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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
Link kicks ***. Why? He kicks *** by virtue of being a knight. Knights, as we all know from history class, kicked ***. They came in hordes, rode horses, and slashed people up good. Link does all those, and more. What killed knights? Longbowmen. Longbowmen were little crappers that had the annoying ability to shoot arrows right through the thickest of armor. Imagine rushing at the enemy, resplendent in your ***-kicking armor, and then the guy next to you falls down. Then, another flash of movement and there's an arrow through your chest. It went through your armor like it was paper. Those ****ed archers and their ***-kicking bows. While you're bleeding there, you realize that your ***-kicking was not superior to theirs, and if you had a bow of some sort you may have had superior ***-kickingness and then blazed through those little archer-men like they were nothing. Link, however, is like an Archer-knight. He's got a sword, arrows, and a shield. He doesn't have that crappy armor that barely lets you move, he just carries a shield and then pwnz stuff hard. All his junk kicks *** too. He's got an Ocarina. The name Ocarina just kicks ***. But this isn't any Ocarina, its an Ocarina of Time. He can friggin travel through time with it, and he can do all sorts of cool stuff. He controls the planets rotation, changing day to night and vice-versa. This Ocarina kicks ***. He has the help of faeries. In the rare event that he falls, they revive him. So you're all like, "YEAH! I killed him, and overcame his ***-kicking power!" and then he comes to life and then kills you, because he just kicks that much ***. His arrows aren't just regular arrows, they're all sorts of crap. They can be infused with fire and never burn up, they can freeze people, and they can even vanquish evil with a few well-place shots. Not just that, but his bow-and-arrow isn't just a BAA, its a friggin missile launcher. THOSE ARROWS CAN CARRY FRIGGIN BOMBS! So this guy has the equivalent of a freeze-ray, a flamethrower, a gun-of-holiness, and some sort of rocket launcher. Just with his friggin arrows. Therefore, he must kick ***. Lots and lots of ***. But it doesn't stop there. His shield kicks ***. It doesn't just defend him, it absorbs magic and THROWS IT BACK AT THE ENEMY. What the hell kind of attack is gonna get through that? You're all like, "Feel the wrath of my Hadoken-style magic beam of deathness, Elfie!" and then he catches it and flings it back at you. Then you die. His shield kicks ***, but so does his sword. Not only is it a sword, but its a special sword. If Link isn't hurt, IT SHOOTS FRIGGIN LASER BEAMS. He has a sword that SHOOTS LASER BEAMS. I'm going to say it again, the sword SHOOTS LASER BEAMS! You're all like, "w00t! I'm 20 feet away and running faster than Link! I may not kill him, but he won't kill me!" Then he shoots you. Not with an arrow, which is cool but expected, but he shoots you with his sword. With his laser-beam firing sword. He also uses magic. Invincibility-inducing magic. Teleportation magic. ***-kicking fire magic. His sword charges with magic and shoots it outwards in a circle around him. So Link is like Samus, nearing the ***-kicking threshold. But he already has a hat. Unfortunately, he has a very hard time of taking the ***-Kicking Beam of Light form, whilst Samus just puts a funny hat on top of her helmet. That is his one weakness.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska

A statement or action that detracts from the validity or quality of a competition (or its implied significance), irrespective of truth.


to express a john
Sportsmanship johns
• Good match
• Nice combo
• I suck
• You're much better than me
• I should quit
• I'm going to lose
• I got lucky
• You're too good
• Nice mindgames
• Good DI
• Nice tech
• Good sweetspot

Self johns
• I wasn't trying
• I let you win
• My fingers hurt
• My hands are sweaty / greasy
• My eyes hurt
• I don't have my glasses
• I'm tired
• I've been drinking / toking
• I'm hungry
• I'm out of practice
• I don't care
• I don't own this game
• I have a life
• I'll win next time
• I kept killing myself
• I would win if I didn't SD so much
• I'll whoop your *** at another game
• I just started learning how to play
• I'm just playing for fun
• I don't money match
• I need my name tag on
• I was the wrong color
• I hate this controller slot
• I need music while I play
• I was just sandbagging
• I know I'm better than you

Foe johns
• You suck
• You need high-tier characters win
• You have to counter-pick me to win
• You play this game way too much
• You play cheap
• You hack / cheat / glitch
• You're already warmed up
• You play with better people
• You take this too seriously

Insult johns
• **** you, you ****** ****er
• Your mother
• My ***** > yours
• at least I have a girlfriend

Generic johns
• Interesting
• Wow..
• Hmmm
• :sigh:

Demographic johns
• Can you stay out this late on a school night, kid?
• Aren't you a little too old to play games?
• Wow you're asian what chance did I have..
• Black people are inherently good at this ****!
• Spanish FTW apparently..
• Wow I got beat by a girl.

Hardware johns
• The television is laggy
• My controller is malfunctioning
• I just got this controller
• This isn't my controller
• My controller is really old
• I'm not used to this version of smash
• It's not my gamecube / memory card

Gameplay johns
• I hate this starting position
• The level gayed me
• The game glitched
• The camera sucks on this level
• Pause messed me up
• Vibration is throwing me off
• WTF just happened
• How did you hit me?
• How did I miss you?
• Pitch a tent, camper
• Spam some more
• You only have one move
• There's nothing I can do!
• Stop running from me
• Chainthrowing is gay
• That's so broken
• Wow that took no skill
• You're so predictable!
• I wish my character would do what I wanted
• Whatever this isn't my main
• Items are ********
• C-stick is cheap
• How did I miss the ledge?
• Where was my midair?!
• ****it I saw that coming
• I so teched that
• This game is so stupid
• * L R A Start *
• * hits controller, ganks plug *

Level johns
• Cloud denied me
• Cloud saved you
• Claptrap wrecked me
• The barrel sucks
• Moving levels are stupid
• Wind ****ed up my recovery
• ... Poké Floats?!

Anomaly johns
• Phantom hit..
• Get luckier with misfire / judgement hammer / turnip pull plz
• Woah, random spike / invisible ceiling glitch
• I fell through the level..

Environment johns
• Temperature is uncomfortable
• Lighting is poor
• Smell / noise is distracting
• TV is too small
• Poor angle of the TV
• This seat sucks
• Volume is too low
• DooDah is here

Tournament johns
• If I had gone I would've won
• Pools / brackets are rigged
• Seeding sucked
• Facility is small / crappy
• Not enough TVs
• Poor venue
• House take is too much
• Pot is too small
• Entry fee is too small
• Entry fee is too large
• Too far away
• Home region advantage :'(
• Taking too long
• I play worse at tournaments
• I was too nervous
• I got pulled over for having TVs in the back of my car..

Tournament Organizer johns
• We're having a door fee in addition to our take of the pot
• We expected more people
• Not enough cubes/tvs
• People are slowing us down
• The AC isn't working
• No outside food
• Stop yelling
• Noucles punched a hole in my wall
• Bawls? Cost $2.00

Team johns
• My partner sucked
• Too chaotic
• They targeted me
• Partner jacked my stock
• Friendly fire blows
• Wow this level lags

FFA johns
• I lost track of where I was
• Omg team some more noobies
• I can't edge guard!
• I'm sorry I lost because I actually had balls and faught

Crew johns
• You guys got lucky with the lineup
• Too bad we **** you guys in everything else
• We were missing some people

Forum johns
• You're lucky you live far from me
• I would wreck you IRL
• You post like a 2 year old
• You aren't funny
• Learn some grammar
• You don't know what you're talking about
• I have more posts than you
• I have more rep than you
• My sign-up date is older
• Use the search bar

Meta johns
• No johns

No Johns, demon fang.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2006
Sorry to troll this thread but ThatOneDudeski, your sig is amazing. Is the 3s community decent in Alaska? You should visit socal when you get a chance, our Brawl and 3s is amazing down here.
Yeah it's pretty decent, ever since jTM moved up here we got pretty pro. xP


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
demon fang is decent at melee, i am decent at melee, dudeski is decent, Lunaris and banksters are our 2 best people, but banksters will probably deny it as he's extremely modest.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2006
demon fang is decent at melee, i am decent at melee, dudeski is decent, Lunaris and banksters are our 2 best people, but banksters will probably deny it as he's extremely modest.

Don't listen to him, I quit smash. =.=


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
i have vids as well. www.youtube.com/trigunxox777

i main link, which is ridiculously challenging, but when i do get it down, im sure it'll be worth the trouble

edit: ADRN_BLK is decent at smash as well. we basically fight each other, one person can beat another but cant with another person... its rly weird...


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
lovage, i have been oos multiple times since the release of melee.

anyways, if sunday is better for people, we can wait til then to do something. if people still want to play tomorrow, that's fine too, but i recall a few people saying that they'd have to leave early/saturday was bad/etc.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
huh. what happened?

oh i know, PATHETIC that's what happened.

just kidding.


no.....i'm not kidding...or am i!?

heh heh that's like saying "that's fine" yes?"


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
lovage, i have been oos multiple times since the release of melee.

anyways, if sunday is better for people, we can wait til then to do something. if people still want to play tomorrow, that's fine too, but i recall a few people saying that they'd have to leave early/saturday was bad/etc.
LUNARIS!!! COME TO CANADA!!! COME TO CAST4!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! :colorful::colorful:


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
huh. what happened?

oh i know, PATHETIC that's what happened.

just kidding.


no.....i'm not kidding...or am i!?

heh heh that's like saying "that's fine" yes?"
no idea what you're babbling about. i'll get ggxxac to you sometime this week.

LUNARIS!!! COME TO CANADA!!! COME TO CAST4!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! :colorful::colorful:
i would love to, but with college and ticket costs getting out of alaska is problematic. and unfortunately, i pretty much stopped playing the game over the summer. that wouldn't stop me from going by itself, though.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
first of all, I know what I am talking about. or maybe not. I might be being too ambiguous for myself to understand myself ya? heh heh heh

second of all, that is a highly offensive post you made Ian or whowever you are. At least there are no females on this thread. ( or so I think. )

ah, whatever.

Just listen to "Island in the Sun" and be happy I quess. It certainly works for me.

When you're on a holiday
You can't find the words to say
All the things that come to you
And I wanna feel it too

On an island in the sun
We'll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can't control my brain

lalalalalalalalala, etc.

Weezer, by the way.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
Adrian. Go to ParrotChutes Today. And bring your Wii,
The days of you being best at brawl are over.

But yea, il be there at 3'ish. See you there.
So will Xanskar, not sure is he will brawl however.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
yo sry if i havent been on dudes, but if u got a calc, bio and english test all in one day, im pretty sure yall be studyin too. whats been going on? im rdy to smash Sat.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
LEARN YO PLACE... i dunno if ive learned mine yet. and my link needs to get better on Brawl. grrr.... BRAWL!!!!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!oneoneoneoneoen!!!11111i11i1i1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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