Because an advanced techniques switch would imply that it's there for the sole benefit of the game, when we have no idea yet what Brawl plays like at high levels. Nobody would ever give the game a try without it, because everyone would be 'hey, real players use these techniques- can't play a tournament without them.' Even if it's not how Brawl was intended by the developers, nobody would give the game a chance without them around, stuck in a Melee mindset how THAT game needed them in order to be a real, competitive title, not even considering that Brawl might have been built from the ground-up with the vision that L-canceling and Wave Dashing weren't going to be there.
Brawl does not equal Melee. It's just like any other new game in a fighting franchise- some things stay, some things go. L-canceling and Wavedashing were left out. Now, to see how Brawl was built to adapt to some of these changes.
Come back and rant about how the loss of L-canceling ruined Brawl in six months, when you might actually have an effing clue about whether or not it actually did. Right now, it's just the worst kind of information- barely-informed speculation. You got enough knowledge to start to form an opinion- but you still don't have a clue what you're really talking about. Just enough to act like you do.
Brawl does not equal Melee. It's just like any other new game in a fighting franchise- some things stay, some things go. L-canceling and Wavedashing were left out. Now, to see how Brawl was built to adapt to some of these changes.
Come back and rant about how the loss of L-canceling ruined Brawl in six months, when you might actually have an effing clue about whether or not it actually did. Right now, it's just the worst kind of information- barely-informed speculation. You got enough knowledge to start to form an opinion- but you still don't have a clue what you're really talking about. Just enough to act like you do.