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Advantage McCloud- Smash Tips and PNF UPDATED 2/24


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
After further observation, testing and research, I've come to see that PNF can serve a greater purpose, other than providing an alternative playstyle, I want this to be a learning step to evolving one's game with Fox, this has helped me and some others who have tried it.

Greetings, welcome to my new thread, here I will show some decent tactics that will work against certain types of smashers, and as a new feature I will now open up Project New Fox.

A. Links

B. Smashers
.1. Types and Countermeasures
....a. Brawler
....b. Camper
......i. Defensive
......ii. Casual
......iii. Hardcore
....c. "Smasher"
....d. Defensive
......i. Counter Defensive
....e. Mind Gamer
....f. Sky Freak
....g. Infinite Abuser

C. Project New Fox (PNF)
.1. Prologue
..2. Move set and alternative move tier list.
....a. Direct
....b. Grabs
..3. New strategies
....a. Approaching
....b. Offensive
....c. Defensive
....d. Grabbing Updated 1/19
....e. When the going gets tough...

D. Effectiveness Chart Updated 1/15

E. Skye's Law New! 1/19

F. Videos Coming Soon

--Get your basics here--
The Fox User Manual
Fox Tactics
The Fox vs Meta Knight Discussion
A simplified Up smash guide.
A more in depth version of the previous link.

Here I shall explain a few types a smashers and how to deal with them as fox in the best method I (and any kind contributor) can think of. Keep in mind that these types are not absolute and can be blended in depending on the player, don't hold too tight to this...

a. Brawler
Brawlers are the type to run in and just kick as much tail as they can, these are normally the types who play slower characters, they generally depend on you charging in at early percentages and they shield grab often. It is generally harder than normal to approach a Brawler (with Fox) as they end up being almost fully protected from any approach Fox has. They will use the slower (and generally more powerful) attacks when they will more than likely hit. Brawlers are also good at (seeming like) keeping their cool. Never mistake a Brawler for being Gung Ho as their defensive game is very anti-Fox.
Counter Measures:
Brawlers want you to get close, so don't (unless you're very confident). Instead, turn the tables with Camping, and force a reaction out of them. Grab often at the start as they expect you to attack when approaching. Fox's Grabs are good for mindgames and comboing, one thing a Brawler cannot work well against is combos.

b. Projectile Camper
Reduced to "Camper" for this particular section(s)
If you don't know what a Camper is at this point, then shame on you. A Camper is someone who persistently and consistently relies on projectiles for one reason or another. There are three types of Camper, divided by their primary strategic usage of projectiles. Fox, in my opinion is not a very good camper, he can rack up small damage at a time, but this stall in his laser blasting frames can be used against him. But in general, Fox can reflect, enough said.
i. Defensive P. Camper
A Defensive Camper is the type of Camper who fight tooth an nail to keep a distance and fire away. Defensive Campers aren't as effective as they were in Melee, but I digress. Defensive Campers will maintain a distance and fire at you, and wait for you to come to them, where they will attack or throw you and regain their footing and continue camping until you reach a high enough percentage and administer a kill move, which at this point has little to no move negation due to short usage.
Counter Measures:
Utilize Fox's reflector the most against these types a Campers. Once they realize that they long range tactical hoo hah is useless (in most cases) they will be forced to approach you with a brand new different strategy, most likely a makeshift one, have fun. This strategy isn't as effective against Snake's Grenade Camping, just jump over the grenades.
ii. Casual P. Camper
Casuals aren't really considered to be campers by definition, as they only integrate small time camping in their strategy. They will more than like use projectiles after a throw, or to prevent a high speed approach, or unwanted off stage action. These Campers aren't as persistent, the consistency rate is just as high.
Counter Measures:
These types of Campers are the easiest to deal with as their strategies become predictable and with added caution, avoidable. They won't camp out in the open, so its not a major worry to use the reflector. These types can generally be handled well without a huge change in tactics, but if you have problems taking a Casual Camper on, try to grab a bit and play defensive.
iii. Hardcore P. Camper
It doesn't get any worse than these. A Hardcore Camper will use projectiles offensively, defensively and tactically, and well to ice up the cake. Most damage dealt will be done through projectiles. These are, in a sense, an aggressive version of a Defensive Camper. Hard to approach and hard to defend against. The reflector won't do you much good surprisingly, as they know how to back up their defenses.
Counter Measures:
It is not easy taking on a Hardcore. The reflector should only be used to ward off the attacks, instead of the purpose of reflecting them. A Hardcore Camper will most likely resort to grabs if they see their projectiles not working, keep this in mind. If you can successfully get close to a Hardcore Camper, make the best of it, but keep it spacey as these guys are fast learners.

c. "Smasher"
The quotations indicate a different meaning other than being a person who plays Smash. A Smasher is the type to rely on a powerful smash attack as their main offense. These are generally easy to combat against, but some takes more time than others. Smashers may more than likely use smash attack ahead of time as a attempt to predict you.
Counter Measures:
This is a no brainer, unless you put yourself in a vulnerable position, with free fall or lag time, a smasher cannot full predict you, spacing kills these guys, as well as mindgames.

d. Defensive
A Defensive opponent speaks for themselves. They will sooner guard or dodge, than attack they will maintain a distance, roll dodge alot, beyond necessary usage, and try to get behind you alot, they will also blatantly dash grab to mix it up.
Counter Measures: You can easily match their game by imitating them, on the flip side you can learn their patters and counteract it. A Defensive player turns to mush when they've been figured out, they most likely never even attempt to adjust their strategy, once your get their rhythm, it's a wrap.
i. Counter Defensive
There is a small difference between a defensive and a Counter Defensive. The primary difference is that a Counter Defensive player will do nothing but preemptively dodge, then attack. You just need to adjust your strategy a bit to take advantage of striking them after their little dodging gig.

e. Mind Gamer
A Mind Gamer is easy to picture, a player who emphasizes mindgames above all else. These are the type to dance around you and more than likely lure you into a strong hit. They will avoid you until an opening is found, then get their action on. They will also use mindgames to combo you, making you think they will come in for an attack and psyche you out, then hit you during you post dodging frames. These are a nuisance for any character, but we're talking about Fox...
Counter Measures:
Effective Dash Dancing can do the trick, the best way to counter mindgames is with more mindgames. The second best way is to camp, they can't dance around a stream of lasers, if they can, then you might as well call it a day.

f. Sky Freak
A Sky Freak is someone who relies on air attacks to make ends meet. they use an assortment of short hops and full hops and uses their most long range and/or fast aerials. This is a special subsection, because Fox fails against Sky Freaks with his poor air priority, short range, and lack of a good anti-air.
Counter Measures:
Timing is everything against these types. Depending on the character, you can shield grab and have your way with them, but there are some who makes good use of their range, you're best bet for these is attack or grab when the hit the ground or are close to the ground, it won't be easy, but again, timing is everything.

g. Infinite Abuser
Poor fox falls into alot of infinites and chain grabs, and there are people out there who will exploit this weakness to the longest possible extent. These are by far the hardest enemies to deal with as Fox, as they can trap you in a constant loop of damage that you cant get out of until it no longer matters. Infinite Abusers will do just that and hit you with a kill move to finish.
Counter Measures:
This is a subsection that I would love some help on. DIing won't get you very far thanks to fast falling, fighting Infinite Abusers is a strong case of wear n tear, they will defend until your vulnerable enough to get caught. The best way to fend this off is with Mindgames and Camping, you're plan is to get them to come after you, then go counter defensive.

Project New Fox (PNF)
1. Prologue
Recently I have been brawling quite poorly compared to how I used to, it's a depressing revelation that I have made peace with. I wondered what my problem may have been, so I go to links of other Fox videos and I've noticed that all the Foxes I've seen all played similar and I played close to them. I have a few more different tactics, but we are all the same. I'm now disappointed in Fox and how his playstyle is assumed. This can't be the end of the iceberg, I'm more than positive that Fox has much, much more potential than we give him credit for, thus, I decided to make a new playstyle for Fox, not so much a better one, but an alternative one. The reason Fox isn't Top/High Tier is because his contemporary playstyle prevented him from being effective enough to make the cut and now it seems hard to customize Fox nowadays. So I made this, the PNF, which is dedicated to finding an adopting a brand new playstyle for Fox, one that shows off his true potential as a player worthy of being a Top Tier, even if he doesn't make it.


This has been done before, I'm not gonna go into the usefulness of other moves as I have links that gives you info on them that I can't match, I will provide a short description and a general sum of attack power.
Jab Combo A basic jab combo, good for light punishment of roll dodging badly, or a general follow up.
Forward Tilt A stretchy kick that has decent knock back, good for a quick hit.
Forward Smash An excessive roundhouse. Good for heavy punishment of a roll dodge or dash. Questionable hitbox.
Down Tilt _a A Tail swip, has as much knock back as a Down throw, underrated.
Down Smash A split kick that has knockback depending on where the attack hits, good for ending combos and send foes off stage.
Up Tilt ^a An overhead kick that works excellently into low percentage combos.
Up Smash Fox's most powerful move, makes an excellent surprise attack, use sparingly.
Dash Attack A running fly kick, predictable, but good for punishing and intro to comboing. Do not use on Yoshi, as Yoshi can always come back with a neutral air.
Neutral Air A classic sex kick (lasting hitbox) good against counter defensive opponents and spacing.
Forward Air A series of fierce kicks, great for recovery when done instantly after a jump, makes for good approach on tall character if short hop is used.
Back Air A simple kick behind. Hard to land, but worth it if you can.
Down Air Typical combo starter, racks up damage, but can become overly predictable.
Up Air An upwards kick with an added surprise, not very effective unless is used for short hopping on a grounded opponent.
Laser Blaster One of Fox's trademarked moves. A laser gun to rack up damage, use cautious timing.
Illusion A lightning fast move, makes for a good disturbance strategy and horizontal recovery.
Firefox Fox's primary recovery, multi-directional single hitting fire attack.
Reflector Fox's reflector. Versatile in it's uses.
LandMaster (just cuz) Fox's Final Smash. Barrel Roll literally possible.

Fox's Alternative Move Tier List
This section has been divided into 2 other subsections, some moves may be displayed more than once concerning its usage purpose. This tier list is subject to change at any moment until the PNF is deemed complete.

Top Tier
Up Smash
Down Smash
Neutral Air
Up Tilt
High Tier
Down Air
Forward Tilt
Forward Air
Dash Attack
Mid Tier
Forward Smash
Back Air
Low Tier
Down Tilt
Up Air
Bottom Tier
Jab Combo

This summary will now be used to explain the rises and drops in tiers.
The Neutral Air has ascended from Mid to Top tier, mainly for being a pretty decent approach. Spacey, and punishes bad sidestep dodging. The Forward Air has dropped to High tier, for being far too predictable and hard to hit with at higher percentages. Illusion has moved up to top of mid tier, for its low predictability and "hard to punish" style. Forward Smash has appeared in Mid tier, kudos to Scotu for pointing out it's absence. Forward Smash is very predictable and avoidable, so it is best used to punish roll dodging or as a surprise attack. The Down Tilt moved up to the top of Low tier, because it's an effective move if used right, but the effectiveness pales in comparison to the other attacks. Good range, hard to punish, but not strong and knock back is funny, not to mention low priority, one of the lowest of all of Fox's moves, which is an issue, due to Fox's low overall priority. And finally, the Jab Combo has dropped to top of Bottom tier, it is very easy to punish, even if you get hit by it, which is just wrong.

The Grabs doesn't particularly need a tier list, but just a list of one to four with one being the highest.
The tier in grabs goes in this order.
Down Throw
Forward Throw
Back Throw
Up Throw

The Down Throw can be comboed from, a decent alternative from the down smash. The Forward tilt can also be comboed from, to a lesser extent. The Back Throw is only useful for tossing someone off stage, which you better try to shine gimp them (which is flawless if you're fighting Ike). And Fox's Up throw serves small purpose, but makes for a good mindgame.

New Strategies!!
(Subject to change often)

Still in construction, but has been updated:
I've come to appreciate the neutral air alot more. I find it to be a great approach method for defensive types. The Pivot Grab and/or Pivot Wave Grab isn't as effective and should only serve as a surprise attack. Approaching should assume a counter defensive stance. For longer range, characters, approaching is going to be extensively hard. The best approach is to camp, and make them come to you. For spacey ranged characters, such as DK, you have to approach when taking advantage of lag frames.

I find New Fox's primary offense is to take advantage of short hopping and the neutral air, this approach is very effective, but also has it's weak points, like a normal guard. Guarding the neutral air will result in punishing, most likely a grab. Good to mix it up against these types with a running grab, this tidbit may get opponent to prematurely sidestep dodge, which would give the neutral air more usefulness. Use the down air is used sparingly, which decreases the predictability rate. I find a jab cancel followed by the down tilt to be good for following up into a short hop neutral air. In general, the basic concept of comboing is null and void, and New Fox relies primarily on getting one hit in at a time. Lasers are a good friend of yours. Be it either Short Hopping, Full Hopping or a neutral standing ground, the lasers will help rack up more damage, best when going defensive, and forcing your opponent to try and get you. Another neat trick (that is also hard to punish if done right) is a short hop Illusion. For spacing purposes, a Full Hop to Illusion works fine too. At higher percentages an Up Throw is the way to go, more than likely your opponent is going to work for an air dodge when they get close to the ground. Stay on your guard. If they do air dodge, then go for an Up Smash the second they hit the ground. This is a situational move and the timing is sensitive, go for another grab if you don't think you can hit it right. The Down Air to Up Tilt is still a fairly good move to work with at Low percentages, you can also do a Down Air to grab, this works best at low percentages.
Defense is simplistic. You best bets lie in just simply guarding, then getting in a shield grab if you can. Sometime it's a good idea to physically retreat for a second, sort of a mind game and gives you time to construct a strategy. Short Hop Forward airs helps too in keeping your opponent back. Sidestep Dodge (or spot dodge as it's better known) rarely, because you'll never know when they may take advantage of that. If you must dodge, roll dodge back once. You can roll dodge behind your opponent if you're confident enough.
If you're opponent is close enough when you Sidestep Dodge, you can get in a shine, give you space and makes your opponent defensive, after this, try for a Pivot Wave Grab. After guarding, Short Hop Down Air back, a good punisher for those who try to get behind you. Dash Dancing works well for defense as well.
*in construction* Down Throw makes for easy damage, against well spaced characters, this will be your primary damage dealer. Your forward throw is a good knock back move to give you a small amount of space. Good for a make-shift chaingrab on unsuspecting opponents. The Back throw is good to keep your opponent on their toes. Best used at high percentages. The Up throw doesn't provide the best situations for Fox, at the best, mindgaming your opponent into an up smash. Grab releasing don't offer alot of options, but several things to look into. For instance a grab release off the ledge. Depending on the character, this puts Fox at an advantage. Unlike in Melee, getting grabbed from offstage does not supply a fresh double jump, there by forcing your opponent to try for a quick recovery, which puts Fox for an easy edge guard, or otherwise an easy punish for an onstage recovery. And never be afraid to throw in some grab punches. One is good at 0%, 2-3 good at 20-50%, 3-5 at 50-80%, and 6-- at anything higher.*in construction*
When the going gets tough...
When you're not so confident about getting things done, its best to work with a few mind games. A few short hop lasers and dash dancing to get to your opponents head, overall be defensive and attack when you know it will hit, seek vulnerability in your opponent's moves.
If you wish to help here, or anywhere else in this thread, post here or PM me.

D. Effectiveness Chart

Here I will display a list of characters this new playstyle works well on, and those which it's not so effective against.
The chart will go in the order of:
Very Effective
Average (no real difference from normal playstyle)
Not Very Effective
Not Effective At All
Not Tested


Captain Falcon--Effective

Diddy Kong--Not Effective At All
Adjustment Strategy: If your opponent's Diddy Kong enjoys banana mind games (which a good Diddy most likely will) I suggest just toughing it out. Use the lasers, and if he approaches, get your guard ready. The Diddy has to throw the bananas to follow up, either guard or reflect them, if the situation calls for. Overall, this is a very hard fight. Try to stay a distance, don't approach him, and shield grab when you can

Donkey Kong--Average

Falco--Not Effective At All
Adjustment Strategy: I'll be so audacious as to say that Falco is a strong Fox counter. Falco is the Marth to his Roy. He out classes (out-prioritizes) Fox in just about every field, Falco also has sightly more range. The ony thing Fox has over Falco is recovery distance, and that helps little when fighting Falco. This just may be the hardest match up for New Fox as I've seen. The best way to do this is to make good use of the counter defensive approach, then make the best of it. Make sure to space like your life depends on it, because if you don't, then it's a wrap. This is the one match up where I would whole-heartedly reccomend the contemporary playstyle.


Game & Watch--Average


Ice Climbers--Effective

Ike--Very Effective

Jigglypuff--Not Effective At All

King Dedede--Not Very Effective


Link--Not Very Effective



Luigi--Very Effective



Meta Knight--Not Tested

Ness--Not Very Effective

Olimar--Not Tested


Pikachu--Not Tested

Pit--Very Effcetive

Pokemon Trainer--
Ivysaur--Not Tested
Charizard--Not Tested
Squirtle--Not Tested



Sheik--Not Tested


Sonic--Not Tested

Toon Link--Effective





Zero Suit Samus--Effective​

Skye's Law
No character should be alive past 120%
If they are, then you're doing something wrong.

Coming Soon...


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
I don't see how...
I listed specific strategic maneuvers, and I'm working on a new playstyle.
You're just doing contemporary tactics.

Well I must say, I'm offended.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
B. Smashers
.1. Types and Countermeasures
....a. Brawler
....b. Camper
......i. Defensive
......ii. Casual
......iii. Hardcore
....c. "Smasher"
....d. Defensive
......i. Counter Defensive
....e. Mind Gamer
....f. Sky Freak
....g. Infinite Abuser
This doesn't work.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
We are supposed to be nicer remember... Don't scare him off he might have something useful to say.
But quite honestly I think we need first is one solid playstyle that new Foxes can base on then branch off. And my good sir I think this thread will be better when we find the solid playstyle, but I like your attempt.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
We are supposed to be nicer remember... Don't scare him off he might have something useful to say.
But quite honestly I think we need first is one solid playstyle that new Foxes can base on then branch off. And my good sir I think this thread will be better when we find the solid playstyle, but I like your attempt.
Oh it's quite alright.
I didn't expect alot of people to support me anyway, this is far too spontaneous.
I won't be scared off, I'm going to continue this project (alone if I have to). Fox already has a solid playstyle, everyone uses it. But thats the problem, everyone plays the same Fox, a few minor differences give or take, but they are all the same.
I'm trying to change that.

I do hope that my progress will gain some merit or influence, I believe I'm working quite well here.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I never thought so ecspecially after playing all the Foxes in the DK vs. Fox Match-up that we all play differently. Well I'm starting to like this thread, but I don't understand quite really yet. I'm still kinda confused. Good job thou. Keep it up. Btw who did you test this playstyle on?

P.S. Mav how in the world are you able to land so many Dairs.... -.-


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
i never did either. also you have to keep in mind how certain matchups play out. some you have to alter more and others, the general playthrough works just fine.

and yeah M@v lands them often doesn't he?


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Curse him with his Full Jump quick shine stall to Dair. It catches me off guard so much. Jiggly don't knockthis thread yet. Let it finish then we should comment on it. I feel he should have fair chance too, since people didn't kick around my thread like this.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
So no one really likes it. I honestly don't like it but its waste and a shame to scare him off and don't let him complete it. I feel that he's forcing his way of play on us (no offense), and that anyone could do this by stating how they play.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
most of the things in his new playstle set i thought others thought of already or at least contemplated at some point. i mean i thought up some of them. i like his categories of camping fighters and such, im just gonna poke in and watch since it is something.

the only thing i don't really like is the generalizing all Foxs into one playstyle.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Don't take it personally, if you're Fox is different, then kudos, and take no regard to this thread.
If you believe all (if not most) Fox players operate differently, then so be it, I acknowledge and respect your opinion, and I wish that you do the same for me.
My opinion came from loads of observation, because I wasn't sure if my Fox was playing correctly, I was rusting with him, and hard.

I'm not forcing this new playstyle on anyone. If you want to pitch in, then go right on ahead, if you think it's pointless, the thats alright too.
I tested this new playstyle on some of the best players I know and have access to.
I plan on using it in the tourney I'll be participating in soon.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I'm actually rooting for you. I like fact some one is trying but, I don't like the playstyle. But most people denounce playstyles they don't like and kick it.

Best of luck to you at your tourney. We will need the high placing.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Ah, The tourney match went well. I lost though, didn't use Fox enough.
The New Fox works effectively against Wario, and Mario.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Did you post your tourny results in the Fox Tournament results thread?
Glad to hear your playstyle working.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
No, I'm constructing a guide for anyone who gives a ****.
I'm basing it off of progress and research.
I'm designing a new playstyle for Fox, apparently everyone else is just spectating, awaiting my epic fail behind the guise of innocent support.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Oi.... I really wish I could believe in you but it does seem like guide for yourself... There's this part of me saying this is a waste of time.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
No, I'm constructing a guide for anyone who gives a ****.
I'm basing it off of progress and research.
I'm designing a new playstyle for Fox, apparently everyone else is just spectating, awaiting my epic fail behind the guise of innocent support.
wrong sir, im interested to see what happens. mines is true innocent support.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Fail thread is fail. I'm sorry I really don't mean to be a d*** but this thread is comical.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
No johns. Don't be emo about it, and don't bother insulting others. If you can't take the heat, get out.

If your guide is good, it'll speak for itself.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Who said I couldn't take the heat?
I keep saying that your skepticism isn't bothering me. And who's being emo, I had a hard time believing that people who said, "lol this thread sucks" are now saying, "go for it, this is intriguing all of a sudden".


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
And who's being emo, I had a hard time believing that people who said, "lol this thread sucks" are now saying, "go for it, this is intriguing all of a sudden".
They're two different sets of people. I think your guide isn't going anywhere. Other people think it might have merit.


Smash Ace
Feb 21, 2008
Almere, The Netherlands
Just let me know if i can do something for you. I want to make myself useful. I like you attempt at your really spontaneous, and i like it. AT least your trying, thats what i like.
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