily be better spent elsewhere.
Insert Joke about Victor being in Seattle during a tournament he hosted.
I'd like to bring attention to a few parts of this statement. Victor is right, he has done... well its argueable that he's done more for alberta smash than anyone (Randall/Carl maybe?) Like, it's just fact that he's been a huge part of bringing everyone together, hell, CAST is the reason I stuck around.
That being said, Victor you also need to realize how new this community is, many of the players that attended ANY of the cast tournaments aren't here anymore, the majority of the community has no idea who you are, so making a statement so bold as this comes off as very rude. You know, evil villian at the end bashing the hero for not knowing anything of his power, stuff like that. I know Victor, I actually agree with the statement, just understand from a representitive standpoint that people are gonna judge you, I don't know why it's old players since they should agree, but still, I've fallen for this trick before, saying something that stings, even if it's honest, puts a bad view on yourself, thats the last thing any of us need.
But don't give up, we've all faced hardships. Look at Luke, out of old calgary, Myself and maybe Randall were the only people who didn't block his posts on smashboards, it was like, ridiculous how much hate he got, but he did provide for the community. (He loves doughnut powder too!) Same goes for Tyler. Everyone who puts themselves forward are going to gain a negative stigmatism from some group of people who see their flaws but can't see past them.
Hell, I just ran a tournament that was the most successful in a long time, but it didn't even run every event, I can't count the number of things I messed up (more than I'm willing to reveal tbqh) but overall, everyone was glad it happened.
I think we need to put this issue to rest and understand we all mean well, nobody is here because they want to see smash die. We all love this game, let's remember why we're here.
I support Victor, and think we should all give him a chance (this is mostly aimed at edmonton) on this club thing. Forgive him for bashing brawl, or saying bold things, theres nothing wrong with him thinking that, just let him learn to say it differently.