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A Slime Draws Near! Dragon Quest's mascot's SSB4 support thread

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Deleted member

Something interesting I just saw.

Maybe Slime would have issues due to having no limbs....
But what about Ultra Slime?

I think that solves all issues.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
How in the world did I never see this thread?! Luckily I found this trying to search for my old Slime moveset, which I managed to find. Since this is the Slime thread afterall I'll just drop it here. Sadly, the Youtube links no longer work since the uploader ended up getting terminated.


Weight - 2
Size - 2
Speed - 6
Air Speed - 3
Fall Speed - 5

A - simple lunge forward.
AA - second lunge.
AAA - Rocket does a small flip delivering small knockback.
Running A - While running, begins to roll like a wheel into the opponent.
Up A - Jumps as if pointy part of slime is a weapon and pokes target.
Down A - Elongates his body and sweeps the ground with his body ala Mario Sports Mix. http://youtu.be/xGlE_-FiVdA?t=1m56s
Side A - Puffs up and lunges forward to bash the opponent.

Side A - Elasto Blast: stretches in the direction pointed, can be adjusted during the charge; once the button is let go, Slime shoots forward.
Up A - Slime Medley: Two slimes are summoned to help form a slime stack, all slimes do damage in stack. Piston like effect pushing upwards with great force.
Down A - Bubble: Becomes a puddle and sweeps the ground. Radial effect.

Neutral - Body expands as he spins around in place in the air, has multi-hit properties.
Forward Air - Coils his body and flicks himself forward slightly.
Down Air - Turns metallic like a Metal Slime and suddenly drops down, he is able to move horizontally while dropping through the air.
Back Air - Whips his body around to smack the opponent.
Up Air - Causes an explosion above him using a Rockbomb Shard.

Grab - Wraps himself around the enemy.
A - Constricts them.
Forward Throw - Unravels the character like a top, spinning them forward.
Down Throw - Throws the character into the ground and crushes him/her under his body.
Back Throw - Wraps around their waist and slings them behind into the air.
Up Throw - Gets under them and stretches his body similar to Elasto Blast, instead he slingshots them above.

Neutral B - Frizz: He'll start charging the attack sort of like Fox's Up B. During this phase you can then use the control stick to aim the attack, sending an explosive fireball attack in any direction. Unlike Zelda you cannot change direction while using the attack. Sets players on fire for a few seconds and can also set areas of the stage on fire for a few seconds, dealing damage to anyone who wanders into the flames.

UpB - Chimaera Wing: Based upon the famous item in the Dragon Quest series. Slime will teleport skyward in a streak of yellow light. Straight up vertically. He won't be able to move horizontally until after he appears again. The move is like Zelda's teleport except faster and Slime never disappears, just streaks up into the air. After the move he will be unable to attack. The offensive side of this special is anyone caught under the path of Slime will receive damage and knockback.

Side B - Slime Knight*: A knight doll appears on Slime's back and slashes like crazy, sort of like Metaknight. You can hold down B and he'll continue to slash but you can't move while he's slashing. It is a multi hitting attack, much like Metaknight again, and can cause a player some damage if not careful. Slime can also drop the kinght doll on the ground and on its own it will begin attacking while Slime is free to move. The catch is the doll will dissipate 4 seconds after being on its own.

DownB- Back Up!: Summons a random member of the Slime family (She-Slime, Heal Slime, Bubble Slime, King Slime, etc...) for different effects:

She Slime: Lunges itself at opponent, weak damage
Bubble Slime: Will run away on the battle field, in the process running under characters and causing them to trip.
Slime Knight: A Slime Knight will hop onto the stage and deliver one large slash in front of him, 7%
King Slime: He will puff up to a very large size and crush any character in his path, 10%
Slime Stack: Several slimes will appear and hop on top of one another and will fall forward attacking all within their line, 4% per slime.
Heal Slime: Rare, when one appears he will heal Slime about 10%.

(Final Smash)

Final Smash - Schleimann Tank: The camera will zoom to the left of the stage in the background. Suddenly the gigantic Schleimann Tank will roll onto the stage. Once it ceases moving other slimes will be calling for Slime. When a cannon will suddenly appear on stage, leading Slime to hop and dance around before jumping into the cannon. He will then be fired into the Schleimann Tank. Once inside the cannons will begin being loaded and they will fire projectiles onto the stage. Rocks, boxes, Rock Bombs, explosive eggs, and missles will be fired onto the stage at a time. Once the Final Smash is over the final cannon will be loaded with Slime and he will be fired at the stage, causing a large, final splat/impact. He will flatten onto the ground, but spring back up and continue from where he left off.

Idle - Slowly moves up and down in place, ocassionally wiggling.

Running - He hops forward as in Rocket Slime and throughout Dragon Quest.

Shielding - Puffs his body out.

Standard - Blue hue
Color one - Red hue
Color two - Green hue
Color three - Grey hue, Metal Slime
Color four - White and Orange w/ splotches, Spotted Slime
Color five - Black hue, Dark Slime

Kirby Hat - Slime Hat:

Kirby will have the top part/head and eyes of a slime, he will be able to use Frizz. He'll pull his hand to his body and start charging a fireball and release.

Taunt 1 - Begins scooting on the ground in a circle, then shivers.
Taunt 2 - Jumps in the air and gives one of his armless waves.
Taunt 3 - Hops around in the air, making a "wheeeeeee" noise.

Intro: Rocket comes flying out of the air after a cannon noise is heard.

Home stage - Zenithia (Dragon Quest IV-VI)http://www.smashboards.com/threads/super-smash-bros-4-stage-conception.305626/#post-12936266

Character Icon - Tilted Slime

Fanfare - http://youtu.be/4Jl-QGpHv8o

*A Slime Knight is basically a knight resting on top of the Slime. In the Dragon Quest Heroes games, any living creature could utilize a Slime Knight, and if put on a certain kind of item, it would act on its own against anyone. if put on a certain kind of item, it would act on its own against anyone.

I've also considered making his Up Special "Balloon" like how in Rocket Slime he balloons himself causing him to float. Also I might change the stage to "Astortia" since that is the latest Dragon Quest locale.
This also happens to bethe stage concept I created. Conventional wisdom would be to say that the world of Astortia from Dragon Quest X would be the more likely stage choice, but since I have yet to play that game I'm sticking with the stage concept for the game I have played.

Coming straight from Dragon Quest, it is the floating castle Zenithia! For those of you who missed out on Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI for the DS; first off shame on you, secondly this castle spans across the "Zenithia Trilogy" and plays an important role in the plot of all three games. This trilogy being published on the DS makes me believe this stage would be the most likely choice for a Dragon Quest stage. As you have a better chance of a person being familiar to this castle than any other locale in the DQ universe. It was a difficult choice choosing between this stage or The Observatory from Dragon Quest IX. Maybe down the road I'll do an alterante concept?
Now onto the stage itself. You would be fighting in the large courtyard before the doors leading into the tower. The castle would be glistening while you fight. The background would be magnificent as the castle slowly floats through the clouds. Beneath you could look upon the land as you pass over plains, deserts, ships sailing on the ocean, busy towns, and large towers. Seldomly you'll be able to see the Dragon Lord (Dragon Quest IV, V), Peggy Sue/Pegasus (Dragon Quest VI) or the Starflight Express (Dragon Quest XI) flying in the background in the distance.
One of the secrets to this stage is there is an alternate version that can load, what I call the "Dark World" version. Taking pages out of the many demon realms in the Dragon Quest series. It would take on more of a worn state as seen in Dragon Quest V and VI. You would see some of the iconinc monsters make appearances in the background. Such as Slimes, Golems, Drackys, Goodybags, Rockbombs and others. The sky would turn red and the clouds dark. Below, the once vibrant land would become withered; the waters dark, fires abound, the towers would now look more evil in structure, and the towns ruinous.
Stage Example:
Flat I know, just think Bridge of Eldin.
Stage Name: Zenithia
Stage Icon: Slanted Slime
Dragon Quest - Overture/Title Theme
Dragon Quest I - Chateau Ladutorm
Dragon Quest II - Endless World
Dragon Quest III - Fighting Spirit/Zoma
Dragon Quest IV - Battle For The Glory
Dragon Quest VI - Monsters!
Dragon Quest VII - World of the Strong
Dragon Quest VIII - Great Battle in the Vast Sky
Dragon Quest XI - The Observatory
Dragon Quest X - The Wind Elf Race
Dragon Quest VI - Pegasus
Dragon Quest Monsters - Never-Ending Journey
Slime Mori Mori - Find the Slimes!
This certainly was a lot of work back in the day, but I think it highlights a lot of what Dragon Quest brings to the table. One thing I enjoyed seeing with Megaman is how Sakurai took Megaman and really pulled from his games to create a unique yet accurate moveset for Megaman. I have no doubt in my mind Sakurai could do the same for Slime given his unique body structure.

You should consider changing the name of the thread though. It is a mouthfull.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
How in the world did I never see this thread?! Luckily I found this trying to search for my old Slime moveset, which I managed to find. Since this is the Slime thread afterall I'll just drop it here. Sadly, the Youtube links no longer work since the uploader ended up getting terminated.

This also happens to bethe stage concept I created. Conventional wisdom would be to say that the world of Astortia from Dragon Quest X would be the more likely stage choice, but since I have yet to play that game I'm sticking with the stage concept for the game I have played.

This certainly was a lot of work back in the day, but I think it highlights a lot of what Dragon Quest brings to the table. One thing I enjoyed seeing with Megaman is how Sakurai took Megaman and really pulled from his games to create a unique yet accurate moveset for Megaman. I have no doubt in my mind Sakurai could do the same for Slime given his unique body structure.

You should consider changing the name of the thread though. It is a mouthfull.
Ok. Adding these to the OP.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Since characters are being revealed in their own special videos, I have been imagining how a trailer might play out if Slime were revealed.

- Mario, Kirby, Link and Donkey Kong could be walking through a grassy area of some kind, and they stop walking when they hear some rustling behinds some bushes. After they stop and look at it Slime jumps out and lunges at the party, and just like in Dragon Quest fashion the screen would flash and transition as though it were an RPG battle. Slime... Draws Near. Dragon Quest III's battle theme plays as gameplay clips are strewn together to show of the bubbly blue fighter's unique fighting style.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
A trailer dedicated to a raindrop, sounds like a waste of money to me. :/
A rain drop that can be very unique and will add a lot to the game since there isn't anything like him in Smash yet. That's a waste of money how?

Because with that logic Wii Fit Trainer's trailer was also a waste of money.

The point of the trailer is to show off what the character can do.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I don't look at it that way, and relating to WFT is probably not a good idea.
Why exactly isn't it? trailers are used to show off a character. If it wasn't for the trailer and the direct, WFT wouldn't have been accepted as well as she is. (there'd be a lot more anger in ll honesty)

Also, every guest will probably have a trailer. It only makes sense to show them off. So if Slime did get in, he would have a trailer dedicated to him.

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
This thread has gone untouched for too long, I thought I'd make a moveset:

Speed: Medium (hops rather than runs)
Air Speed: Medium Fast
Fall: Medium Fast
Size: Very Small (About Metaknight height)
Weight: Low (75 or so?)
Reach: Short
Jumps: 2, quite high.

Duck - Bubble Slime (becomes a bubbly slime tripping an oponent who tries to run over him, can move slowly while ducked)

A - Jumps forward smacking the foe with his body. Short reach, but bounces forward giving a little more range.
AA - Flips back hitting with his butt, returns to original position from first jab.
You can repeat this 2 hit combo indefinately.

Dash- Head Plant's after one of the hops, sliding a short distance, also drops anything stacked on slime's head.

FTilt - Launches forwards into a Headbutt, then squishing back into his original position.
UTilt - Flips upside down and jumps upwards butt bouncing anyone above him.
DTilt - Bubbles violently and releases a poisonous gas to all sides.

FSmash - Elasticates forwards, holding it to be stronger. Does damage as he snaps forward stretching out (better reach)
USmash - Squishes into the ground before bouncing up and hits with the point on his head.
DSmash - Stretches up and then spins rapidly with animations to either side (DQ 4/5 DS attack animation)

NAir - Spins with trail animations to either side, not very useful.
FAir - Smacks forwards with his head, can be used for slight horizontal recovery.
BAir - Smacks back with his butt-end, stretching out somewhat.
UAir - Flips back with a stretched out butt end, swinging above his head.
DAir - Face Slam, looks down and falls quickly to the ground with a stream behind, aimable forward/downwards, and jump canceled, bounces after hitting, allowing for it's use as a spike, followed by an elasto-blast back to the ledge.

Grab - Squidges down and with a white flash lifts the target a little infront of slime.

Pummel - Stretches up smacking the target with his head.
FThrow - Lifts the target onto the stack, can hop and use 1 jump at full speed, works like DK, but easier to break and does less damage.
Second throws are simply chucking them in various direction, nothing to note here.
UThrow - Elastoblasts upwards chucking the target upwards with good knockback.
BThrow - Roll Over, basically suplexing the target slamming the target behind them and sending him flying.
DThrow - Jumps up and spins, lifting the target with him, and then slams upside down into the ground.

NB - Stack Throw: Throws an item from the stack, somehwat aimable, starting from the bottom, it will act as usual afterwards.
SB - Elasto-Blast: Stretches out, and snaps back rocketing in that direction. Launches further the longer held, to a point.
Can be aimed in any direction and angle, and is the primary form of recovery.
Can be used three(?) times in the air before Slime gets dizzy and goes into a special fall afterwards.
UB - Stack Up: Lifts up an item, even some of those that normally can't be lifted, and puts it on the stack.
If used without an item ahead it will switch the bottom item to the top. The stack maxes out at 3 high.
When used with 3 items stacked the top one drops, the FThrow works the same but with a character.
The more items on the stack the harder it is to escape the stack, and monsters will pummel the target.
Waddle Dee/Doo Backup Slime, and Slime Knights can all be lifted, but projectiles cannot (unlike Villager's pocket)
A held usable item (beam sword, zapper, etc.) will take the first slot on the stack, but can be used as normal.
Players, Crates, Barrels and Party Balls will not slow down Slime while held, or stop him jumping, but do stop double jumps.
DB - Call for Backup: Calls for Backup Slime to appear beside him, only one will appear per use, but up to 3 can appear at most.
These slime don't have special attacks, smashes or grabs, and have poor AI, but can attack with normal A moves.
These A moves are lower damage and push back than Rocket Slime, and the slime are lighter weight too; lower level.
If a fourth slime is called the 1st will disappear. Ocassionaly a Slime Knight will appear instead of a slime.
Slime Knight has a sword and is decently powerful, he can also attack by himself from atop the slime stack.
He will also slash away repeatedly as he's thrown. If a slime knight appear, another can't untill he's KO'd.
Even more ocassionally a Heal Slime will appear, healing Hero Slime for a bit before disappearing.

Floor Hold - Unlike other who fall on their back or side, Slime falls on his face.
Floor - Bounces up and spins hitting the enemy with his butt end.
Tech - His face slides around his slimey body very quickly, head nipple and all.

Edge Grab - Sticks to the edge with his face.
Edge <100 - Slides up and along the floor as a bubble slime, producing poisonous gasses as he slimes his way up.
Edge >100 - Swings up and elastoblasts onto the stage causing more damage, but taking longer.

Final Smash - Schleimam Tank
Slime pulls out the Warriors Flute and plays a tune. During this the SCHLEIMAN TANK appears in the background of the stage and starts firing cannon rounds at the stage.

Special notes: When using a Mushroom he becomes a King Slime, rather than simply a giant slime.
Similarly when using a Green Box he becomes a Metal Slime rather than the usual metal effect.

Kirby Copy Ability: Kirby lifts a held item above his head, stacking it, if no item is held the bottom of the stack moves into Kirby's hand.
If a stackable, but not holdable, item is infront and nothing's held will stack it straight away, and drop it later.

He plays a fantastic quick annoyer game, wracking up damage and staying out the way while rocketing across the stage, but he struggles a bit due to having a lack killing moves.

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013

Dragon Quest Monster 2 3DS LL case!!!!!

Look at how cool it is!

I doubt we'll get it in the west, but Nintendo have done a good job of convincing Squeenix of western releases with Bravely Default, so we'll see how it goes I guess.

Thinking about it recently, Nintendo seems to wish for more Square Enix games to hit the west (their campaign for bravely default comes to mind, but as a game it pales in comparison dragon quest, and they did grab up the DQ6 and DQMJ:2 licenses) makes me think Slime is more likely than I previously though, and I thought he was just short of the half and half... Smash is the best place to advertise game franchises, as Fire Emblem and Earthbound (that one did get released, but didn't reach expectations in the US, yet thanks to smash now has a fan following) show perfectly. Even games like Densetsu no Stafi (I'm an old fan, screw your new names) Kuru Kuru Kururin and Sin and Punishment have had huge boosts (enough to see later releases in most of those cases, though kururin already had an EU release) from just AT appearances, a full player character in smash would be a huge boost to the western popularity, and allow for more DQ games getting western releases, and given DQ is mostly Nintendo releases (with a bit of Android iPhone as the only exceptions I can think of atm), that means more money for Ninty, especially if they pick up the licenses again.

It makes sense from the perspective of the character, the legendary status (in JPN particularly), from the Sakurai perspective, and from a marketting/sales perspective of smash (in JPN) and Dragon Quest (in the west). Helping Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, that both continue to focus on PS releases wouldn't make as much sense for Nintendo, nor do I think it would help Squeenix as much, as both those series are popular enough as is in the west, and don't stand to gain anywhere near as much... though Squeenix are pretty bad at listening to business sense, so I don't know how much it helps convincing them... assuming they need convincing of course...


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2013
Launch Base Zone
I haven't played a Dragon Quest game, so I'm not very familiar with Slime, but everything posted in this thread is enough to convince me that Slime is character that is just oozing potential. I dig it. ~

Put me on the support list!


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012

Dragon Quest Monster 2 3DS LL case!!!!!

Look at how cool it is!

I doubt we'll get it in the west, but Nintendo have done a good job of convincing Squeenix of western releases with Bravely Default, so we'll see how it goes I guess.

Thinking about it recently, Nintendo seems to wish for more Square Enix games to hit the west (their campaign for bravely default comes to mind, but as a game it pales in comparison dragon quest, and they did grab up the DQ6 and DQMJ:2 licenses) makes me think Slime is more likely than I previously though, and I thought he was just short of the half and half... Smash is the best place to advertise game franchises, as Fire Emblem and Earthbound (that one did get released, but didn't reach expectations in the US, yet thanks to smash now has a fan following) show perfectly. Even games like Densetsu no Stafi (I'm an old fan, screw your new names) Kuru Kuru Kururin and Sin and Punishment have had huge boosts (enough to see later releases in most of those cases, though kururin already had an EU release) from just AT appearances, a full player character in smash would be a huge boost to the western popularity, and allow for more DQ games getting western releases, and given DQ is mostly Nintendo releases (with a bit of Android iPhone as the only exceptions I can think of atm), that means more money for Ninty, especially if they pick up the licenses again.

It makes sense from the perspective of the character, the legendary status (in JPN particularly), from the Sakurai perspective, and from a marketting/sales perspective of smash (in JPN) and Dragon Quest (in the west). Helping Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, that both continue to focus on PS releases wouldn't make as much sense for Nintendo, nor do I think it would help Squeenix as much, as both those series are popular enough as is in the west, and don't stand to gain anywhere near as much... though Squeenix are pretty bad at listening to business sense, so I don't know how much it helps convincing them... assuming they need convincing of course...
Dat beautiful DQ 3DS! :laugh:

I haven't played a Dragon Quest game, so I'm not very familiar with Slime, but everything posted in this thread is enough to convince me that Slime is character that is just oozing potential. I dig it. ~

Put me on the support list!

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Just popping this here:

I should also note DQ is the only third party on the main page of rewards... and this is on the US site...

Also pop me down as a supporter.. it's fairly obvious I want the guy in so may as well be on the list.

*just keeping the thread alive*


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
I'm definitely in favor of him. Semi-related: Not that I necessarily agree with the concept, but what do you think of the old "Slime riding a Chocobo to represent both Square and Enix" idea?


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Slime is the only other realistic Third-Party character I really want in the game.

Sign me up!


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
One of the takeaways from the Rosalina and Luma reveal is how far Luma reaches in order to attack players. This may seem like a trivial detail, but for us, I think it helps reinforce what many of us have been saying about Slime's ability to morph his body to attack players sort of like in Mario Sports Mix.

Deleted member

I'll support. I think I would enjoy Slime's inclusion in SSB4.
And I would be happy knowing that it got in over Cloud.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2013
When you're not looking, I'm there.
My support level: OVER 9000

Im not a very big Dragon Quest guy, but killing Slimes is fun! I think that Metal Slime could be a Final Smash, being a Metal Box x2. She-Slime could be a skin, and #DodgeballthrowingforaNSpecial

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Been playing Dragon Quest Monsters Super Light recently (the perks of having a Japanese girlfriend), and I really don't understand why Squeenix don't just translate these things, at least the off-shot games like this. I mean, there's so little text in this game, and no dialogue as such, it'd take days to translate into English, and being DQ the news of a western release would spread like wildfire across the fan community and it would make back it's investment easily...

However, the fun of a roguelike DQM aside we do have some hope my slime loving friends.

Back in november Square Enix Japan registered the trademarks Luminaries of the Legendary Line and The Seeds of Salvation, in english I might add; both of which sound pretty Dragon Questy already, but more interestingly than that just recently they've registered the second of those names in the US.

Any conjecture on what The Seeds of Salvation could be? It doesn't sound like DQX, unless it's the subtitle for version 2? Alternately it could be DQVII 3DS, although Luminaires of the Legendary Line sounds more fitting for that game (Warriors of Eden in japanese). Alternately it could be for the Smart Phone versions of the first three games, though I don't see what it pertains to in those games, except if they mean Legendary Line as scriptures of Erdrick, but that's a stretch by any imagination.

Alternately it could be an entirely different game, completely unrelated to DQ... maybe a sub-title for Bravely Second? though given that game's 'inspiration' from Final Fantasy 5 I imagine it won't use sub-titles like Dragon Quest.

What does everyone else think? And how excited are you for the potential of a new localised DQ game (even if it's a remake)?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
Been playing Dragon Quest Monsters Super Light recently (the perks of having a Japanese girlfriend), and I really don't understand why Squeenix don't just translate these things, at least the off-shot games like this. I mean, there's so little text in this game, and no dialogue as such, it'd take days to translate into English, and being DQ the news of a western release would spread like wildfire across the fan community and it would make back it's investment easily...

However, the fun of a roguelike DQM aside we do have some hope my slime loving friends.

Back in november Square Enix Japan registered the trademarks Luminaries of the Legendary Line and The Seeds of Salvation, in english I might add; both of which sound pretty Dragon Questy already, but more interestingly than that just recently they've registered the second of those names in the US.

Any conjecture on what The Seeds of Salvation could be? It doesn't sound like DQX, unless it's the subtitle for version 2? Alternately it could be DQVII 3DS, although Luminaires of the Legendary Line sounds more fitting for that game (Warriors of Eden in japanese). Alternately it could be for the Smart Phone versions of the first three games, though I don't see what it pertains to in those games, except if they mean Legendary Line as scriptures of Erdrick, but that's a stretch by any imagination.

Alternately it could be an entirely different game, completely unrelated to DQ... maybe a sub-title for Bravely Second? though given that game's 'inspiration' from Final Fantasy 5 I imagine it won't use sub-titles like Dragon Quest.

What does everyone else think? And how excited are you for the potential of a new localised DQ game (even if it's a remake)?
You know I would really like to see them localize Slime Mori Mori 3 (Rocket Slime 2) for 3DS

Back to smash talk; I was wondering what direction they would go for slime move-set wise. I was thinking they might get most inspiration from the Slime Mori Mori series and the Joker series. Plus there is a slime in Joker 2: Professional that can summon the cast from Slime Mori Mori.

Possible Final Smash anyone?

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013

Fake, but oh so awesome!

And I'd love to see Mori Mori 3 too, but I think a main series DQ is more likely for he triumphant return.


You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
I don't care that much about Dragon Quest, but seeing how adorable he is and also seeing him in action with Mario sports mix, I do like the guy.

I support Slime. :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014

Fake, but oh so awesome!

And I'd love to see Mori Mori 3 too, but I think a main series DQ is more likely for he triumphant return.
I nearly freaked out when I saw this ^^; and I hope he has a similar look if he's in the game.
Anyway I'm glad Slime is slowly gaining support. He's such an iconic character in both Nintendo and gaming in general; I was kinda surprised that he barely had support (not just Smash Boards but everywhere).

EDIT: I wanted to post some of these miiverse pics I did but I don't wanna double post

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Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Those are some cool pics. It surprises me how little support he has too, even in Japan where they seem to dismiss him (probably as the Japanese have a tendency for a lack of creativity).

In the interest of having more stuff on this thread I'll post a pic I did for miiverse ages ago, back when I actually went on there...

I can't craw megaman, he looks super derpy... and it's not the best slime I've ever done, but hey, the three most important 3rd parties imho.

I made an oposing team red of all first parties too.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
Those are some cool pics. It surprises me how little support he has too, even in Japan where they seem to dismiss him (probably as the Japanese have a tendency for a lack of creativity).

In the interest of having more stuff on this thread I'll post a pic I did for miiverse ages ago, back when I actually went on there...

I can't craw megaman, he looks super derpy... and it's not the best slime I've ever done, but hey, the three most important 3rd parties imho.

I made an oposing team red of all first parties too.
If slime makes it that means we get three blue 3rd party characters :laugh:

Also I do see when people disagree with slime they bring up the whole no arms subject. I can easily see slime being able to hold stuff on his head, wrap his body around stuff, or even hold it items his mouth like pikachu.
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Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
or more precisely news that I've just heard about...

Luminaires of the Legendary Line has just gotten a US trademark! That's both the presumed DQ names registered. I'm still not sure if to expect it, but IGN are reporting it, and it's Google's second result for Square Enix... if this isn't about DQ: a. What could it be about? and b. They've gotta be hearing how much people want these games...

I'm still not sure if to expect them, but the fact they're potentially getting ready for some US (and hopefully EU) releases, and moreover 2 at the same time, makes me really positive for Slime's chances... I mean, why else would they be doing what is presumably two DQ games (OR the names for the two versions of DQ10, but that's possibly a BIGGER deal if we're getting that) other than to capitalise off of something...

Maybe I'm just too hopeful but this is very good news all the same, and may just be tipping me over the 50% expectation mark... I'm still not sure, but I just see no other options for what the names could be, and no reason Square Enix would suddenly release two DQ games without something else going on...

EDIT: It just occured to me this could be MORE than 2 games... Rocket Slime is already copyrighted so they just have to put a 2 at the end, and the Dragon Quest Monsters remakes are just that, remakes, the names and properties are already owned... that's a potential 5 games that could be coming soon if these are the names of two newly sub-titled Dragon Quest games. I don't think we should expect them, but the possibility is there... 2013 was the Year of Luigi, 2014 the Year of Sonic... I would LOVE for 2015 to be the new Year of Slime!
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
or more precisely news that I've just heard about...

Luminaires of the Legendary Line has just gotten a US trademark! That's both the presumed DQ names registered. I'm still not sure if to expect it, but IGN are reporting it, and it's Google's second result for Square Enix... if this isn't about DQ: a. What could it be about? and b. They've gotta be hearing how much people want these games...

I'm still not sure if to expect them, but the fact they're potentially getting ready for some US (and hopefully EU) releases, and moreover 2 at the same time, makes me really positive for Slime's chances... I mean, why else would they be doing what is presumably two DQ games (OR the names for the two versions of DQ10, but that's possibly a BIGGER deal if we're getting that) other than to capitalise off of something...

Maybe I'm just too hopeful but this is very good news all the same, and may just be tipping me over the 50% expectation mark... I'm still not sure, but I just see no other options for what the names could be, and no reason Square Enix would suddenly release two DQ games without something else going on...

EDIT: It just occured to me this could be MORE than 2 games... Rocket Slime is already copyrighted so they just have to put a 2 at the end, and the Dragon Quest Monsters remakes are just that, remakes, the names and properties are already owned... that's a potential 5 games that could be coming soon if these are the names of two newly sub-titled Dragon Quest games. I don't think we should expect them, but the possibility is there... 2013 was the Year of Luigi, 2014 the Year of Sonic... I would LOVE for 2015 to be the new Year of Slime!
Hopefully most these games will apear on Nintendo consoles (or even some exclusives). Hope we will get a direct for some of these games.
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Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
A Nintendo Direct with no news on these two games. It's not really surprising given it's too close really, but I'll admit I was hopeful we'd suddenly get a DQX trailer or something. Although to be fair the Hype of Little Mac, and for me in the UK Etrain Odyssey Untold, already got shouts of joy from me, had we gotten DQ news I'd've woken up my neighbours...

It's probably for the best, maybe they're holding off for E3...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
A Nintendo Direct with no news on these two games. It's not really surprising given it's too close really, but I'll admit I was hopeful we'd suddenly get a DQX trailer or something. Although to be fair the Hype of Little Mac, and for me in the UK Etrain Odyssey Untold, already got shouts of joy from me, had we gotten DQ news I'd've woken up my neighbours...

It's probably for the best, maybe they're holding off for E3...
Who knows maybe next direct they will focus more on 3rd party games like Sonic Boom and DQX
But like you said a lot could be saved for E3 (I gave up on a spring release) and it seems like a 3rd party newcomer would be revealed in an event like that

Still I have hope for the blue goo-ball so for now here is a random pic of queen slime form DQX
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Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
We don't know if it's coming out, but it's been out in Japan for a while now; heck they even have the first expansion pack for it already.
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