To You, the One that Asked, and In This Format Because I Don't Know How To "Quote" Text.
I say "Heh heh heh" & Company because it sounds shady, I think. Suspicious and Shady-A most EXCELLENT combination. Heh heh heh.....or maybe I just like to post that because I have the brain of a nine year old and under.....whatever works I suppose.
Now for the
RIPENED OVARIES OF MY LABOR. (It's NOT gross. If you aren't a FOOL that is ,you would get my joke. Heh heh heh....)
Copy/Pasted from CRAIGSLIST, found through a simple google search of "Alaska Smash Tournament."
The following-
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament (Play N Trade)
Reply [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-18, 8:25PM AKDT
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament
Sunday May 24 @ 2PM
Tournament will be held at the newly opened Play N Trade at
601 E. Dimond Blvd. #4 right next to Bed Bath & Beyond
$10 Entry per person
Call Play N Trade at 344-GAME to preregister or for more details
1st Place $150
2nd Place $75
3rd Place $25 All prizes to be paid with in-store credit.
Location: Play N Trade
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1177984645
-End Copy/Paste Thing.
"Step it up" you fools. Lucky for you people I'm not a guy that manhandles a bunch of elementary school kids and takes first prize without telling anybody. The more competition, the better, right? RIGHT???
Watch out. I'll be there. And it's up to you whether you want to ruin my fun and profit or NOT.
I mean, hey hey you you!!!
A chance to win 140 or 65 USD or some store prize isn't too bad, you know. Or Yunho...heh heh heh...