well, whatever.
we're no different from "animals," really. we ARE animals. i don't think that theres reason to think
that there is some sort of special ability that humans have that sets us so far above other species.
our sensory thingies recieve input or whatever then our bodies
react accordingly. of course it doesn't FEEL like we're automated just because of this first-person view
we're stuck with. but we're really simply organic robots. it's cool. who cares. it doesn't bother me.
there's no reason to be a human chauvinist and think we are so superior because it feels like we have
impossible ability to be free of the laws of nature and truly do what we want. thinking you're always part
of a higher, elite group is silly. if anything this gives me more respect for life seeing as humans are not
all that different from "other" animals.
and of course people are going to say that you could use lack of belief of free will to be a deadbeat or
pretty much don't do anything in life. my sister's said as much. even if she is wrong.
and i'm pretty sure that legitimate psychologists tend to NOT believe in free will.
this isn't a rare view among scientists, you know. i mean, there are even some biologists that promote the old-earth
theory and stuff. but they tend to not be taken seriously.
sometimes it feels as if people are so desperately holding on to this idea because it's some sort of sacred
thing that humans have. it really seems like a sort of narcissism to me.
and you're NOT really choosing to do things. your brain and other things are doing these things based on
what input you have recieved, nothing more. yeah. it certainly DOES feel like we are REALLY making
our decisions. it's not like we can jump out of our body and view ourselves in third person. but it's just an
illusion. like a sort of mirage or whatever.
really? I'm doing something because I want to, therefore I have free will? what a basic, poor argument.
it reminds me of arguments that creationists use, even.
we can't be 100% about anything. Yeah. I'm not 100% sure that god doesn't exist. I'm not 100% sure
that free will is false. I can't even be 100% that the chair I'm sitting on is real, and that it won't suddenly
dissappear and own me. but I can be ALMOST completely sure. and that's good enough for most. you can't
be completely sure of anything, but adopting a 50-50 agnostic stance towards eveything, like not just the
existence of supernatural nonsense, but silly things like fairies and garden knowmes is foolish. it's
obvious to see that although we can't be 100% on anything, we live on assumptions based on what is far
more likely. we go with the 99%, not the 1% possibility of something absurd happening. if people really
believed in the tiny possiblity of the absurd, people would be hesitating to do things like sitting down
because even though there is only a miniscule possibility of the chair not actually existing, we would take
that possiblity and run with it for everything just because since it's a possibility it MUST be equally valid,
as for the "theory thing"
gravity is "just" a theory. germ theory is "just" a theory. evolution is "just " a theory. just about
everything in science is a "theory."
but even if it is just a "theory", i'll take that over highly improbable (but still possible, just highly unlikely)
, magical explanations for human behavior such as "free will."
there is not really much of a reason to believe that humans defy the laws of the universe just because
we're human, unless you believe in supernatural stuff and the like it's like being a nationalist and die-
hard patriot.
whatever. i'm sure there are those that could argue this far better then I. like merek, but since he's not
a fool, he's not going to.
ah well.
so friday, right? like after bowling or something? or is that not happening or something. because
appaerntly Mira said something about neon bowling to cheer everyone up.
and I'm up/ down for smash as well. YAYYYUHHZZZZ
today, too, if anyone is up/down for smash today.
cell is 907-744-1969, so text or call to let me know if ya want. and merek isn't going to the melee
tournament, by the way. uh......coolllll. i guess. not really...
i'll drop this subject if everyone else will. it's more fun to just be a fool and yell unintelligably, although
debating DEEP stuff has it's charms too. i mean, you're not going to change my mind, i'm not probably
going to change yours, so WHATEVER. I'll just talke with mames about this DEEP stuff. i'm probably just
talking about this out of boredom and some deep down desire to make myself look smasrt, man.
later nya.