Well the RSS Feeds of his posts are
Subsnake Emissary
gisteren 7 januari 2008, 12:12:25
Yesterday 7 Januari
2 New AT's
zondag 6 januari 2008, 19:06:19
Updating and Daily posting
zondag 6 januari 2008, 3:27:36
zondag 6 januari 2008, 1:36:11
This are the dates and times when he posted it.
Also his last online moment was:
Last online Jan 8, 2008 3:58 am PT
Also... Look at the date when he became a member:
Member since Dec 27, 2007
Dunno.. but something says.. he is true... somethings says.. he is not true.. well.. maybe Sakurai will tell us in the week.
O well.. 24 Januari.. 6 days later. We know everything xD.
Except an Europe launch date ;_;
BTW the things that are give me.. a sort of feeling of truth of it
Origin: Yoshi's Story (1996)
Hey, wasn't he a Melee trophy? That he was! And he makes his triumphant return! Basically I've heard he's one of the single most annoying AT's in the game other than Devil. He stands on the battlefield for a good long time, blocking off any contact with any enemies on the other side. Don't try to jump over him, it won't work out so well. His sign has gotten the ability to extend its reach. He really closes off the battlefield well.
Origin: Pikmin 2 (2004)
The Bitter Spray from Pikmin works as such: upon obtaining it, press A to use it. It will release a small blast much like in the game and any foes caught in the blast will be temporarily turned to stone. They cannot physically move, andyou cannot physically move them. However, feel free to attack at will! Damage will be cut in half, though, as your opponent also gets more immunity from the stone. Use it to buy time or to rack up damage.
Origin: Clu Clu Land (1985)
You may be surprised to find that this item has already been revealed. It's been an item in the E-For-All demo this year and went largely unrecognized. It's the blue item that has spikes. Why am I mentioning it? Well, because it hasn't been identified by fans as of yet. Basically it's a nuisance that can cause damage with its spikes.
The following characters are AT's: Birdo, Kamek, Gulliver, Tricky, Tails, Poo, Chibi Robo, Eggplant Wizard, Dixie Kong, Orbulon, Tamagon, Balloon Fighter, and Tingle.
It's just to good to be NOT true... x"D.
Eggplan Wizard is from which game BTW? Is it from Square Enix probably? Maybe this says hello SE character.. if it is true... =O