Okay! Actual speculation time for my boy


I guess I'll just go over his Specials considering I have multiple ideas for some.
So, for his

- Teleport: I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we really enjoyed the simple but appropriate Teleport. It doesn't exactly reference anything from the movies considering Mewtwo, from what I remember, didn't Teleport even once throughout both of his movies. But it's still holds a lot of reference to him being a Psychic type.

I think that Teleport should stay as his Up + B personally, but maybe have it be slightly different to keep things a bit fresh. I would say that it could have a damage effect when he Teleports to his destination, like Zelda's: Farore's Wind, but I find it to be very annoying at times, and I think as fast as Mewtwo can Teleport that it would be far to overpowered and spammy. So how about something different? I thought that maybe when he Teleports to a select location it could have a push effect when he reaches his destination. You know how when Sheik uses her Vanish move and appears right next to a character and doesn't damage them? It pushes them; blows them away from Sheik's destination. I think it would be a small but nice touch to have this effect on the end of Mewto's Teleport. Like a little Psychic after-wave if you will, that blows them away.
For his Standard

- Shadow Ball: Shadow Ball felt so right on Mewtwo in Melee, and made sense as in reference to him in Mewtwo Strikes Back when he wafted Shadow Balls at Mew. It honestly felt so right that it feels like Mewtwo is now incomplete without some kind of projectile attack in Smash, ya know?

I can't think of many ways to change this attack, which honestly upsets me. I don't want unoriginality tied to Mewtwo, and Shadow Ball is a whole lot like Lucario's Aura Sphere ( It even looks the same, which is silly because Aura Sphere isn't meant to look that dark in the actual Pokemon games, ) and Samus's Charge Shot. Maybe they could make Shadow Ball overall weaker and actually appear physically smaller as a result, but make it multi-directional like Mega Man's Metal Blade. That might be pretty cool huh?
- Psycho Cut: Speaking of Mewtwo feeling incomplete without a projectile.. Psycho Cut happens to be a projectile-like move despite it being a physical move in the Pokemon games. It's a newer generation move, but still nice nevertheless. There are two ways I can see it performing. The first idea is slightly hypocritical to what I said earlier in regards to wanting Mewtwo to be original, but Psycho Cut could actually work a lot like Greninja's Water Shuriken. It could have a carrying effect and a spike at the end. & Water Shuriken isn't a bad move at all, I make very good use of it as a Greninja main in Sm4sh 3Ds.

The second idea being slightly less useful maybe, but overall might still prove to be useful. Being a charge move, it would appear as a spiraling pink blade in front of Mewtwo that grows larger the longer it's charged. The smaller it is the slower it is and does less damage and launch, but goes a lot faster and causes more damage and launches a lot farther at full charge. But regardless of size always has an interrupting effect like Greninja's Water Shuriken, even at small charges.
Now for

- Safeguard: This idea is really simple but brings something of a new element as far as characters go. Mewtwo takes a second or two to cover his entire body in this very luminescent bright blue causing him to glow. While glowing and the safeguard is still up, he has the effect of the Franklin Badge Item, reflecting all items/projectiles within say a 10 second time frame before it wears off. I think this presents sort of interesting idea considering there are a lot more characters bringing even more projectiles to the game as moves. It may make trying to get back onto a ledge a lot more easy considering some players are really nice in timing there deadly projectiles when your off the stage. & May tend to stop a really campy character who doesn't want to stay up close and personal.
I suppose you could also have Down + B be reflect and literally just be a reflector similar to Fox's Reflector, but I won't label it as a suggestion just because I like the Safeguard idea a lot more.
- Thunder Wave: This idea is even more simple than Safeguard, but still might be useful considering many fans of Mewtwo in Melee liked that temporary stun that came from Disable. Mewtwo basically sends out a yellow wave of electricity out of his body and any one caught in it has a very long hit stun effect, similar to Zero Suit's Paralyzer. Simple enough and useful; possibly OP but that was off the top of my head lol..
& Finally

- Hidden Power: Mewtwo raises his hand and releases multiple floating orbs moving as if in a Tornado like manner, extenuating from Mewtwo's palm. It causing multiple hits and slowly pushing whoever's caught in it away from Mewtwo. Very similar to Charizard's Flamethrower. Having the same range as Charizard's Flamethrower at full range; except Mewtwo's Hidden Power wouldn't extinguish like Charizard's flames. This particular idea would be really good for Custom Moves, a few potential ideas would be Hidden Power Ice: Freezes anyone in ice who's caught up in it but has shorter range. Or Hidden Power Electric: Shorter range but has a paralyzing effect. ( Such as Zero Suit's Paralyzer ) I honestly wish I had another idea for his Side + B, but this was honestly the hardest Special Move to create an idea for. I suppose another possible idea would be to keep Confusion but I thought I'd try and give off another idea of my own just to further my hopes of him being reworked.
Well, there you go!

Most of these I came up with on the spot after analyzing potential moves from Mewtwo's movepool. But I feel like they've got some potential discussion for what they are, and bring up even more ideas for other moves.