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A smart Sonic will never die from an edge-hug - VIDEO UP


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
I certainly did not discover this first


Characters who can attack after upB can still foostool jump, those who can't, can't
During a shield a character can still be foostooled without any noticeable animation
Can be done while character is hugging edge
Can't be done during spot dodge/invincible frames at start of edge-hug

Final Thoughts: Very situational, a taller character like Snake/Ganondorf has more of a "foostool" area for you to connect with than Toon Link.

When most characters use their u-B they are finished. Only a handful can still attack out of it. Since Sonic can attack.... he can generate a footstool jump from someone who is hanging onto the side of the stage. The player doesn't get hurt, but Sonic appears to magically have another jump.

If the player decides to climb up... Sonic can sweetspot the ledge. So bascially the last thing a Sonic player wants to do... is attack the person on the ledge, unless they're confident the other player won't dodge up... and hitting them will result in a stage spike/KO of some sort.

You don't want to try the jump unless you absolutely have to because it's assuming that the other player isn't going to attack/spike/gimp you.



Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
I did it twice today against a diddy kong. He would spike me down and then I would u-B, but I couldn't get back up and over the edge (which he was holding on to, even with a fair/bair for momentum)so I kept rapidly hitting the jump button and safely made it back to the stage.

I'll look more into it, but I'm confident that it requires you to be able to attack still...

characters like sonic and snake who don't go into a freefall after their up B can probably do it.

EDIT: I wish I recorded those matches, I have some videos to upload anyways, I'll make a recording of it to demonstrate, have it up sometime tomorrow.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Don't you have to kinda be above the person to FSJ?

If you're above someone who's hugging the stage, then wouldn't you usually be better off landing onstage instead?

Or is this just really situational (Sonic has no chance of landing on stage but somehow has good enough placement to FSJ)?


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
Yeah... as in... crap I can't get back, and if I try to hit my opponent, he'll just slowly roll up and I won't sweetspot the ledge in time. This would be a last ditch effort if you goofed or for whatever reason can't get back.

The footstool jump is rather interesting, because you can footstool jump without even touching your opponent at other times too. This is just abusing the move when you obviously have no other option against a smart opponent... I guess you can consider it a one time deal to catch your opponent by surprise and piss them off.

To answer your question though, I'm not sure what the radius or location is around the player, the fact that they are hanging though, probably makes it lower than you may realize.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
sonic and DDD are said to have weird footstool properties. Like for examble, the jump cancel out of SD can footstool, but it doesent show any animiations of the footstool itself, sonic just jumps like Up-b distance or higher with a single jump, and i think it can happen even if the enemy is in sheild.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Ohsnap, another technique I mentioned before is being brought up again. I gave credit to Possum from Wyoming for this one. He showed it to me at C3T last month.

Also, there is no way the double spring was resultant of a FSJ. Seriously, guys, that doesn't explain why you can sometimes do it after dairing a spring on the ground.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
It didn't go, because we didn't go. In short, the tournament host refused to allow for teams to be pushed back long enough for us to participate. This would have been alright, if they let us do another teams tournament before singles the next day. They said they would.

Then, we find out that we have to wait until after singles on the second day to have teams. The only reason CO plays Brawl is for teams. We decided that we're just going to go to a small near-by tournament in Boulder.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
But I've turned around. Like when you fair onto the edge. I want to Bair in the direction of the stage.
Well I noticed as Toon Link, sometimes when I press back to let go, instead I'll wall jump, ergo ending up backwards. I'll look into it.

edit: seems to do it if you hold up and back at an angle. It's right above the east/west cardinal directions, depending on which side of the stage you are.


Smash Master
May 30, 2006

but how do i double spring....and someone do a triple lol that would be crazy

Sonic the EdgEhog

Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
Twinkle you can walljump as sonic, and the edge of the stage is a wall, basically. It requires a little bit of timing but you can ledgehop to a bair towards the stage as well as a fair if you walljump it. It's like a drop down, use your second jump and flick the control stick away from the stage as you pass the edge, then bair sorta deal.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
Twinkle you can walljump as sonic, and the edge of the stage is a wall, basically. It requires a little bit of timing but you can ledgehop to a bair towards the stage as well as a fair if you walljump it. It's like a drop down, use your second jump and flick the control stick away from the stage as you pass the edge, then bair sorta deal.
There's that, but the way I've mentioned allows you to jump way from the stage and turn around straight from hanging on the ledge. No real walljumping required.
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