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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
ya, she was like "oh no! i left it at adrians house!" yesterday, also arent we watching ****ing GI Joe today? that **** looks tight. hit me up, im prolly leaving at 3ish


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
once upon a midnight dreary,
i surf the internet oh so weary.
Across youtube and facebook and reddit and more.
Oh how the web can open such a door.
Mainly to the world of porn,
but theres so much more...

Trying to remember my work schedule tomorrow,
so that i may plan to play smash, and hope some will follow,
The light from my screen pierces the darkness of my room.
Surely that healer will save me from my doom,
instead another druid pulled aggro after a huge BOOM.
And so another 50G for repairs...

Practicing my tech skill which is oh so ****ty,
ill be available tomorrow at around five-thirty,
lets get some TVs and controllers,
and so begins the money match starting at $3.50.
this challenge goes to adrian and kira...

Che hopefully will feel much better,
we need to send his grandma a letter,
saying "**** you *****! hope u get fatter!"
I think that we can all agree, maybe, this we shall see,
the smashfest can be help at my house...

This goes out to adrian who isnt moving,
and kira who seems dead set on proving,
her skills at games and voice acting.
As for Jason who needs to ****ing man up,
for all you know the answer could be "yup."
Oh and captain alaska needs to hit us up.

Its nearly time to go to sleep,
but theres still some taco bell upstairs to eat,
i think ill save it for tomorrow's lunch.
It's cool to have such awesome friends, yes indeed we are a quirky bunch...

i was bored...


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
just so you guys know, that giant sandbagging article or whatever was by lunaris


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
muahahahahah, not having that smashfest today was ****ing awesome. after paintball, went to UAA dorms and ****ing *****. 45 bucks sharked, thats my gas money for the month XD!!!!!!!!!!!! lol noobzorz


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
once upon a midnight dreary,
i surf the internet oh so weary.
Across youtube and facebook and reddit and more.
Oh how the web can open such a door.
Mainly to the world of porn,
but theres so much more...

Trying to remember my work schedule tomorrow,
so that i may plan to play smash, and hope some will follow,
The light from my screen pierces the darkness of my room.
Surely that healer will save me from my doom,
instead another druid pulled aggro after a huge BOOM.
And so another 50G for repairs...

Practicing my tech skill which is oh so ****ty,
ill be available tomorrow at around five-thirty,
lets get some TVs and controllers,
and so begins the money match starting at $3.50.
this challenge goes to adrian and kira...

Che hopefully will feel much better,
we need to send his grandma a letter,
saying "**** you *****! hope u get fatter!"
I think that we can all agree, maybe, this we shall see,
the smashfest can be help at my house...

This goes out to adrian who isnt moving,
and kira who seems dead set on proving,
her skills at games and voice acting.
As for Jason who needs to ****ing man up,
for all you know the answer could be "yup."
Oh and captain alaska needs to hit us up.

Its nearly time to go to sleep,
but theres still some taco bell upstairs to eat,
i think ill save it for tomorrow's lunch.
It's cool to have such awesome friends, yes indeed we are a quirky bunch...

i was bored...

i plan to add more to this... just a work in progress...


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
heres how it went.

"hey, u down for smash?"

"oh, im already at a friends house playing melee, and its all the way uptown."

"oh, ok, ill give u a call tomorrow to see if u wanna play then."

*hang up*

*looks to the left*

"hey bro, lets play paintball then we can come back to smash."

"we're gonna kick ur ***"

"we'll see."

*plays paintball*


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
*comes back from paintball*

"hows about this, 3v1, for every life you guys take from me ill give each of you 5 dollars, in addition if you guys win the match it'll be 10 dollars each. however If i win the match period, its gonna be 10 dollars from each of you, and you guys get to pick between my Link or Roy, Friendly fire on, and we play on Hyrule. same deal with brawl."

"****ING DEAL!!!"

*4 matches later*

"heres how you win, pick metaknight."

"what? he sucks. his attacks are so weak!"


"ok ok, fine, there, see, he sucks"

"ok, see this tornado thingy? thats all u need to do, ever. then down smash to kill."

"it takes forever to deal dmg... we have to go 3 lives of this ****?!"

"ok, heres one more trick, ok, use ur downB right? now instantly when u do it, ****ing flick ur Cstick up rly rly fast"

"omfg, wtf!"

"ya, after u take a life just do that for the rest of the 6 mins."

"cool, lets try a real match now."

*8 mins later*

"ur ****ing tricks didnt work!"

"ya, cuz they're my tricks..."


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
So Cal
I can prolly support my whole trip just playing you ppl, lol. If you shark ppl like thatin brawl I can shark you waaay harder. . .well thats if you'll even mm me ^_^


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
oh yeah thats what i was gonna say

race, me and you my falcon vs your X in melee, 10 dollars
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