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Alaska(friend codes in first post)

Mr. Swamp

Smash Cadet
Sep 7, 2008
Anchorage, AK
I'm headed to an anime convention this weekend moreso for the gaming. Aurora-Con "should" be good, but since it's fairly new, I'm a bit skeptical. I'll be running the SC4 and Brawl. Default regulations for SC4, Brawl will more likely be the default smashboards.com ruling [3 stock, 8 min, legal stages, no items, and no stalling or "broken" tactics. Not so much snake's "wavedash", but moreso sonic's infinite neutral B under flat stages, etc.] http://smashboards.com/announcement.php?f=180&a=105

The entry fee [for the con] is $25 of Sat [SC4] and $10-15? on Sunday [Brawl], and the games will be $5 per entry. There's also gonna be CoD4, Halo 3, Rock Band, and Guitar Hero, but I could care less about those games. The prizes will be gift cards, manga, etc. [exact amounts are still unknown], and they'll only be a 1st place prize. That means if Lunaris goes, you should win; sadly, tournament operators can't play.

More than likely, I'll be there all Sat. and Sun. looking for competition, taking pictures, and hanging out. Everyone's good to join if you want. Hope to hear from you soon.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
good rules.

can you give us a time frame on the tournament? including any sort of additional time you might have to make or cutoffs for registration/cap on number of entrants for the brawl tournament.

smashfest on saturday. for sure. even if i can only get 3 people i'll host it. 4 pm or so onwards is the plan currently, and if we get a similar turnout to what we had last time we'll need a TV+cube again(this time we'll have at least one setup by default).

adrian Blk

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
anchorage alaska
Adrian. Go to ParrotChutes Today. And bring your Wii,
The days of you being best at brawl are over.

But yea, il be there at 3'ish. See you there.
So will Xanskar, not sure is he will brawl however.
srry i couldnt be there cause i had a essay on hard science fiction to write
ill be there on thursday for sure

lol, u guyzz play brawl nowz????

adrian Blk

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
anchorage alaska
I'm headed to an anime convention this weekend moreso for the gaming. Aurora-Con "should" be good, but since it's fairly new, I'm a bit skeptical. I'll be running the SC4 and Brawl. Default regulations for SC4, Brawl will more likely be the default smashboards.com ruling [3 stock, 8 min, legal stages, no items, and no stalling or "broken" tactics. Not so much snake's "wavedash", but moreso sonic's infinite neutral B under flat stages, etc.] http://smashboards.com/announcement.php?f=180&a=105

The entry fee [for the con] is $25 of Sat [SC4] and $10-15? on Sunday [Brawl], and the games will be $5 per entry. There's also gonna be CoD4, Halo 3, Rock Band, and Guitar Hero, but I could care less about those games. The prizes will be gift cards, manga, etc. [exact amounts are still unknown], and they'll only be a 1st place prize. That means if Lunaris goes, you should win; sadly, tournament operators can't play.

More than likely, I'll be there all Sat. and Sun. looking for competition, taking pictures, and hanging out. Everyone's good to join if you want. Hope to hear from you soon.
i really hope we can have a brawl tournament with decent rules because the past smash tournaments aurora/senshi con have been a really big dissapointment:urg:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
brawl tournament at some place with only a first prize? sounds terrible. and not because there is only a first prize. now that i've played melee i can see how brawl is a worthless pile of junk. and that one sonic guy would be there as well so count me out. what a bad game.

just kidding or course. brawl is a fine game in my opinion. isn't it odd that I say something so mean? But I would still lose badly. To sonic man. And XANskarrrrr, you didn't "almost throw up" because of Brawl, you almost threw up because you either do not get enough protein, consume too much white sugar or high fructose corn syrup, or do not get enough vitamins or minerals.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Anchorage, AK
what does frostwolf have to do with anything
in any case, i'm not going either
melee will be a tourney in mine!!!
i'll shut up now


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
I'd like to know who's coming, but it's too late for that.

You can start coming around 4. I'm only going to sleep now, but I'll try to be up by then. 5 would probably be a better time.

Call before you come, of course. 441-7187. I'll post when I'm awake, of course, but you shouldn't wait on that past 4-5(or whenever you plan to come) because the chances of me dozing off after I post are high. So, call before you come.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
my original plan was to leave right after the tournament. that didn't happen, unfortunately. either way, i didnt stay very long, and my car is low on gas anyways. it was pretty lame afterwards; ffas are good fun, right? and don't forget, we had the tv of the century which appears to be "the main tv" used at every one of these things.

good job and thanks for running the tournament, swamp. the tournament itself was fine except for that tv, and the stages available for counterpick were a little whack but that didn't cause any problems as far as i could tell.

josh is going to be holding a tournament relatively soon. it'll have melee/brawl(hopefully both) among other things.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
Sponserd By AKGL i would like to bring to the anchorage AK fighting gaming community AFNT Oct 14th sign ups will begin at 3pm
Location: Wayne's World of Collectibles
1921 W Dimond Blvd # B3
Anchorage, AK 99515
anymore further questions please contact joshray 907-248-7900
games will include both ps2 and 3, dc games,game cube and wii, and x-box it is a bring ur own console tourny i will have 2 guy man the door so it will guarentee no stolen or lost equipment. prizes included for all games amount up to 600 dollars so you make the games u want to have and ill sponser the prizes thats how it works alaska effin fight nights tourny yall rdy kno wat it ieezzz!!! cya there!!


lunaris thanks for the shirt


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
what in the devil do you mean "the stages were whack" they were fine.

especialllyyyyy rainboww cruise. although that counterpick didn't work out as well as i would have liked. funny that the luigi's mansion one didn't go well either. oh well. i guess brawl just isn't my kind of game.

ah well good day. good thing i treated the tournament as a kind of joke so i didn't get depressed
when i lost.

from now on i'll probably view brawl somewhat off-handedly. it's difficult for me to take it seriously. guess i'm foolish and or weak.


*desperate downsmash*
Jan 10, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
I had a good weekend.

I got raep'd in the Guitar Hero tournament. Again. But I'M HERE TO TALK ABOUT BRAPL, RIGHT?!

On Saturday, I had fun schooling teh n00bs in ffas, no stocks/5min. On the Green Hill Zone, I managed to score 21 KOs in those 5min, lmao raep. At one point, one of the players were like "Dude, everyone go after White Marth! HE'S LIKE KILLING US ALL!" Or something like that.

My new controller was pretty nice to play with. Everyone was like "O shi- white controller?!" haha

I think the tournament itself was run pretty well.

My first match was against this guy that looked like he came to watch his son compete but just decided to play for the heck of it. Marth ditto was full of 3stock raep. I was confident enough to choose Wolf for the next game, even though I had only recently picked him up. Now that I think of it, I should've chosen Zelda for a few of those games that I chose Wolf. Anyways, my Wolf, his Samus, Distant Planet. Raep.

My second match put me against a boy Dan "Sally" Salazar. It was my Marth vs his Kirby. A Kirby with "Sally" floating over his head. Pretty harmless looking, right? Although it was closer than I would've imagined, I won the first game on Battlefield. The second game, same character took place on Frigate Orpheon, which seemed to be among the favorite pick of stages this tournament. Anyways, once again it was close but this time he came out on top. As for my counterpick stage, I chose FD hoping that a plain flat stage would help me get this match done with. Once AGAIN, a very close game that came down to the wire. Yup, I got fsmashed into the losers bracket by a Kirby with "Sally" floating about its head. [johns] I think a big factor in this loss was the fact that I was getting pretty greedy with edgeguarding, jumping WAAAAAY out there hoping to get a bair or a spike. A few times it did work but for the most part, it wasn't worth it and I should've just fought from the stage. I mean, IT'S KIRBY. HE HAS MORE JUMPS THAN YOU, BraD. JUST WAIT FOR HIM TO COME BACK TO THE STAGE, THEN RESUME RAEP. Why I played the way I did in those games, I will never know. I just hope I can use this hindsight insight to not do this again, ESPECIALLY IN A TOURNAMENT. FACK.[/johns]

My third match might have been a Marth ditto but I can't quite remember. Not much to say about this game. It would've been 2-3stocks except for a suicide at the beginning of the first game. Haha, from that suicide to near the end of the game, my opponent got NO hits on me. I was like "Haha dang, I know of at least 3 people watching this game that could basically do the same to me, XD." So in short, Marths, raep, Wolf, ToonLink, raep, fin.

My fourth match was against a Samus. I thought this guy was the decent Samus I watched earlier in the tournament. I was pretty hard on him but he managed to get one stock off of me, I think. And so we head to Green Hill Zone for a game of Wolf/Lucas. This game was actually pretty close. And then it happened. Near the end, he was trying to set up a cheap backthrow-off-the-walkoff-stage ***gotry so I kept lasering him. He was pretty close to the side of the stage and so when he tried to absorb my lasers, he got a running BOOT to tha FACE, lol dash attack. Match over, lmao. Funny thing is that right as it happened, someone in the background was saying, "Dude, this is SUCH a bad stage for Wolf...ohaha, he won anyways." Lolowned.

Manny was my opponent in the losers bracket semifinals. Seeing as he was the runner-up at AKGL, I didn't really expect much out of this match. However, that was when he was using Snake. I know he might have only been using Snake because it was Derek but I chose to conveniently disregard that logic, =D. He was using Falco and so I figured that if I could avoid the chaingrab, I might stand a chance. ANYWAYS, W. Marth vs Falco, GOGOGO. Err. Yeaaah, I almost got 2 stocks off of him, =3. And I didn't really do a good job at avoiding the chaingrab when he actually put it to use. Anyways, for the second game, I sent out Wolf against his C. Falcon. I picked Pokemon Stadium just for old times sake. Yeah, my Wolf didn't do too hot against C. Falcon. I got 'Battlefield'd' twice and combo'd all over the place. I can't really remember if it was a 3stock or not but it doesn't really matter now. It was a fun tournament and it was a blast making it that far. Technically, I was in the 5th/6th place spot but I'll just say 5th because I'm positive that I could beat that Ike.

So ahead of me, as you all know by now, was "Sally" (:kirby2:/:marth:)in 4th, Manny(:falco:/:falcon:) in 3rd, Adrian(:olimar:) in 2nd and Derek(:snake:/:metaknight:) at the top(surprise, surprise).

Anyways, fun tournament, sad that I can't make it to the Oct. 14th smash but White Marth will be around in the near future to **** once again.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Listen up, *****es.
I've come up with a challenge open to anyone other than Derek.
The challenge is this. If you can beat me in a 2/3 set on random stages with a character match up that is agreeable, you shall receive 3 magical taco bell coupons that give you... one second its behind my tv...ah here they are. 1. GRILLED STUFT BURRITO! Buy One, Get One FREE! 2. MEXICAN PIZZA! Buy One, Get One FREE! 3. FREE your choice of either FRUITISTA FREEZE with any purchase on your next visit.
Is your mind blown? thought so.
btw this is melee not brawl or 64


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Well he came across this young man mashin' on a controller and playin' it hot.
And Che_Lab jumped up on a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what:
"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a Melee player too.
"And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
"Now you play a pretty good Marth, boy, but give the Lab his due:
"I bet a controller of gold against your soul, 'cause I think I'm better than you."
The boy said: "My name's TCP and I live my life to win,
"So I'll take your bet - you're gonna regret - 'cause I'm the best there's ever been."

This is going to be the most epic match ever.

Best out of 5. Neutral stages only with advanced slob picks.

I'll see your coupons and raise you 2 chalupas.
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