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A Merchant's Tale: The Spammer War~ Chapter 12- The Storm


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
The part with Venom Dream using acid to escape from his chains could not be written in McFox' point of view. This hurts to say but, that was weak. I know there's nothing I can do to change it, but the first person thing is not as good as limited omnicient.
That's not really from McFox's point of view, rather it's a quick switch to third-person to show you what's going on.

I chose to go first-person on this one so I could show more emotions and feelings and what the main character was thinking, things that can't be done as well in third-person perspective.

Eh, my next update might be tomorrow or next week. I'm having a bit of trouble writing the next part. I'm finding more and more that I'm a better action-writer than anything. And the next chapter... has about .01% action :p. So just sit tight and hopefully I can update soon :).


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Yes, I realize the transition from one thing to the next (you'll know what I'm talking about when you read it) sucks badly. This is the first time I've posted a chapter knowing a part was bad. But I've spent a while on it, and I can't seem to get it just the way I want it.

Chapter 4~ Arriving Home

Heading Home…
“So, how do you feel?” I asked Lily as we finally drove home.

She sighed with a smile. “Incredible. I mean, a week ago there were only the two of us living in McFox’s,” I laughed. I’d always differentiated between our house and the store. Referring to a house as McFox’s was just funny. “But now…” she looked down at Crystal. “Now there are three of us.”

Crystal woke up, and hiccupped. We both laughed.

“So, what’s the first thing you want to do when you get home?”

“Oh I don’t know. I was thinking-“


We both smiled. “I was thinking maybe I would-“


Lily rolled her eyes. It was cute the first couple of times, but not when you get interrupted. “I-“


And so, Crystal hiccupped all the way home, and Lily stopped trying to tell me what she wanted to do.

The lights were off when we entered the store. “Weird,” I said. “Ticadrius is supposed to have the store open today.”


I jerked back as someone flipped on the lights. Arrow, CyberWolf, Tocadrius, Matt, Toad-B, Shy Guy, Osco, Azua, Zeldafox, my parents, Lily’s parents, Crouching Shiek, Phillip Chanter, Kirby King, Thundermistress, Joker of Darkness, and Waluigi were in the store.

I was shocked. “Uh, hey guys!”

They all came over clamoring and jabbering and being generally noisy. Apparently, Crystal didn’t like this.


Everyone covered their ears. “Make it stop!” Shy Guy yelled.

Joker of Darkness whirled his arms around a few times, and the bells on his hat jangled. The room slowly melded, transforming into a place filled with fluffy bunny rabbits, bright colors, rainbows, and a small red fox plush doll for Crystal. She was instantly quieter.

Everyone sighed, quietly. Joker of Darkness returned the room to normal, and Crystal continued to snuggle with her small stuffed animal. Lily took her upstairs to let her sleep in her new room.

“I was going to save that for when we formally gave presents, but I figured that’d probably be better.”

I drew in a deep breath. “Whew, thanks.”

Suddenly, my PM beeper went off. Lily was just returning downstairs as Smashboards loaded up.

War has Begun
Only it didn’t send me to the main page. It redirected me straight to the Announcements. That was weird. The first topic read: All members of SmashWorld read NOW.

Dear members and citizens of SmashWorld Forums,

This is Gideon, your Administrator. I am declaring a state of public emergency. The Spammers have officially declared war on SmashWorld Forums. We do not know the extent of their forces, nor do we know the specific person leading them. They could attack from any side, and they could be stationed anywhere. We ask all members to head to the nearest weapons shop and arm yourselves now. And then, please stay in your homes. Spammers physically are not very formidable. We know that there are also Flamers and Hackers in their midst as well. Best to equip yourself while you are still safe.

Once you have a weapon, please stay in your homes. Spammer motives are unknown and unclear, but we will do our best to stop this war before it really begins. I do not wish to frighten everyone. Spammers are usually very unorganized, and unable to follow orders clearly. We can stop them before they reach the city, if their past actions are any indication of their current ones. Still, it would be best to prepare yourselves.

If you have any position within the government, come to SmashWorld HeadQuarters immediately for instructions.

Administrator of SmashWorld

I looked at all of the faces around me. They had read over my shoulder. Of them, about half would be coming with me.

“Well, party’s over,” I said. “We’ve got to go. If any of you want to PM your families before we leave, do it now. Ticadrius, we’ve got weapons here, so keep the store open today and tomorrow unless you hear otherwise. And if someone comes in here with not enough money for a weapon, lower the price. I don’t want someone to suffer because we were too cheap to help them.”

I drew Lily aside as several of other PMed their families. She was already sniffling. “Look, I don’t want you to worry about me okay? I’m going to be just fine. I can beat a Spammer one-on-one. Heck, I can beat three Spammers one-on-one.”

My confidence did not fill her with hope. She began to cry, and I drew her into a hug. “I almost lost my daughter, and now I might lose you too.”

“Don’t worry.” I told her, but now I didn’t even believe my fake bravado. “No one’s going to lose me.”

My parents came over, and for a moment Lily and I shared a group hug with them both. My mom looked sad and proud at the same time. “I want you to take care of yourself out there.”

I smiled, still trying to be confident. “I’ll be fine.”

“Of course he’ll be fine!” Mr. Jimmy, Lily’s father, boomed. “This guy’s gonna to take down the whole Spammer army by himself!”

We all briefly laughed, whether it was funny or not. The others were finishing their PMs. Mrs. Bledsoe was the first to come give me a hug. She kissed me lightly on my cheek. Then she held me out at arm’s length and looked at me.

“You know, I didn’t approve of you when you were dating my daughter. But through the course of the last few months you have proven yourself to be an extraordinary young man. I wish you well, and I wish you home soon.”

I smiled. That was the nicest thing she’d ever said to me. “Thank you, Mrs. Bledsoe.”

Mr. Jimmy grabbed my hand to shake it, and it was all I could do not to double over. He had a very strong grip. “Take care of yourself out there boy! And take down a Spammer for me!”

I smiled, “I will.”

My dad looked proud of me, and so did my mom. But, like Lily, I think my mom thought I might die too.

Not the kind of thing you want to think about before you set out into war.

“Mom, dad, I’ll be home soon okay?”

The three of us hugged each other. I turned to Lily, who was almost not crying now.

“I’ll be fine sweetheart. I’ll be back home before you know it.” We hugged, and I kissed her.

I walked over to Ticadrius, who was at the computer, emailing his parents about what was going on. “Tictac, can I ask you a huge favor?”

He looked up, seeming to be surprised that I would even ask. “Sure, anything.”

“I want you to stay here and take care of Lily, especially in case Spammers attack. If worse comes to worst, go into the basement and take off in the Merchant 9. You can head to Corneria, CyberWolf has some extended family there, I think. They would probably be willing to help you. I don’t think it will come to that though.”

He smiled, “I don’t think so either. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of her. Of both of them.”

I thought sadly about my sleeping daughter upstairs. How long had I known her? One day? Two? It seemed like weeks. I headed upstairs, not even realizing what I was doing until I reached her crib. I leaned over, and kissed her little cheek.

I headed back downstairs. A veil of sadness had lowered over my heart. I felt different, and I knew I would not be able to fake any confidence now.

It was, I realized, the true realization that we are at war. This is the same feeling I had as I followed Gideon and his friends around SmashWorld the first time. Only this time, Gideon would be truly leading us.

I headed to the front door with Arrow, CyberWolf, Shy Guy, Thundermistress, Kirby King, Zeldafox, Osco, and Phillip Chanter. The others would stay at my house for a while before going home.

I wanted to call out some cocky remark. About how not to go to sleep early, because we’d be back by the end of the day. But instead, all I could do was wave. Wave, and blow a kiss to my beloved wife. And then, we set out for SmashWorld HeadQuarters.

The trip did not take long. Everyone was silent the whole way. I saw several other people come out of their homes and head towards HeadQuarters like us. Walking through SmashWorld like this was… different. Like some eerie noise was playing far far away, and I could only faintly hear it. The sky seemed darker, and it felt like the air was thicker, and more difficult to breathe in.

When we reached HeadQuarters, it was unusually silent. It was, as we found out, deserted.

“Where is everybody?” Osco asked at last.

“Well, let’s head for the Mod Chambers.”

We did, to find not even the receptionist at her desk. A small sign that read “Go In” with a small arrow under it was situated on the desk.

Arrow shrugged, “Well, let’s ‘Go In’.”

We opened the door, to find the Chambers empty too. There was a small warp pad in the middle of the room.

“I guess we… go there.”

We stood on the warp pad, and were transported to an outdoor place of some kind. It was a field, with a small platform in front of us. Every single Mod except for two were on the platform. Tmw Redcell and KoopaKing were absent.

We waited in that field for the next hour, while Gideon paced around onstage nervously. I looked around during that time, and found there were a lot more people in the army than I had thought.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
The Army of SmashWorld
Finally, an hour after we arrived, Gideon got up to a small podium and began to speak. “My army, my message will be brief. We are under attack by the Spammers. Where they are, what they want, and why they are doing this is unclear. Now, I need you all to separate. I want anyone who can fly to my right, and all others on my left. Spammers don’t… can’t swim, so we don’t need to worry about that.

I moved with Arrow and the others to my right.

Gideon voiced projected loudly, although I saw no speakers. “Good. You did that quickly, quietly, and efficiently. From now on, those are your three motives. To be quick, quiet, and efficient. Everything you do now will revolve around those three concepts. I am appointing several Mods to lead each group. You will follow all orders they give. Now, some of you may not really realize that this is war. Some of you may die, although right now that is not very likely. If you wish to leave, no one will hold it against you. The warp pad is here.”

No one moved. Gideon smiled proudly. “Very well, you have made your decision. We will all rest here for one night, and then I will be sending you all on your way. For the course of the day, we will remain here. You may do whatever you wish. The Moderators and I will be organizing each of your agendas individually throughout the rest of the day. If you have any questions, ask General MewtwoJedi, and do not bother us. Are there any questions now?”

A human who I didn’t know raised a hand. “Where are we, exactly?”

“We are around three miles southwest of SmashWorld city. Anything else?” The crowd was silent. “Good.” The warp pad disappeared. “You may go about you business for the rest of the day.”

Everyone was silent for several moments as Gideon walked back to a large bench and began to do paperwork.

Then they all began speaking at once. I turned to my friends. “Well guys, this is it. We’re really at war with the Spammers. I can… just imagine what our first battle will be like.” I was imagining myself running into battle using my earth powers to bowl over Spammers left and right, never taking a hit.

“This war is going to be especially dangerous,” said Thundermistress. “Has anyone thought of the fact that Spammers have the ability to taint people? And that in the middle of a battle one of your teammates could suddenly turn against you?”

I hadn’t thought it before. Now I was thinking it with vivid lights, intense colors, and sound effects. “Way to perk everyone up Thunder.”

She smiled. “Well, best be prepared.”

And so, for the rest of the day we pretty much did nothing. At around 6:00 that evening, a spaceship showed up with weapons, camping supplies, and food. At ten o’clock, Gideon walked up to the podium again. “I am sending the Mods out to separate you into groups of one hundred for the night. Out of each group, two people will be on guard at all times. You cannot afford to just ‘forget’ anything anymore. So, once you have been separated, decide amongst yourselves who will be keeping guard, and when.”

Slakkichu came among us and separated us. There were me and my friends, and about 90 other people I didn’t know. Our group was on the outside of the camp, bordering the woods.

“Alright, which of you is going to keep first watch?” He asked us.

“I will,” I said loudly. Then, quieter, “I’m not that tired anyway.”

“Alright, I still need one more.”

“I will!” I heard a voice, but I couldn’t see who said it.

And so, everyone pitched their tents and turned out the lights. I put on my helmet, and used the visor on the left eye to see into the quiet night. I decided that being higher up would be more effective than walking around on the ground. I grabbed the bottom branch of a tree, but it snapped and I nearly fell over. I grabbed another branch, this time testing its weight first, and shimmied up the tree.

“So, what’s your name?” The other watchman asked me. Or rather, watchboy. Maybe it was a trick of the light (or absence of), but this guy looked like he was 10 years old.

“I’m McFox Fox. What about you?”

“I’m Rudy.”

“Uh, don’t take this personally or anything, but… how old are you?”

“I’m 12 okay?”

So, he was a lot younger than most people here. At first I thought he was human, but then I saw pointy ears sticking out behind long brown hair. Another thing that struck me as odd about him was that he was wearing sunglasses.

“You… do realizes it’s 11 pm right?”

“What? Oh the glasses. In daylight they’re normal sunglasses, but at nighttime they can see in the dark. That’s what I do, program things. I’m a computer whiz. I can do anything on a computer.”

He’s also got the ego of a 12 year old, I thought silently. “That’s a coincidence, I’m an inventor. Like my night-vision helmet here.”

“Ah that’s nice. So yeah I bought these regular sunglasses, and…”

He droned on for a while about how he modified those sunglasses, and I mostly tuned him out. I was looking for Spammers, not that I expected to find any. I mean, declaring war doesn’t mean you’re going to immediately attack.

Treget simply appeared between the tree I was sitting in and Rudy at about 11:30. All he said was, “Silence is a virtue.” And then he was gone.

Somewhat confused, I hopped out of the tree. “I’m going to walk around our little area here. You wait until I get to the other side, and then circle the same way as me. That way we’ll both circle it.”


I circled the tents in my section, not finding anything out of the ordinary. At one o’clock, CyberWolf and Kirby King relieved us. Looking up, I could see MewtwoJedi Saiyan making slow circles across the entire camp. I felt much safer knowing he was up in the air.

At last, making use of the sleeping bag and accommodating my complaining back. I rested upon the ground and began to sleep.


Originally posted by Bananadragon
What I don't understand though...
Shy guy's SFTS fics are amazing but how do they connect to the rest of the timeline? In Shy's fics you guys don't even know eachother when you meet eachother and both of the fics happened in just 6 months? Well, guess we will all find out eventually .
Wow, I completely missed this post. Sorry to take so long to answer your question BD.

Well, if you've read some of the other SWF fics, you'll see that mine is kind of going off on its own tangent here. Don't worry, as everything's going to be fixed at the end of the fic :). You may already know the end of the fic if you pay attention. (The whole Luna and Carbon Crystal thing, and how they control time when put together. Remember all of that? (See A Merchant's Tale 1 if you don't understand :)) :))


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Hey, I am in this fic! One thing though, Nine, I am 13
Actually Rudy... you're 13 in my fic. And if you remember, AMT 2 takes place about a year before my fic does. So McFox is correct in saying you're 12 during his fic.

Anywho, awesome update as always. I don't know what the heck you were talking about saying you knew there was something bad about the chapter. It was just as insanely perfect as always :p Man, they're in a state of war now... I can feel the tension already. Which of course translates to good writing on your part ;) Keep it up!

EDIT: Woah, my 1500th post! You should be honored McNugget ;)


Jan 17, 2002
Weehee! We're getting in to some action! Got me all excited now! ^_^ A really great chapter, can't wait to see what awaits us in battle!


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2001
I'm not female.
i see dead spammers.

The intense is building, the spammers are poised to strike.

It is still good, but this one chapter doesn't really provoke anything within me. What you said was pretty right.


Dec 3, 2001
Peachtree City: Land of the Golf Carts
So all this battling is going to be taking place on a big field? Okay.

Now for my all important question: if all the mods and fighters are out at the war, and the spammers get to the city, who will be left to defend it then? Ooh, the tension is getting to me.

Gerudo Knight

Oct 28, 2001
Originally posted by spartacus751
BTW, why are you called 9? did i miss somthing?
His username used to be Mcfox9, but he dropped the 9 during the summer I belive.

Anyhoo, another superb chapter, the tensions of war are very well described throughout, I commend you and keep up the good work!


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Chapter 5~ The Army Sets Out

Too Early
Morning. Early. Sleeping in a tent.

In a tent? What? I thought to myself. Oh yeah, the war.

“Hello?” Asked a voice. I leapt out of bed and whirled around, ready to kill the Spammer by instinct.

It wasn’t a Spammer, however. It was a Phrynosan, like Riafron. For a moment I thought he was Riafron, but then I noticed there were differences. This one had brown scales, mottled with dark green and black. His eyes were yellow, although I couldn’t exactly remember what color Ria’s eyes were. He was wearing loose clothes, brown. His feet and hands and tail were visible. It was strange looking at his hands. I had never seen Ria outside of his Chozo suit, and the suit had modified claw-hands. While this Phrynosan’s hands were large with claws big enough to kill me, they were nowhere near the size of the modified Chozo suit.

“Can I help you?” I asked at length. He had just been simply standing there, for how long I didn’t know.

“Yez you can.”

“…Who are you?”

“My name would probably be too long and complicated for your primitive human speech. I-“

“Wait, I’m not a human, I’m a Lylatian.”

“You can simply call me Nolat.”

“Okay… what do you want?”

“I want to know what I’m doing here.”

I paused. Did he mean here literally, as in what was he doing in my tent? Or did he mean here relatively, as in what are doing in a field? “What do you mean?”

“When do we fight?”

“I… don’t know. The Spammers haven’t attacked us yet.”

“Why are we waiting for them?”

“I don’t know, I’m not the leader.”

“You’re not? You look like the furry human who addrezzed uz last night.”

That took a few seconds to click. “Oh you mean Gideon. No, he’s white, and I’m orange and black, see?” I indicated to my face.

“Yez I obzerved thiz. I did not know whether our leader could change colorz. I have found several other furry humanz like yourself, but none of them were Gideon.”

“Well no, he has a separate tent than me. Anyway, what was it you wanted?”

“I want to know why the war hasn’t started yet.”

“…Let me go get someone who can answer that. In the meantime, you can just take a seat there.”

“Take it where?”

“No, I mean sit on it.”

I backed out of the tent slowly. As soon as I was out of his sight, I began to run for the bench where Gideon had addressed us the day before. It was around six in the morning, I guessed. The sun seemed like it had just come up, and there was fresh dew on the ground. I ran through it, passing around many tents of people I didn’t know. As I suspected, General MewtwoJedi was there, seeming bored. He had the hood of his cloak down, and I could see his face more clearly now. The light was reflecting out of his eyes, like a cat in the night, even though the sun was clearly shining now.

“General MewtwoJedi!” I halted, and saluted him. He did the same, although somewhat informally. Or it may have had to do with the fact that he only had three fingers.

“At ease, McFox. What can I do for you?”

“Well, there’s sort of a weird guy. Just showed up in my tent asking-“

“When we were going to go to war right?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ve already had two problems with this guy. A Phrynosan right?”


“Yeah, he just joined SmashWorld recently, and was enlisted right away, when we saw an example of his martial arts skills. He’s a brilliant fighter, but a bit off the deep end.” We began walking back to my tent. “Not that he’s dumb or anything. I think he had lived on Phrynosa his whole life, and he’s not used to the way things around here work or anything.”

“Yeah. I guess on Phrynosa when you declare war on someone, you go right at battle.”

We reached my tent, to see Nolat sitting contently silent. “Private Nolat!” Barked MewtwoJedi. Nolat jumped to his feet and saluted.

“Private, what did I tell you about barging into tents?!”

“I- I just had a question for the leader.”

“The ‘leader’ doesn’t have time to answer your questions now! Now, return to your tent and keep there until you receive further instructions.”

“Yes sir,” he said humbly, and slowly trudged out of the tent. MewtwoJedi flew back to the bench.

I shrugged, and went back to sleep.

Some time later, the loud sound of a trumpet or something like it woke everyone in the camp up. I lazily climbed out of bed, moving rather slowly. When I exited my tent, I saw that almost everyone else had already folded their tents up and were standing at attention in front of Gideon and the Moderators.

Uh-oh, I thought as I folded up my tent as quickly as I could. Gideon was just beginning to speak.

“Hope you enjoyed the sleep-in boys and girls, because that’s the last one you’ll get for a while. Alright, we’ve gotten your individual assignments ready to go. You will get your assignments by order of your last name. If you have no last name, use your first name then. If your name begins with ‘A’ through ‘H,’ report to Slakkichu. If your name begins with ‘I’ through ‘R,’ you will go to Bazooka Lucca. And if your name begins with ‘S’ through ‘Z,’ go to Bumble Bee Tuna. Well, what are you waiting for? Go!”

I waited, knowing that trying to go onto the stage now would result in getting trampled. Everyone was pushing and shoving to get their assignments. I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the idea. Then again, I had made my decision yesterday to stay.

It took a while, but eventually most of the raised area was cleared enough for me to go forward. Several more minutes of waiting, and finally Slakkichu handed me a little piece of paper.

Report to Bazooka Lucca and Gideon at noon today. You will receive further instructions then.

I was somewhat confused, and then Gideon walked up to the podium again. The crowd was immediately silent. I did note the respect everyone gave him.

“Now, just so there’s no confusion, you are going to partnered up with someone who will be going on your mission. You do not get to choose your own partners. You are, however, responsible for your partner, as they are for you. If you note anything strange about your partner, or if something happens to them, you are to immediately report it to the nearest superior. You will also share a tent with your partner, as we can’t lug around that many individual tents everywhere. There will also be no male-female tent-buddies, so don’t even think about it. And for you women in our midst, if anyone tries anything on you, you have our permission to zap, burn, freeze, or do anything else you feel like to someone if they do start acting funny.”

Loud groans rose up from somewhere in front of me and to the left. I personally didn’t care.

And so, for the rest of the morning not much went on. Not, at least, until the flying members took off. They caught everyone totally by surprise. All of a sudden, roughly a little less than half of our army simply lifted into the air, whether by wings, or psychic powers, or something else. They flew up all around us, blocking sunlight for a moment, and then letting it through until another blocked it again. All kinds of flying creatures of every sort lifted into the air, and followed whichever person they had been instructed to. Some went with Bumble Bee Tuna, some with Giygas, and some with MewtwoJedi Saiyan. It was an amazing spectacle to witness.

I simply stood there gaping like an idiot for several minutes, but I didn’t care. It was awesome to watch. And finally, seeing them separate into three groups and heading in different directions was awe-inspiring. I noted that one group, the largest of the three, was heading northeast, towards the city.

Then, at around 11:30, large, armored vehicles showed up from north of us, from the city. Amorasaki, XDadepsak, Slakkichu, and Koopaking each lead several hundred people onto the assorted vehicles, and got in themselves.

I looked around, to find that suddenly a lot of people were gone. Almost everyone was gone. There were about ten of us left. I sauntered over to the others. The others being ZeldaFox, Arrow, CyberWolf, Shy Guy, Osco, Kirby King, Thundermistress, Rudy, and one other person I didn’t know.

“Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?” I groaned loudly.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, doesn’t it strike you as odd that everyone except for us ten has already left?”

“Yes,” said the one person I didn’t know. “I was noticing the same thing. Perhaps our powers were chosen for a reason.”

“Or maybe Gideon feels like because he knows us personally, he can treat us differently. I don’t want anything better than what anyone else has.”

Several agreements passed around the group, until Shy Guy picked up what we were talking about. “Hey, why don’t you want better stuff?”

I sighed, “I didn’t say better stuff, I said ‘treated differently.’ I don’t want Gideon to think he has to treat us better because he knows us.”

“I do not think that is the case,” the brown-haired human said. “I do not know Gideon personally, and yet I am still here.”

I looked him over. He seemed to be about average height, for a human. A little taller than me, as all humans were. He wore a long green robe, but instead of a brown or black color that is common, his robe was a brilliant shade of emerald green. His hair was sand-colored, and he carried a large cane or a staff, with a shining green jewel sitting on top of it contently.

And so, we sat around, nervous and bored at the same time, while Gideon simply sat there and talked to some of the other Mods. Finally, he motioned for us to go and speak with him.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
The One?
“Order all forward camps to advance ten miles northward, all through the forest.”

“No no no, move the camps west! Then we can take SmashWorld’s army by surprise and ambush them!”

“No! We’ve waited long enough! The time to attack is now! Move camps north!”




“WAIT! Hold on. We’ve got to figure this out. Are we in this together or what?”

“…Alright. What do you propose we do?”

“Well… how about this. We send the front lines north, and then send some of the reserves west. The northerly camps will hide in the forest, and silently follow SmashWorld’s army. Then when their army reaches our westerly front, the north camps will ambush them from behind. Total victory!”

“Alright, that works. Let’s see what’s going on now.” A small crystal ball version of the SmashWorld camp going-ons appeared, flickering slightly in and out of focus. A small hole in the blank stone wall served as a window, letting in minimal light.

“Hmm… as we suspected, they’re already looking for us. We must move quickly.”

One of the voices turned to a Koopa Troopa guard, standing respectfully silent near the door. “Get all of our troops into the forest. Send the front lines northward, and tell them to ambush the armored vehicle that passes them when it reaches our westward forces.”

“Yes sir.” He quickly flung the door open and threw himself out, like he didn’t want to be there.

“We must stall for as long as possible. Then when we have worn down their forces, we can openly attack, and crush what remains of SmashWorld.”

“No you nitwit, we have to attack now. If we keep attacking swiftly and repeatedly, we can overtake them quickly by force, and assure an early victory.” The fool, the first voice thought to himself. Attacking now is our only option. He can’t see that all we have to do is take the army now, while they’re still not used to battle. Once they’ve been exposed to experience, they will be more difficult to overcome. Still, once we take over, I’ll take over this fool next to me, and rule alone.

Meanwhile, the other person was having thoughts of his own, He is too quick, too angry, to impatient. We have to rely on length and suspension to win. He is smart, no doubts there. But I really don’t think I’d enjoy ruling SmashWorld as a co-administrator. He will never even see my attack coming.


McFox’s Assignment
“Hello, you ten who are left. No doubt you are wondering why you’ve been left here while the rest of the army has gone.”

“Well… the thought did cross my mind once or twice.”

“Are we gonna get better stuff than everyone else?”

Gideon looked scornfully at Shy Guy. “No.”


“No, I have a special assignment for the ten of you. I believe you nine know each other correct?” We nodded, leaving the one in the green robe silent. “Well, everyone, this is Psychicpuff.”

Shy Guy and Kirby King snorted with laughter, barely containing themselves.

Gideon scowled disapprovingly at the two fire masters, “Psychicpuff, this is Arrow, CyberWolf, Zeldafox, Rudy, Thundermistress, Kirby King, Osco, McFox, and Shy Guy.”

“Hello all.”

“Hi Psychicpuff.”

“You ten have been chosen for a very special, and secret, assignment. I want you all to try and track down ‘the One,’ and I know you know what I mean by that.”

“Ha! Track him! Send me into battle! With my superior fire magic spells, I could wipe out the entire Spammer army single-handedly!” Shy Guy boasted.

Kirby King looked annoyed, as if Shy Guy considered his own fire powers inferior (and he probably did), “Oh yeah? Well I could beat two Spammer armies!”

If Shy Guy hadn’t been wearing a mask, he’d have probably looked annoyed. “Well, I could beat three Spammer armies easily… with one hand tied behind my back!”

“You don’t even have hands!”

“Well… neither do you!”


They stood at silent attention before Gideon.

“This is what you learned in training, to get along with one another. Or at least you were supposed to learn. No one of you is better than anyone else.”

Except me.” Shy Guy muttered softly. Kirby King narrowed his eyes in anger, but said nothing.

“What was that, Shy Guy?”


“If you are going to accomplish this mission, you’ll have to learn to work together. Teamwork. Got it?”

“Yes sir!”

“Now, you obviously can’t take any vehicles to get to your destination. Someone could spot you. We want your assignment to be completely secret. No one must know what you are doing, got it?”

We nodded. “Good. Realize that you can’t carry much more than your own weapons in this case, so bedding is limited. Two people per tent, like the rest of the army. Uh… Gamer where’s that list?”

Gamer4Fire, who had been sitting behind Gideon, handed him a small sheet of paper. “Okay, here are your partners, and what you’re in charge of. Thundermistress and ZeldaFox, you two will share a tent, and you will be in charge of weapons inventory. McFox and Rudy, you two have a tent, and you’re in charge of computerized mechanisms, making sure they stay protected. Arrow, you’re with Psychicpuff, and you’re both in charge of choosing campsites, and making sure no evidence of a night’s rest is left behind. Shy Guy you… were originally partnered with Kirby King, but I think that’s a bad idea. You’re now with…” He scratched something out, and wrote another thing down on the paper. “…Osco. Shy Guy, you are in charge of keeping your mouth shut in a tense situation.”


“That, and you both are in charge of item inventory, such as healing spells and antidotes. Kirby King will reside with CyberWolf. I’m also placing CyberWolf10 in overall command of this mission.” CyberWolf’s eyes opened wide. Guess he hadn’t expected that. “If it comes down to a hard decision, CyberWolf makes the call. If something should happen to him, McFox is second-in-command. Is everyone clear?” Me? Second-in-command? I gulped. I wasn’t really the leader-type.

“Yes sir!” We said anyway, and Gideon handed the list to me. “Keep that somewhere, and refer back to it if you need to. Are there any questions?” He asked loudly.

“I have one,” said CyberWolf. “…Do you have any idea at all where he could be?”

“Not much. All we have is that most of the Spammers are coming somewhere from south of here. So you might as well head south and try to listen in on Spammer camps, if you run across any. Do not attack any Spammers on your own, only fight in self-defense. If there’s a chance, run away before all else. If you find a Spammer camp, do not radio us to inform us, unless it is so large that we can’t overtake it, then you should send word. Otherwise, only contact us if you find the base of the One. Radio transmission could be picked up and your mission discovered.”

“I have another question,” Psychicpuff said.


“I know that many members of our army are skilled in the magical arts. Fire, ice, water, electricity, earth, anyone with even a moderate grasp of the use of their own element could easily wipe out hundreds of Spammers on their own. I’m wondering why you don’t just get the most skilled magic users, and send them into battles. From some of the magic I’ve seen performed, there are magic spells powerful enough to wipe out entire battalions of Spammers at once.”

Gideon sighed. “Well, when they first declared war, that was my initial reaction. I sent two members, both highly skilled in their magic, ice and water respectively, out two days ago, but we-“

“Wait, two days ago?” I asked earnestly. “I thought they declared war on us yesterday.”

“Well, it was two days ago, but I had the message checked out to make sure it wasn’t a bluff. Anyway, we haven’t heard from the members since. Now, were they simply tainted and being held captive? Or were they killed? I don’t know. But I fear something, or someone, rather, more sinister than ordinary Spammers is running this show. My two scouts should have easily been able to take over the small group of Spammers they discovered.”

“Yes sir.”

“Well then, if that’s all, I wish you good luck. One last bit of advice, you’ll want to stay in the woods and off the roads. Ally or foe, I don’t want anyone knowing of your mission.”

“Yes sir.” We saluted, and then turned around to go, but Gideon held CyberWolf back for a moment.

“I have no doubts you can complete this mission. The main thing you need to keep an eye on is Shy Guy. While he’s definitely a powerful fighter, he’s kind of like a grenade, that could explode at any minute.”

CyberWolf smiled with understand. “I’ll take care of it, sir.”

They saluted one another, and CyberWolf rejoined us, as we began our search for the One.


Jan 17, 2002
There will also be no male-female tent-buddies, so don’t even think about it. And for you women in our midst, if anyone tries anything on you, you have our permission to zap, burn, freeze, or do anything else you feel like to someone if they do start acting funny.”

Loud groans rose up from somewhere in front of me and to the left. I personally didn’t care.
Lol! :chuckle:

Faabulous chapter once again! Plot's looking great, specially with the twist of the special assignment! Can't wwait for the next update! ^_^


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Great update as always, Foxy-dude. Heh, I was kind of hoping Nolat would be on the mission with McFox and co... he was really funny ;) Hopefully we'll see him again. I also liked this line:
Shy Guy, you are in charge of keeping your mouth shut in a tense situation.”

:chuckle: Anywho, I'd say more, but I'm still really sick and I have a headache. Hopefully I can give you my usual dose of praise by your next update, assuming I'm healthy again.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2001
I'm not female.
Whoo! Never expected me to pop into this fic suddenly, in the ten people who were left behind too! I thought I would be some ordinary little person out there...

Anyhow, you did manage to add in the comedy parts which were mentioned in the previous posts.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2001
Ah it connects!

Yeah it all makes sense now, thanks for explaining.
Anyway, great 2 chapters you've got there McFox. I can't wait to see more of all this. Hackers (ice-elements spammers weren't they?), Flamers, Spammers.... Guess they're powerful in large amounts right? Well anyway, I hope you update soon since I can't wait for the action! Keep 'em coming, Mc! :chuckle:;):p:shyguy:


Grammar Hammer
May 26, 2002
Up your nose with a rubber hose
There will also be no male-female tent-buddies, so don’t even think about it.
Heh heh. :D I bout died when I read that. Nice chapter, 9 I look forward to the next one. This mission sounds like it'll be awesome. I've been wondering when you guys would go after "the One," so this sounds awesome. Can't wait.

:starman: :starman: :starman: TICADRIUS'S 1000TH POST!!! :starman: :starman: :starman:


Not bball2012
Jul 15, 2001
^^^ is an idiot ^^^
Wow.... I just thought I would have a cameo here, not actually go on this special mission.... plus, I get to be camped with Nine! Yay! Just don't try anything funny, Nine.

Son Of Wyachi

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2001
not here
Very good NINE. Can't wait to see who the first people tainted/killed were.
And the chapter themes is a nice touch ;)


Dec 3, 2001
Peachtree City: Land of the Golf Carts
Well spit on my foot and put it in my cereal! Mcfox has done it again.

Now for my pondering question: who were the two smashworld citizens to have been sent out? Is it going to be important?

*Wait that's two questions. Oh well.*


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Chapter 6~ Shipment from the Sony Galaxy

“Order all fliers with natural weapons to guard the perimeter of the city. Send those more dexterous ones to collect supplies. We’re going to need as much as we can take. Take from closest to the city first, so that we don’t have anyone sneaking up on us.”

“Sir, the armored truck has just arrived with the others.”

“Good, send them to work building the forts.” Not really forts, Gideon thought to himself. More like big guard-posts. He was getting several large wooden buildings in which to house troops and supplies, that would soon be armed with massive weapons. There would be five built, one southeast, one south, one southwest, one west, and one northwest. The ocean to the direct northeast protected the city.

They were about a mile from the city, where only the tallest of the tall towers, including SmashWorld HeadQuarters, could be seen. The forest hid the rest of the city from prying eyes. It was just after one o’clock, he had just sent CyberWolf10 and his friends on their way. He hoped to find “the One” before the war started. Hopefully this entire mess could be avoided. Gideon ran his hand over his head and sighed. He didn’t want to make these decisions. But then again, who did? Someone had to.

“Sir Gideon!” He turned to see a young Hylian with the noticeable pointy ears sticking out beneath his long blonde hair. They saluted, and the private wore a smile on his face.

“What is it?”

“Sir, we’ve just received a very special package that is for you.”

“…Well, what are you waiting for? Bring it here.”

“Uh sir, you’re going to have to come and see it.”

“…How big is it?”

“Twice as tall as you are, at least..”

If he hadn’t been the Administrator Gideon would’ve whistled in surprise.

He followed the private to the other side of a field, and they waited as the impressively large crate was hauled down from the cargo bay of a ship. There were about ten people unloading it. A loud screeching could be heard from within. The spaceship’s pilot was helping as well. Helping quickly, like he wanted this box off of his ship.

When he caught sight of Gideon, he called out, “Heh, this vile bird is your problem now!”

Gideon cocked his head to one side. What kind of bird was that large? As soon as the crate was unloaded, Gideon signed a release paper and the pilot quickly took off.

Gideon just looked apprehensively. From the way the pilot had acted, he’d expect a little more… movement. But since being set down, the screeching from inside the crate had ceased, and in fact nothing at all had moved.

“Uh… you all ready your weapons. I’ll open the crate myself.” Gideon started to climb the crate, but to do so he’d have to fit bits of his fingers in between the planks that made the walls of the crate. He didn’t want whatever was inside catching a hold of his hand. Using a quick burst of Holy power, he propelled himself on top of the crate. One of the other privates handed him a crowbar, and he worked it into one side of the box.

Some other force had already stressed the wood, and it would be fairly easy to pry off the door. “You all ready your weapons, just in case,” he called, and the members around him did so. He then slid the crowbar as deep as he could, and pulled on his end. The door fell off with a huge crash, causing some of the others working nearby to stop and look.

Gideon expected whatever kind of bird it was inside to come rushing out in a rage of fury. Instead… nothing happened. Cautiously, Gideon peeked his head over the top edge of the door. Inside, was a large yellow bird. It had long legs, and a long neck. Its beak was large and formidable, but its wings were rather small. Too small to fly, unless it had magical powers.

Gideon looked at the form that he had been given, to find out where this thing had come from.

The Sony Galaxy
Shipment: Bird of unknown type

To: Administrator Gideon of SmashWorld Forums

From: Unknown person or persons from the galaxy Sony

Oh! Thought Gideon excitedly. This is a Chocobo! I remember reading about them. They used to frequently populate our galaxy, but pirates called “Squares” came and took many of them to the Sony galaxy. The rest died out from a lack of other Chocobos to mate with and keep the species alive.

Chocobos were supposed to be huge, ferocious birds. That’s why the box was so big, it was several feet taller than the Chocobo, to give it room to walk around so it wouldn’t get too excited and hurt itself.

However, this one didn’t look very ferocious. In fact, it looked… peaceful. It was happily snoozing, now that its box wasn’t being handled anymore.

Gideon snapped his head up, to see several members staring. “What are you all gawking at? Get back to work!” They immediately went back to what they were doing.

Gideon picked up the small broadcasting radio, and put in the frequency for CyberWolf’s.

“Hello, CyberWolf do you read me?”

After a few moments, “Yes Administrator Gideon, you’re coming in loud and clear. Is anything wrong?

“No, I just wanted to make sure these worked in case of emergency. I didn’t think you guys had gotten very far yet anyway.”

Yes sir, you are coming in perfectly. Anything else?

“Yes, but actually I need to speak to McFox.”

Umm… okay.” After a few seconds of shuffling. “Yes sir?

“McFox, do you know what a Chocobo is?

Yes, I’ve studied all about them, of course they’re extinct here now. Why do you ask?

“Well, I just got… one of them. An unknown person sent me one from the Sony Galaxy.”

Wow really? That’s amazing!

“Yes well, I wanted to know, do you know anywhere where I can get harness for it?”

Hmm… that’s a tough question. I think there’s an old Chocobo farm several miles west of the city. Well, more like ten miles. If you have a spare ship you could try to find it. It’s since been abandoned, but maybe the people who used to run it left something behind.

“Alright thank you McFox, you’ve been a big help. To all of you, good luck on your mission.”

Thank you, Administrator. Over and out.

One of the privates looked up from his work. “What mission sir?”

“A secret mission,” he answered coldly. “You’ll do good to remember that.” The private was silent, not saying another word about it.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Setting out
“Well, that’s odd,” I said. The others heard the radio, so they knew too.

“I know, who would spontaneously just send a Chocobo to Gideon?”

“Who knows? That’s not our focus now. We have to figure out how to find the One. Anyone have any bright ideas?” CyberWolf took charge of the group.

“Well,” said Arrow. “We should probably just head south like Gideon said. Sooner or later we’ll run across a few Spammers, and they’re bound to say something about where their orders are coming from.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Well then… someone else will have to think of something,” Arrow answered sheepishly.

I looked at CyberWolf. “It’s the best we’ve got for now.”

“Yeah I guess so. Now here’s another question… which way is south from here?”

We all looked around with blank stares. Did anyone know? CyberWolf threw his hands up. “Great! A simple direction like ‘go south’ and we can’t even do that. Sheesh.”

“Perhaps I can be of some azzistance,” said a new voice directly behind me. I spun around, and Kirby King and Shy Guy simultaneously launched respective fire spells. Both of the spells went whizzing past the newcomer’s head.

“Nollat!” I said, “What are you doing here?”

“Nollat?” Asked Psychicpuff. “Is he assigned to this mission?”

“No,” said CyberWolf, narrowing his eyes. “He’s just dropped in from Phrynosa, and doesn’t completely understand the language yet. He thought I was Gideon, and he thinks I’m a human.”

“Same goes for me,” I muttered quietly.

“Me too,” said Zeldafox.

I looked first at her, then at Nollat incredulously, “You thought she was Gideon?”

He looked around, seemingly not understanding us. “I can find south…” He said at length, implying he had more to say, and completely ignoring my question.

“But…?” Asked CyberWolf.

“Thiz one wantz to go with you.”

We looked around. Thundermistress was the first to speak, “We’d… love to have you come along…”

“Not,” Zeldafox interrupted quietly.

“…But we don’t have enough bedding for another person.”

“Yeah!” Said Rudy quickly. “There’s not enough room in any of the tents for you and two other people.”

Nollat looked around confusedly. “What’s a tent? Do you not lay out under the stars?”

I felt like smacking my forehead in disgust. “Well, what do you say CyberWolf?” I asked brightly.

He frowned disapprovingly, and only said, “I’d have to okay it with Gideon first.” He pulled out the radio, and hit the talk button again, “Hello, Administrator Gideon?”


“Sir, this is kind of… a strange situation. A private named Nollat is here-“

Wait, is this guy a Phrysnosan?

“His reputation precedes him then?”

Oh yes, I’ve heard a great deal about him. What does he want?.

“He wants to come with us sir.”

…Well, I suppose since he knows about the mission you might as well let him. CyberWolf you brief him exactly what the mission objective is, and make sure he follows orders just like everyone else.

“Will do sir, over and out.” CyberWolf turned to Nollat, “Well, I guess you’re coming with us.”

“Excellent,” he smiled, showing lot of sharp and pointy fangs. “In that casez, south is that way,” he pointed behind CyberWolf.

CyberWolf threw up his hands and sighed, “Alright then, let’s get going.”


A New Mission
The troops from the armored vehicle were just climbing down as Gideon walked up to it. One by one, as they saw him, they stopped and saluted.

“Listen up!” He yelled loudly, grabbing their attention for a moment. “I need several volunteers for a very boring, meaningless mission.”

About a hundred hands shot into the air immediately. Sheesh, thought Gideon, as he looked at those who had raised their hands. Were they volunteering out of pure devotion to Gideon, or to get out of the work ahead, or some other reason? In any case, Gideon had a wide variety of people to choose from.

“Okay, you, you, and… you.”

The first was a large male human, with large muscles and a huge broadsword. He wore blue armor, and had a navy blue headband holding long brown hair out of his face. After being chosen, he walked behind Gideon and stood quietly at attention, awaiting orders, with arms folded across his chest.

The second had jet-black hair and black pants. He wore a white shirt with a black cube on it. Under the cube were the words “What are you thinking?” Gideon could tell just from his manor of floating instead of walking that he had psychic powers, which could be very useful. Not that this “mission” would be difficult.

The third and last person going was dressed to kill, literally. He had four arms, and four swords to accommodate them. He was dressed sort of like a knight, with silver and gold armor, black clothing, and had a long red cape. His top two arms were folded across his chest, while the lower two swung and gave him a swagger as he walked.

“Alright, what are your names?”

“Private Dejavu3k, sir.”

“Private Arcube642, Administrator.”

“Corporal Gilgamesh, Administrator Gideon,” the three of them saluted in unison.

Gideon turned back to the others from the truck, “Alright, the rest of you can get to work. Go over there and SuperModerator Bazooka will give you instructions.” He then turned to the three volunteers. “No doubt you saw the large crate and Chocobo sitting inside of it over there,” he indicated to his right. “What I want now is a harness so that I can ride and control it. I was informed by a reliable source that there is an abandoned Chocobo farm around ten miles west of here. I realize ‘ten miles west’ isn’t exactly very specific, I just want you to look around and see what you can find.”

“Yes sir!”

“We are providing you with a small extra craft we don’t currently have a need of now. If you see any Spammers, radio us and get out. We’re trying to stay out of fights if necessary.”

“Yes sir!”

“Well, you may begin now. If you have any other questions, the craft has a built-in radio.”

They entered the craft that was barely big enough for all three of them. It rose, just above the treetops, and zoomed west. Gideon looked across the field, to see the large weapons storage structures being built. Hopefully we won’t have to use them, thought Gideon sadly.


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Hehe, I think Nollat is my new favorite character.
I looked first at her, then at Nollat incredulously, “You thought she was Gideon?”
:chuckle: I thought that was cool how Gideon had a Chocobo delivered to him. But I wonder who sent it? Great writing as always. Keep it up!


Jan 17, 2002
A chocobo now? How interesting! Wonder who sent it to him too though....hehe Nollat is funny, cute cause he's so blunt ^.^ Another fantastic chapter ^_^ Can't wait for more!

Son Of Wyachi

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2001
not here
The phrynosan strikes back!

I don't know why, but i'm picturing gerudo knight or arrow perched on the back of a chocobo fighting spammers :p

Great chapter, next Gid should get a chao from sonic adventure 2 and something from an Xbox game :p


Dec 3, 2001
Peachtree City: Land of the Golf Carts
You're drawing out the action, Mcfox, and I like it. I'm sure the big stuff is about to happen, too. However, Nollat seems suspicious to me. Where did this guy come from? Why is he so stupid? Why does he suddenly appear when they need to go south?

Great way to tease at the brain, Mcfox.

Phillip Chanter

Jan 18, 2002
somewhere uninteresting
What did I miss!!

Geez! You've read my fic and I haven't read anything you've posted! (*embarassment engulfs Phill*) Well anywho I just read everything now, all I can say is that this fic is defenetly alot better than your last one. Anywho Keep it up or something Alex? :shyguy: :beezo:


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2001
Nollat = weirdo. Person-who-send-Chocobo = Mystery???
Anyway, great chapter, McFox. The action is slowly beginning to come and I like it. Mystery is also beginning to come and well, guess I'll have to like that too :chuckle:. I wonder what Venom Dream's doing right now though. Anyway, keep it up, McFox!
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