You ruined it TC, now Buzz (who I agree with) will just keep saying wavedashing is not a glitch with evidence that you guys can't deny. This will just be another WD glitch thread. I called it.
Ok, and IMO, I think they are simplifying the game, thinking they can soften the blow for the newbs online. Fat chance, we'll find something to exploit and teching and DI is still there (plus SHTL and FCs).
Wavedashing is not technically a glitch, but at the same time it is not truly something that was intentionally coded into the game.
A glitch is something that occurs due to an error in the code, and obviously no code error is intentional (unless you count the lag in SF64's cutscenes, which was kept so as to make them look more dramatic). The three elements that compose wavedashing are jumping, airdodging and sliding along the ground when you airdodge into it. Both are intentionally coded into the game and are error-free. What makes wavedashing possible is the process by which we have combined these three elements of the game.
Jump? Yes. That's part of the game.
Jump a very short height? Yes. That's a short hop, or SH. Another intentionally coded aspect, which we have applied to our advantage.
Airdodge? Yes. That's part of the game.
Airdodge towards the ground in a direction? Yes. That's part of the game.
Slide when you airdodge into the ground? Yes. That's part of the game.
Wavedashing is no different from the SHFFL in this regard. Both are simply processes we have created from existing elements. Thus, wavedashing is certainly not a glitch, but at the same time it is not an intentionally coded action; the developers never realized it was possible. It is a series of intentionally coded actions that we, and only we, the players, discovered and adapted to our advantage.
Now that that's settled, time for some real commentary.
Hypnotist, you couldn't be more wrong. The devs don't give a **** what happens online, as long as nothing they can be sued for happens. Remember that the Wii has a different target audience from every other system out there. The Wii is targeted to anyone, and thus Sora Ltd. is making Brawl a little easier, and easier to get into, so that it can appeal to anyone. But at the same time, as we have seen, they are adding plenty of new things. These two big changes together create a vastly different experience, and one that we can easily adapt to the way we did to Melee.
It had nothing to do with the 64 version. The only thing Melee really took from the 64 version was the ideas of stocks, percentages, and characters - these alone couldn't make a good game. The basic formula that define Melee was completely different.
You can't say whats part of the basic formula, especially when theres only been ONE game that used the formula correctly (Melee), and like I said before you cant arbitrarily say mechanics you like are part of the basic formula while some others are not. Wavedashing is an integral part of Melee as is everything else.
SSB64 WAS the formula. Melee improved on it, and now Brawl is changing it. Melee took everything from the original and made it better. No matter which way you slice it, both games are Smash games. Their gameplay is at its core identical; Melee is just much more advanced.
And yes, somebody can say what is part of the basic formula, and somebody can say which techniques are part of the formula and which ones are not.
As long as they're right.
Wavedashing (and everything related to it) is not part of the basic structure. It is made of things that are, but it itself is not. Jump cancelling and down-cancelling are not. The SWD is not part of the basic structure.
Fastfalling is part of the basic structure. Shorthopping is part of the basic structure. Crouch cancelling is part of the basic structure. Shieldgrabbing is part of the basic structure. Sweetspots are part of the basic structure.
If you think about it, and remove bias, you can easily tell what is and is not part of the game's basic structure.
To answer the question of this topic: is the game more casual? If what we've seen is any indication, it will certainly be more casual in the sense that it'll attract more new players and hold them longer due to easier gameplay at lower levels of play. However, I believe that Brawl will still be, now and forever, just as deep and competition-viable a game as Melee was, if not moreso.