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Advanced Techniques in the future of Brawl+


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
I guess what I meant by the LCD comment was that any degree of techskill can be performed on an LCD TV, although it may be awkward. Once you have the general pattern down, though, the ability to implement it is usually pretty easily regardless of any delay between visual ques and inputs. After playing Melee long enough it isn't terribly difficult to adjust to an LCD TV provided it isn't too laggy. I'm not necessarily pushing for super tight windows, either. I think more of the emphasis should be on knowing when to execute it, rather than the execution itself.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
I fail to see how dashing backwards out of a crouch is gamebreaking/changing too much cuz you know. you can dash forwards out of a crouch. :V

As for JC+, the idea is simple. It's a JC grab, but when you whiff it (ie miss a grab) you suffer extra lag that is pretty punishable from a close range to mid range distance excluding projectiles. The idea is that even though you can do it at any time (more specificially when you cant DC), you have to be extremely sure that you'll land it or less you get punished. And since its a grab, then you know, you'll generally be in close range.

I think it would discourage over-abuse of JC Grabs and it wouldnt homogenize the grab game because the risk would be great enough that constant error would only lead to stock loss after stock loss making the other grab options like DC grabs and Running grabs more appealing.

Also JC grabs wouldnt be the bettter choice for characters with a decent to good grab game with Short init dashes, cuz you know, DC grabs have less lag than JC+ grabs.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I honestly feel adding more grabs at this point would be over-excessive. If there is a problem with grabs then we can address the problem grab itself character by character. Each character has 3 grabs already. Standing grab, dash grab and pivot grab. Thats plenty enough to choose from.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
It seems silly to me that people have to press up+grab to grab during initial dash, but down+grab during normal dash (and I say "have to" because those would always be the best options in those situations to do a standing grab out of a dash).

What exactly is wrong with being able to DC during initial dash? I can't even fathom how that would suddenly make Marth or Falcon overpowered. And then DC grabs would be a legit AT like JC grabs were in Melee, but in Brawl+'s own style instead of ripped off from Melee. I really don't see a downside.

Deleted member

ok, I agree we might need to limit ourselves in our creativity by not making too uch/radical changes.

I think everybody so far agreed on reflecting PS (soem want lower projectile speed, but I don't know if that is doable).
also 2 other things (almost) everybody agreed on so far is DC during initial dash and ledgeteching.

I think if we manage to incorporate these 3 and then give it some more time to see how it develops, we are good.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
PK, it might be helpful to look at whatever the space animals' reflectors are doing, i.e. fox's reflects @ 1.5x damage and speed, and I'm not sure about the others (Wolf's is 1.3x damage?).

@JC: Here's an old code that sp unit made:

Init-Dash Cancel V2.1 [Phantom Wings, spunit262]
C2764EBC 00000007
90810014 54846CFE
2C0417E5 41A00024
809EFFFC 80A4007C
80A50038 2C050005
41A10010 3C004F00
80840014 90040040
60000000 00000000

It's kinda buggy in that if you hold a downwards diagonal your character just stops their animation -- you'll see. But the important part is that anyone should be able to test it's effects on gameplay, and if we really do like it we might be able to get PK or Almas to work out the weird freezing issue.

@GHNeko, elaborate on this dashing backwards out of crouch -- would you just dash away normally but eliminate the un-crouching animation? Or would you face forwards and move backwards? If so how far?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
The thing about about DC during initial dash is just that anything you can do with it you can just do by pivoting into it. It would definitely make it easier though, and I'm sure a lot of people will forgive us that they no longer have to master such awkward thumb control.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
It seems silly to me that people have to press up+grab to grab during initial dash, but down+grab during normal dash (and I say "have to" because those would always be the best options in those situations to do a standing grab out of a dash).

What exactly is wrong with being able to DC during initial dash? I can't even fathom how that would suddenly make Marth or Falcon overpowered. And then DC grabs would be a legit AT like JC grabs were in Melee, but in Brawl+'s own style instead of ripped off from Melee. I really don't see a downside.
Well, if you look at it through the perspective that people used about normal JC Grabs, DC during intial dash could homogenize the grab game as well. Not to the same degree but to a degree that people would go, "wait wut" about. :V

Having JC+ and DC, each would warrent a time where it would be a better choice than the other, and it would vary from character to character based on options and init dash length.

@GHNeko, elaborate on this dashing backwards out of crouch -- would you just dash away normally but eliminate the un-crouching animation? Or would you face forwards and move backwards? If so how far?
Okay. Go into training. Crouch, then suddenly dash forward. I want this, but instead of just forwards, you can do it backwards too. :V

The thing about about DC during initial dash is just that anything you can do with it you can just do by pivoting into it. It would definitely make it easier though, and I'm sure a lot of people will forgive us that they no longer have to master such awkward thumb control.
ONly reason pivoting is akward now is because of the DD code, RARing with the stick got a bit more akward too, but that one is probably just me.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
What about the ability to switch directions in mid-air? Like RAR a b-air with Wolf, twist around, and continue with a F-air? Kinda like B-sticking or whatever it is called with Neutral B specials?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
ONly reason pivoting is akward now is because of the DD code, RARing with the stick got a bit more akward too, but that one is probably just me.
Pivoting didn't get harder at all, the range in which you can pivot was just extended. IMO That actually makes it easier.

RAR'ing is more awkward because doing it during your initial dash will most likely make you dash dance and gain momentum in the opposite direction(Unless you pivot into standstill first), therefore you can only truely RAR out of a full run.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
What about the ability to switch directions in mid-air? Like RAR a b-air with Wolf, twist around, and continue with a F-air? Kinda like B-sticking or whatever it is called with Neutral B specials?
B-Reverals but with A-Aerials, m i rite?

Pivoting didn't get harder at all, the range in which you can pivot was just extended. IMO That actually makes it easier.

RAR'ing is more awkward because doing it during your initial dash will most likely make you dash dance and gain momentum in the opposite direction(Unless you pivot into standstill first), therefore you can only truely RAR out of a full run.
Pivoit within short distances ie initi dash length is what I'm talking about. DD code made THAT akward.

and yes. RAR is akward within Init Dash range. Movement/Turnaround techs that occur normally within Init dash range is what is akward. :V


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
magus canceling sounds really cool, though i remember the l-cancel code to be somewhat awkward. not so much awkward, just felt a lot different from melee. i guess that is to be expected though.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
If PK can get that analog shoulder code to work it should feel pretty good.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I hate you all. I'm gone for a week, and we're talking about some of the stupidest ideas for new techs I've ever seen. Most of them don't even obey the rules you set out in the first post.

PS reflect/perfect teching/etc: Pfft. I don't even agree with PSing to begin with as a legit AT. There's no extra risk to it for performing it. You have tighter timing... so what? That doesn't require thought. It's always better to try to PS than not to. If you're early, you get a normal shield. If you're late (you shouldn't ever be late), you won't shield at all and you'll get hit. That's not enough risk. The risk in a technique should never come solely from how hard it is to perform (like it is with PSing). You shouldn't be given an exceptional reward for good timing. "Good timing" should be something that happens at high level play by default. The risk of a technique should come in the form of trade-offs associated with performing the technique. The trade-off to performing most moves in smash is that you commit to the action, and have some window that you're able to be punished in. PSing does not have that trade-off. In PSing, you're only taking a technical risk. If you successfully perform the technique, there is no trade-off. Why you would want to further reward this is beyond me.

M-canceling: Again... pfft. You didn't even get it right. The m-cancel was reduced ALR as the default (as in... what we have RIGHT NOW), even upon incorrectly performing the tech. The risk associated with performing it was the penalty to your shield. That was the reason it was a good idea. It requires thought on the part of the player. This is the kind of tech that I would support for brawl+, even though I don't actually think that specifically m-canceling should be implemented. It does have the general idea, though, on how a tech should be made.

EZ waveland/platform instant land: Movement options... I like. I like DS's idea better, though. Enhancing movement options without making old ones obsolete is something I very much support. The "EZ waveland" is already sorta doable, by buffering a dash out of your landing lag. However, the instant platform land (on non-moving platforms) would be a good addition, I think. However, it should NOT be by performing an aerial. That would ruin many already good tactics. You could do something like where airdodging and pressing A when you're near a platform (so... grab in the air, basically) causes you to instantly snap to it in your soft landing lag animation.

DC during init dash: I'm on the fence with this one, tbh. It removes one of the inherent risks of dashing - until you reach your run, you can only dash the other way, shield, jump, dash attack, or usmash. To do anything else, you would have to pivot, which changes your direction (and is also part of that whole techskill thing we're trying to encourage, too). Otherwise, you lose your other two smashes and your tilts.

I forget if there were others I wanted to address... but whatever.


One idea I had for a tech, inspired by m-canceling, was actually something I'll be referring to as an "H-cancel," or "hitlag cancel." Basically, when you are in an attacking animation and you connect with a foe, you can press shield while still in hitlag to instantly end your animation after hitlag ends. Of course, it would need an appropriate penalty.

The two types of penalties usually brought up so far seem to be either incurring percent damage or shield damage.

Taking percent damage can actually be beneficial in certain circumstances, or completely negligible in others. And in yet other cases, it simply hurts you. If your foe has a combo that can rack up 50% on you that starts at 0 and works until 20%, if you were to spam a technique that causes you to incur damage, you could simply take yourself up to 25%, which would allow you to both gain the benefits of the technique and cause you to take less damage overall. This is actually probably more applicable at high percents, where a lot of kill combos only work within a small percent range. Spamming a technique that causes you to incur damage when you're at high percents could prove to be highly beneficial, ultimately extending your life. As such, a technique that causes you to incur damage as a penalty should never be spammable. Although a damage penalty would indeed promote very strategic thinking on when to use a technique, it shouldn't be so good that when your opponent should be pressuring you into a very damaging or possibly lethal combo that you're able to in turn simply pressure your opponent for double your own benefit until you leave that percent range.

Now, for the shield penalty. If a shield reduction were to be implemented as a penalty to any tech, I think having it simply set your shield to some value (ie. it sets you to 30% of your shield regardless of how much shield you have) and disabling you from using the tech if your shield is below a certain threshold that forces you to wait before using the technique again would be sufficient.

Neither one of these penalties would suffice for a technique like h-canceling, though. It would be very prevalent regardless, and a percent penalty wouldn't do anything to stop newschool 0-deaths that make heavy use of the technique. Hence, it would need a different limiter: Usage. You would only be permitted to use an h-cancel once per match. You would have to think very carefully about when to use the h-cancel, and if you waste it, then it's done. There are no second chances.

So that's my idea. I'm not even sure if I want to see h-canceling in brawl+, myself, actually, as it would be pretty radical, but there it is for you.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Leaf, I can't argue with any of your points. PS reflect, as you pointed out, hardly qualifies as an AT and doesn't really follow what I was looking for. With that said, the vast majority of people (including myself) support it due to the good it would do the game. Can you think of any ways to improve upon it?

H-canceling sounds intriguing, and I agree it'd need a powerful limiter to keep it under control. A limit per stock (or match) would work -- I think that whatever the method, though, there should be a visible indicator to let you know that you either do or don't have it as an option. I'm not sure what that'd be and it sounds tricky to code. I'll think about it.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Emergency Teching. I originally thought this up with the idea of analog sensitivity being 100% working in B+, but eh. There can be a work around. :V

Basically the idea is if you tech with the trigger instead of the button, you get a tech that is 130% as fast but with only a quarter of the inviciframes.

Like a tech (throwing numbers out) is 10 frames and you get 8 frames of invicibility. So light tech would be 7 frames, but instead of 5 invici frames, you only get like 3-4 frames . Percent wise, you're vulnerable longer. :V

You could have it that the jump function activates Emergency teching so you'd always have the conscious choice. :V

This would only apply for a standing tech, though it could work for rolling techs with more work/thought put into it.

Mind you, this is just a random idea I wanted to throw out before actually forgetting about it. :V

and Leaf brought up something about DC during init dash that I completely forgot about and makes me want JC+ over DC during Init. rofl. V:


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Leaf, I can't argue with any of your points. PS reflect, as you pointed out, hardly qualifies as an AT and doesn't really follow what I was looking for. With that said, the vast majority of people (including myself) support it due to the good it would do the game. Can you think of any ways to improve upon it?
Yeah. I can, actually. I've brought a version of this idea up before, which would put the skill back into PSing; not just for timing, but also for strategic use. Here's my list of things I'd like to see done to shielding:

1) Shielding and PSing should NOT have the same button activator. I think pressing shield+B to PS would be suitable, as that input isn't used for anything else right now.
2) The PS window should be raised back up again. It's currently at 1 frame. It should be raised back up to be a 2 or 3 frame window.
3) PSing would incur no shieldhitstun, the same as it does now.
4) PSing would reflect projectiles at half damage.
5) You incur normal shield damage from the attack, unlike how you receive 0 now.
6) Successfully PSing a melee attack causes you to suffer an additional 20% loss of your shield.
7) Because it would be ******** otherwise, moves with unnaturally high shield damage, such as marth's shield breaker, do not receive their shield damage bonus.

I'm still not decided on whether or not you would be allowed to PS if you already had your shield up, or if the window would disappear after a few frames.

So basically, in exchange for a pretty nice frame advantage, your shield is greatly damaged. As opposed to how it is now, where you not only take no shieldstun but also take no shield damage. For those wondering, shields can have 50 HP max, and the shield damage an attack does is 0.7x the default damage of the attack. So ganon's fsmash, which does 24%, would do 16.8 damage to a shield - a little over 1/3 of it. This is why I couldn't go with 2x shield damage, otherwise PSing high damage attacks would end up being pretty worthless and actually detrimental. The 20% penalty for PSing a melee attack means that every attack will do at least 10.7 shield damage, although most will end up doing around 15ish, with the really high ones doing around 25 or so, making the total shield loss from the attack and the PS between 20% and 50% of your shield. Perhaps if it's deemed too harsh of a penalty for high damage attacks but alright for low damage ones, the shield damage multiplier could be reduced for PS'd melee attacks.

As for projectiles, I believe it's possible to differentiate between them and melee attacks for this, but it would be hard if not impossible to code. It would be done by performing a check to see if the opponent is in hitlag. If they are not, it treats it as a projectile, causing normal shield damage with reflecting but without shieldstun or the additional 20% shield penalty. Of course, in doubles or on stages with objects you can attack, this wouldn't work, as the hitlag they are in wouldn't necessarily be a result of hitting you... hence what makes it so difficult: there would have to be a way to make sure the hitlag they're in is a result of them attacking you, rather than them attacking something else or being attacked.

H-canceling sounds intriguing, and I agree it'd need a powerful limiter to keep it under control. A limit per stock (or match) would work -- I think that whatever the method, though, there should be a visible indicator to let you know that you either do or don't have it as an option. I'm not sure what that'd be and it sounds tricky to code. I'll think about it.
Yeah, a visual cue would be nice. Perhaps something on the character's icon that indicates it. I actually think once per stock would be too much.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
That's great, I do agree with PSing taking shield damage, but why does it need to be a separate input? Yes, in your idea you take extra shield damage from melee attacks, but since you still get frame advantage, there are very few instances where you'd rather use normal shield than PS, and even if you want to, you can just press shield a little early to get the normal shield. I just think having a different input for PSing is really unnecessary and makes it less intuitive.

That said, I'm all for PSing reflecting and causing shield damage, even extra shield damage.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Eh. I kinda like not talking damage from powershielding. I mean hell, Something like this would **** trying to powershield multihit moves like Snake's dair or multi-hit jabs like Mario's AAA or really quick attacks that happen in rapid succession.

I'd rather you take LESS damage than normal. I like to stick to the concept of power shielding being better than shielding in every situation because its not something you can reliably pull out against anything but projectiles and even then, its not 100% reliable.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Eh. I kinda like not talking damage from powershielding. I mean hell, Something like this would **** trying to powershield multihit moves like Snake's dair or multi-hit jabs like Mario's AAA or really quick attacks that happen in rapid succession.
As much as I love seeing that. I feel like the addition of a negative side to perfect shielding is needed.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Which is why I said reward PS with LESS shield damage than normal rather than MORE. It's not really a reward when the basic function of your shield is less functional because you have suberb timing. You know? IT just doesn't click properly in terms of logic.

It's like.

What kind of POWER Shield has less defense than your NORMAL shield. You see what I mean? It just doesnt click. Even for smash. Even for a game. Cuz you know that's game logic.

In RPGs, Metal Shields have more DEF than Wooden one. So you figure a POWER shield would be stronger than a NORMAL shield. :V

I can go on, but I think I've made my point.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Think of PS as the wooden shield, then. It weighs less, and offers less damage protection, but it doesn't have a large dexterity penalty (shield stun) ala the metal shield. Thus, if you can wield it properly it's overall more useful.



Smash Master
Dec 21, 2006
**** MD/VA. I have no region. no really...
I think there should be two types of power shielding if you really want to consider adding shield reflecting

1. The regular power-shield that comes up with the same amount of frames to activate it(within 10 frames, i think)

2. Another power-shield with a different color flash. This one would have a more strict timing(1-2 frames) and the ability to reflect projectiles

Any comments?


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
That's great, I do agree with PSing taking shield damage, but why does it need to be a separate input? Yes, in your idea you take extra shield damage from melee attacks, but since you still get frame advantage, there are very few instances where you'd rather use normal shield than PS, and even if you want to, you can just press shield a little early to get the normal shield. I just think having a different input for PSing is really unnecessary and makes it less intuitive.

That said, I'm all for PSing reflecting and causing shield damage, even extra shield damage.
It needs to be a separate input because the reason we lowered the PS window to begin with was because the window was too large, causing frequent accidental PSs. It rewarded a player who wasn't even trying for it to begin with. With the new PS mechanics I'm talking about, this would make it where accidentally PSing something could actually hinder the player. There are times where the soonest you're able to shield an attack after exiting lag is still in the PS window. So a fox could be trying to dair you, which normally does fairly little shield damage, but you PS the first hit even without meaning to, so the other hits shieldstab you because PSing causes increased shield damage. PSing needs to be a conscious decision on the part of the player.

Eh. I kinda like not talking damage from powershielding. I mean hell, Something like this would **** trying to powershield multihit moves like Snake's dair or multi-hit jabs like Mario's AAA or really quick attacks that happen in rapid succession.

I'd rather you take LESS damage than normal. I like to stick to the concept of power shielding being better than shielding in every situation because its not something you can reliably pull out against anything but projectiles and even then, its not 100% reliable.
PSing is the single best defensive option in the game for pulling off a counterattack, even with the increased shield damage on melee attacks. You need to remember that we'd be raising the PS window with this back up to the vbrawl default, so it'd be a lot easier than it is now. Yeah, it wouldn't be as effective for punishing multi-hit moves, but characters with one or two frame jabs or invincible upBs would still be able to counterattack before getting hit again, since they only suffer the shieldhitlag, not the shieldhitstun, and after PSing, you're no longer in your shield. PSing gives a pretty large frame advantage against any attack in the game, which is what makes it so... well, powerful.

It's stupid for it to be the best option in every situation, as that doesn't do anything for depth. A player having to make the decision on whether to try to PS something or not since the PS could end up hurting more than helping (ie. if you would've been able to punish their attack regardless of if you PS'd or reg shielded), however, adds a lot to depth. If you use the PS well, the extra shield damage shouldn't matter, since you'd be performing a counterattack after that, and during that time, your shield could recover. PSing is still largely better than regular shielding, it's just that now there are situations where it isn't your best option anymore.

Which is why I said reward PS with LESS shield damage than normal rather than MORE. It's not really a reward when the basic function of your shield is less functional because you have suberb timing. You know? IT just doesn't click properly in terms of logic.

It's like.

What kind of POWER Shield has less defense than your NORMAL shield. You see what I mean? It just doesnt click. Even for smash. Even for a game. Cuz you know that's game logic.

In RPGs, Metal Shields have more DEF than Wooden one. So you figure a POWER shield would be stronger than a NORMAL shield. :V

I can go on, but I think I've made my point.
Uh... who really cares if it makes sense? PSing is still better than regular shielding in many ways. Now there's just a trade-off for using it (and it's only on melee attacks, too). Like I said, the numbers still need to be worked on, and perhaps the actual shield damage received from being attacked should be reduced by some multiple to prevent strong hits from just wrecking shields on a PS, more or less homogenizing the shield damage from a PS'd hit.

slikvik said:
I think there should be two types of power shielding if you really want to consider adding shield reflecting

1. The regular power-shield that comes up with the same amount of frames to activate it(within 10 frames, i think)

2. Another power-shield with a different color flash. This one would have a more strict timing(1-2 frames) and the ability to reflect projectiles

Any comments?
Ok, PSing is bad, but it isn't that bad. If it had a 10 frame window it would be utterly ridiculous. You would never see the regular shield ever get used.

PSing has a 3 frame window in brawl. In melee, there were two different PS windows - one for projectiles and one for melee attacks. Projectiles had a 2 frame window and melee attacks had a 4 frame window. It would be nice if it was possible to set up a separate window for projectiles, since it's really a lot more fair that way.

Also, much more ideal way of differentiating between projectiles and characters I just thought of: Check the character ID of the hitbox that hits the shield. If it matches one of the 39 characters in the cast, it's a melee attack. If it doesn't, it's a projectile. Problem solved! =D


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Think of PS as the wooden shield, then. It weighs less, and offers less damage protection, but it doesn't have a large dexterity penalty (shield stun) ala the metal shield. Thus, if you can wield it properly it's overall more useful.

A power shield wouldn't be a wooden shield. D:

I'm matching names here. Not opposites. I like my powershield to be overall better.

Plus that kind of PS would be ***** by shield pressure characters and characters with shield stun heavy attacks. :V


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
A power shield wouldn't be a wooden shield. D:

I'm matching names here. Not opposites. I like my powershield to be overall better.

Plus that kind of PS would be ***** by shield pressure characters and characters with shield stun heavy attacks. :V
AFAIK, in brawl, you don't receive shieldhitstun from a PS. Only shieldhitlag. Unlike melee, where you received both shieldhitstun and shieldhitlag, and you just weren't in your shield anymore afterward. Oh, and you also don't suffer shield pushback in brawl, whereas you did in melee. So in melee, a PS'd grab was no more or less effective than a regular shieldgrab, except for the taking no shield damage part.


Smash Master
Dec 21, 2006
**** MD/VA. I have no region. no really...
Ok, PSing is bad, but it isn't that bad. If it had a 10 frame window it would be utterly ridiculous. You would never see the regular shield ever get used.

PSing has a 3 frame window in brawl. In melee, there were two different PS windows - one for projectiles and one for melee attacks. Projectiles had a 2 frame window and melee attacks had a 4 frame window. It would be nice if it was possible to set up a separate window for projectiles, since it's really a lot more fair that way.

Also, much more ideal way of differentiating between projectiles and characters I just thought of: Check the character ID of the hitbox that hits the shield. If it matches one of the 39 characters in the cast, it's a melee attack. If it doesn't, it's a projectile. Problem solved! =D
I see...3 frames. I seems so easy to pull off I figured it was more. I agree completely with your idea, although now I think it should be just frame timing to powershield projectiles
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