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A "Hearty" Dedication To My Dear Friends....


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Link to original post: A "Hearty" Dedication To My Dear Friends....

Hello, guys. I thought it was about time I did this. It has almost been a year since my birth as a member of Smash World Forums. I would like to take this time to show love and thank all my friends, old and new. I do hope you all will be able to catch this.

From my welcome thread, to the rise and fall of Next Wonder (NeW), to losing my Wii, to my hiatus from the web, to now, I have realized that I have met some awesome peope, whether we have met in person or not. This may sound corny and silly to most, but I don't care how close we are distance-wise, you guys are always close to my heart and spirit.

~Kawaii Bunny~
---Karina. You were there from the start. My very first day on Smashboards. You were my first competitive fight. I didnt think I would find another chick that played Brawl so quickly. You are a cool and kind person, and I only wish that things get better for you. I know college is coming up, and I know it is very hard to focus. I lost my chance for that success, and I dont want you to make the same mistake. You stay in those books, Karina, and I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest.

---Travis. The Japanese/Jamaican/Canadian samurai Pokemon trainer. That combination couldnt get any better than that. You were Karina's buddy pal friend. I remember when I used to think you were a girl, since you two had similar avatars and signatures. You never were so talkative. But you played an awesome PT and Toon Link. I wish we could talk more than we barely are now. But if it is real life, then have at. That is the more important thing. Love ya.

---Kyle. I first would like to apologize for copying you with this corny love letter thingamabobin. You were also there at the beginning. All those jokes and what not. You really made the comic relief in that thread. When things got rough, you would be there to make it go away with your crude, but funny humor. I'm glad I met you. And once again, gratz on the Modification. It is rare that someone as young asyou would get that. You keep it up, Kyle.

---Lester. The wise guy of the group. When I look back, all I could remember was you and Kyle practicing Yoshi dittos and stuff. You were his buddy pal, and you know it. We didnt have bad matches. Your Yoshi gave my Zelda and Pit a hard time. I know you havent been around with college and all, and I am actually glad you prioritized yourself that way. I just thank you for not leaving when you said you were, because you were part of the party at the beginning as well. I wish you the best on your education and career, Les.

---Adam. You were the only one who could piss me off. Because of you, I couldnt keep up my archaic vernacular that I had in the beginning. Thanks for breaking me up. You and I always did have a somewhat husband/wife relationship, as far as arguments. You werent lucky enough for the rest, that was for certain. Heh. I know we were all going through some crapin our lives, but we cant make excuses when things dont go our way, because the world isnt going to get any better, so we need to always be one step ahead. I pray that things get well for you, but sometimes you just gotta push yourself and hold on.

---Luke. You were there a little after the start. My very first Zelda ditto. Was freaking fun. I remember when you used to make those themed matches that were fun as fun can be. You really added something to the thread that I may never forget. I do hope things are well for you. I know we dont talk much like we used to, and I am sure you are trying to pull through high school, which is the worst zone of education EVER. Screw High School Musical,that's all BS.But hang in there, Luke. There are people who care about you here.

---You were here and there, but you were still apart of the group. I see you in Xat alot, yet you seem to not even notice me, as if you forgot who I was. But thats ok. I suck with memory, and I am surprised I was able to write this blog about every single friend of mine on SWF. Hope you are doing swell, Toastie :D

---nay. The one who inspired me to make my graphics shop. You are on a roll, girlfriend. You are probably already in your sophomore year at S.C.A.D. That is one school In GA that I really wanted to go to. Such a great place for graphic design. I wish you much success. You may never get this, but my heart is out to you. :')

---I Remember

I remember when I gazed upon your golden stature...
...the time when I seeked doctrine from you...
...when you complimented on my name...
...how your words were filled with sage-like intellect...

I reminsce on these things, though time did not flow with them
But even with that, I remember...

Agent Snop
---John. You're the best flirt I ever met. You probably was more comfortable with me than Adam and Luke. You are a nice guy, though a bit frisky at times. But I know you did it out of respect and humor, and I thank you for that. I havent seen you around lately, but I know you are doing swell. Can't nothing stop ol' Snoppy.

Super_sonic6799(Those numbers still kill me)
---Ben. That freaking Sonic. I do believe you were the first to help me realize just how much I hate fighting him. haha. I remember we used to have Funny Falcon dittos. We totally hailed the Paunch Fests back then. I wish I had my Wii again. Those were good times. Glad you were able to get another Wii. Hope things are swell. We dont talk much, but I got a feeling that you're holding.

---Jordan. Its been too long since you've been here on the site. I know you were having computer problems, but I guess it was more than that. I really hope you are safe. You are Stroupes best buddy after all. I really hope you return one day...

---Cory. You were from Leigh's group of awesome friends. I'm glad that you took the time to hang out with us. You were gorgon's buddy friend pal. It was sad to see him go. You two were like brothers. But Im glad you are sticking around having fun, Cory.

---Nope. I didnt forget you either. I remember the weeks that it took for us to play each other. You had the lamest work schedule ever, and our timezones made it even worse. You had a mean Luigi, even for that ONE time we played each other. Hope you are doing well. Peace be with you.

---Leigh. I know you had to leave under important circumstances. I just really hope you are doing fine. I have no way of contacting you, and you kinda left on a sad note. So please be safe. Alot of people miss you, girl. You made a huge welcome thread just like I have, I guess it was destiny that we met each other, even if it be a short time.

---Aksel. Probably the calmest, coolest member of the gang. Everytime we talk, I actually get an atmosphere of honor and justice. You and I have something in common. We both love knights, own swords, and spoke with an archaic tongue at some point. You were always the oddman out, since you were with your clan Raging Conflagration. You're the only player I have brawled that just went all out with heavy weights and kicked butt. Your Samus is scary as well. But I dont think we need to mention our Zelda vs Link match. We will leave that for a different time. lol. Go with honor, comrade.

Ice Climbers P & N
---Isaac. Well, it has been too long since I have seen you. I've assumed you have moved on. But I must say, you are one cool person. Pun intended. You were one of the first members of the thread, so you shall not be forgotten, Isaac.

---The very first person who replied to my meet and greet, and ended up living only a few miles from me. lol. I remember when you used to practice your Marth with me. You were my VERY first match, and that was before Bunny and I had ours. I havent heard from you a month after our meeting, but if you read this, just know that I was happy enough to look back for someone cool.

Smooth Criminal
---Yes, we have ALL been struck by you. You are one unique character. The signature after every post, the smart and hilarious comments. These things are what MADE you. And not to mention your "cameo" appearances at live tourneys. I'm still sorry for not showing up at "The Greatest Melee Tourney Since Brawl Came Out". I lied to you. I just plain out forgot about it. lol. But glad we talked the other night. I dont even go on AOL. Was glad you caught me. Be well sir.

---Gosh darn it, Penta. If I lose to your fakkin' Game and Watch ONE more time... Haha. Gooood times. You came in at the point where the welcome thread became a tourney thread. I remember you throwing me into the loser bracket of MY OWN tourney. I should have did a Cell game tourney. Winner gets to fight me. Hehe. But you are a great player, and a cool friend. You keep it up at them tournies, pal.

Exia 00
---Wayne. The only person TRULY dedicated to learning Shiek, atleast you was. Good to see you are around. You are like the best graphic designer ever. I still love that Zelda sig you made me. It's thanks to you that I have stepped up my game in that field. You keep it up. If you make that a career, you are freaking set, Wayne.

---Jon. Ahhh. Jon. My fellow Pit mainer. You're the reason why I liked Pit even more. You made him look so freaking awesome. You taught me alot, and those team battles were just utterly amazing. We couldnt lose with double Pits. Broken team. Almost was too broken. I hope we can battle along side each other one day. You are too modest for your own good. You know you own in brawl. Hope things are well for you. You're a sweet person.

---Jon. I guess the phrase "No Jons" doesnt apply here. We got three of them. Haha. The Cat's meow. I havent heard much from you for awhile. I know that things got rough and stuff, and these things happen. I dont want you to think there are people who dont care about you. I can careless what has happened when I was gone for 6 months. You are a friend of mine. You are sweet and gentle. Sowhat if you werent elite at Brawl. That is not why we are here. Please be ok out there. =^_^=

---Zeke. I remember when you used to spam my inbox with challenges. You were always trying to better yourself with Wolf. You gotta learn to let a girl relax. I wasnt that great in Brawl. I just used nooby characters is all. lol. I hope things are going well for you with the live tourneys. Its gonna be rough out there, but I commend you for going for it. I been to one live tourney and just couldnt do it. I get nervous playing around strangers. Best of luck to you, Zeke

Seventh Sword
---Steven. Well, I got a message from you after a long time, but never was able to get back to you. But it was good to hear from you, even for an instant. You were the European of the group. I remember when people would complain about losing to you because of distance. Those were some good johns. haha. But I do hope you are well.

---Seth. Havent heard much from you. I normally have to ask Zeke how you are doing, but even he isnt around as much. I guess you guys have given up on the wifi. Most people have, and alot is changing. But I'm sure you are tagging along with your bro in the tournies. You guys make a great duo, no pun intended.

---Chris. We go way back as well. I remember you used to use Jigglypuff, and did quite well with her. I miss you. I hope you are doing fine. You are the not so short fuse Burrbomb, and you always will be.I hope you come back some day.

---Chris (I sooo lined you two up on purpose) Ahhh the Melee supremacist of the gang. You were on of the first to greet me in the thread. You actually did that with alot of people. I now assume that you were just looking for Melee players. Haha. I hope things are freaking swell for you. I do hope you havent cut your hair. You know how much i like long hair on guys. hehehe

---Brandon. You are one funny kid. I remember when you used to post the most irrational things and people would gang up on you for it. But I always had your back. I knew you just wanted to be a part of the family, and you are. You probably was the youngest member of the gang next to Burrbomb. But anyway, I see you around more, so glad things are going well for you, B.

---Conor. Most likely the best Ike mainer ever. I was always scared to fight him. I heard some terrifying things. We are still 1-1. I had to stop it there. It was too rough for my Zelda. lol. I know you are busy and what not. I just want you to know that I care enough to write a paragraph dedicated to you. So there. lol

---Hello there stranger. I remember when you first came into Brawl. You were really dedicated to becoming the best. I saw a major improvement in your prowess, and it amazed me. You loved Link, and you totally shown us all. I havent heard from you for quite awhile, but even if you dont get this blog, my spirit goes out to you.

---Louis. The Snake. I really thank you for all the time you took to teach me how to use Snake. It kinda suck that after that, I had to sell my Wii. So it was all for nothing. But what mattered was the thought. I never knew I could be so good with Snake after hating him so much. I heard a few things about your status, but i wont believe it. I know you are somewhere out there, and my heart and spirit goes out to you.

Cat Fight
---Wesley. Look what the cat dragged in. I never did get to know you as well as Bunny and the others did, but i knew you were a cool person allllll along. Havent seen you around, but I do hope things are swell for you. It is thanks to you that I was able to become a Smash Director awhile back. You set a great example in tourney making.

---Tanner. The cool kid. You came in during the fall of the thread and NeW, yet you still stuck around. I thank you for giving us the chance to show we are a kind people. Ihavent heard from you lately, but as I mentioned a few tims above, school is the number one priority. I may have screwed it up for myself, so atleast I can do is encourage others and keep them from making the same mistake. Stay cool, and tell your brother I said hi. And yes I do rememeber him.

---Haha. I remember when I thought you were a chick. The reaction you gave me. Yep, I am dedicating this to you as well. We never got to Brawl, which is a bummer. I wanted to see how my Peach fared with yours, but I guess that may never happen, at least not anytime soon. I think you are a kind person, and I am glad you cared when i left and returnded, even though we were only acquaintences. That shows alot, Jiggz.

---Kristoff. The happiest person EVER. You really didnt let much bother you. And that is fantastic, though there really wasnt anything that could phase you. You have an excellent Sonic. I only wished we were able to play with less lag. We never did havea fair fight. But i hope your job searching is going well. It is tough nowadays, but you just gotta keep moving forward. :D

---Andrew. Didnt forget you either. Gee, you always seemed to think that you say things that offend me. I'm just not bothered easily, and with you being my friend, the things you say couldnt have offended me. I'm not your average girl, Rew. We have a few catching up to do, but I'm just here to dedicate this blog to you for being a caring pal.

---Joel. Daaaaaaaaaamn. We just met two days ago, and you and I are already buddy pals. Thanks for the extreme welcome into the contest. I sense some good times in there. I will make sure my first set is the bomb. Thanks for all the help. :D

---All I can say is, you rock. A Peach main, a sweet and kind individual, non-competitive, etc. I could say you are me minus discretion and sincerity. I heard alot about you, and it is weird that we are just now getting acquainted with each other. Good to be friends with you, Peachy. Keep up the coolness. You'll be a mod in no time. "Swwwwwweeeeet!!"

Zero X Unit
---Krissy. Well, I seem to know from from the membersof new, mostly Adam. I wish we could actually talk, but you seem to be a BIT more discreet than I am. But any member of NeW is a friend of mine, and just know, you are noted.

---Jordan. (Another Jordan.) We just met so start spamming my visitor wall more. rofl. I wuv you, Heel-ee-uhn.

---I forgot your name. You only said it once. But we are just beginning to know each. There lies my excuse. You're one cool person. You kinda was thrown into the group, since most of us surrounded you in a few of the tourney threads. Thanks for dealing with this group of bumbling clowns. Hehe.

Fal. I'm not even gonna say much because I am sure you are going to find a reason to say "That's what she said". I'll send a memo later......**** it...

---I COULD say you are alot worse than Fal. Atleast in Xat. We havent really talked but you are noted, because a friend of Fal is an aquaintence of mine that eventually becomes my friend, which you already achieved.

---Ah Glyph. I met you as a Smash Director, and 6 months later I meet you again as a mod. That was pretty darn surprising. You made some pretty good tournies. It only made sense that you became mod of it. Glad you found your place. My place will forever be the meet and greet. It all started there for me. You may not have been there in the beginning, but hell, you are noted for being a cool d00d.

---Hey, girl. You were always the lively one. You stuck around even when not much was going on. And even greeted the newcomers. Your actions are not unnoticed. I realize this, and can easily say how cool you are. Good to see you are still around and well. ;)

---Morris. My baby. My sweetheart. The one who brought me out of so much even when we didnt know each other. I have to thank you for so much. I could easily call you and thank you, but you like to ruin the moment.... >_>

---Last but certain not least. Cedric. (Sorry. You being last has nothing to do with amount of friendship lol) The Daisy Darling. You may be the one that made me dislike Daisy a bit less. For a girl that introduces herself to people who already know her is a sign for unhealthiness in the mind. But I guess she is cool. I am more a Peach Person, but you keep up the love, and I hope things are well for you.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Haha, when I wandered into your thread for the first time, I had given up Smash altogether...I just saw that you were getting a lot of attention and got curious XD

Glad I did, though ^^;


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2007
In that ruined tower, atop a mountain.
Yeah, I think my Link lost the Triforce of Courage about half way through that match. Make sure you lemme know when you get a Wii again.

Same here, Cinder. I hesitated about clicking on it, but thaught "Aw, what the heck. Might as well satisfy my curiosity." Turned out to be the best thread I went into. 0_o
"Hey, this guy has Axl in his sig? COOL."


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
I have to say looking back......that I lol'd at the title when I first saw it XD Then I saw your posts. You were so different then everyone else, and that archaic dialect was just 2 cool. I read through the whole thing up until where I said hi myself. I do believe it was just starting to become a"match request" thread about the time I finally posted.

Thanks for putting up with my Sonic. I was such a scrub back then.XD Your Zelda was simply amazing, especially for the game being so new.
Funny how back in the beggining I fought on even ground with Adam, but then he pulled way ahead about the time NeW came around, but now we're even again.

I was always got a kick out of you two's bantering and bickerring. Never could determine if it was serious or not XD

Those tourneys that we're held were alot of fun. Though I think I got the short end of the stick as far as the pairings went everytime lol Did we ever get one of them finished?

I wish I would have said more, got to know you and the others better. I could make excuses, like " I didn't know what to say" or "I was busy" But all comes down to I just didn't do it. And now I have a clan to manage, and alot of RL drama that's not going to go away.... and I will likely be gone for a very long time once summer hits if I don't have computer access....

I want to get a job with my family in upstate NY. I sometimes don't see them for years at a time, so this will likely be the last time I get to talk to all of them. My grandparents aren't getting any younger. Hopefully I'll have college figured out by the end of that.

I didn't know the kind of friendship and comraderie such as was had here could exist IRL, especially through the internet, and though I can't say I really partook in it, I watched and laughed along.^^

Thx for the mention and sorry for the rambling.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Holy ****...that's long. Lol

No need to say you copied me, a lot of people have done things like this. But thanks you! <3


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
i c whut u did tharr with the title.
I love all of these dedication threads. ^^

Thanks for meeting and greeting everyone, Heartz!


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2007
A lot of things sure has happened since I stumbled onto the thread way back in... what was it, May? And a lot of things have changed since then, but seeing this reminds me of everything that happened since all of us met. I sense an incoming nostalgia rush...

Thanks again for the mention, Kasey! :bee:


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
♥I knew I was missing a few qualities that only you could have! *takes a few notes*

♥On a serious note, I think you have out done yourself Miss Heartz. This is a very nice blog and only as someone as splendid as you could have wrote it. I bet everyone on that list is grateful that you are there friend. Keep up the good work! ^__^


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
♥I knew I was missing a few qualities that only you could have! *takes a few notes*

♥On a serious note, I think you have out done yourself Miss Heartz. This is a very nice blog and only as someone as splendid as you could have wrote it. I bet everyone on that list is grateful that you are there friend. Keep up the good work! ^__^
Haha. That is really sweet to say, but I wouldnt call those "qualities". I should be more open like you. :p

And yes, I do hope they realize my feelings for them. This isn't just the internet to me. :chuckle:

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I am very touched, Heartz. Thank you.


I know. It's not my typical "white noise" post. I'm being semi-serious on Smashboards.

I do regret being unable to reciprocate the endearment to the fullest, on the account that we don't exchange words very often. Not knowing someone but having that unknown person give you praise makes me feel guilty. I hope in the future that we can get to know each other better and maybe--just maybe---I could be a "webling" as well. You seem like a pretty chill gal.

I'mma be heading back up to GA Labor Day weekend, providing you're still in the area. There's a tourney in the area around that time and I'm going to be bringing some of my close friends from Tampa along. You should come to TO5 and meet the "meat" of the Smash community. Drag Crux along, too.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
I am very touched, Heartz. Thank you.


I know. It's not my typical "white noise" post. I'm being semi-serious on Smashboards.

I do regret being unable to reciprocate the endearment to the fullest, on the account that we don't exchange words very often. Not knowing someone but having that unknown person give you praise makes me feel guilty. I hope in the future that we can get to know each other better and maybe--just maybe---I could be a "webling" as well. You seem like a pretty chill gal.

I'mma be heading back up to GA Labor Day weekend, providing you're still in the area. There's a tourney in the area around that time and I'm going to be bringing some of my close friends from Tampa along. You should come to TO5 and meet the "meat" of the Smash community. Drag Crux along, too.

Smooth Criminal
Semi serious. I lol'd...

But it is fine. In the short time we talked, I got alot out of you. Heck, I was able to type a paragraph about you. And no worries, you are already a webling of mines. <3

I cant promise I will be there, and Crux is out of town. But thanks for the invite. If I can get away from my family, I'm sure to be there. lol.

(I also assume there will be a thread for location and what not?)

@Karina: Inorite?


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
So mean to me, you met me a few minutes after you met Peachy you know. I know hate when I seez it :cry:
I BEEN knew Peachy. I've known her for as long as ive been here. I just never added her as a friend. Plus, she is quite popular on the site anyway. lol

Nelo Vergil

Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Where you aren't
Ah, the Nostalgia, shame ur boring and nice now XD. Thank you KC for your kind...ish words about me ^^

Also Ben, I dont think ur even with me anymore, my Mojo is back =p


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia

T'was maybe only a year ago,
That girl had posted here,
She had a way of making words,
Those words seemed at first queer,

An interesting group of friends she made,
A bunny, a marth, and more,
Her welcome thread would not die,
A hearty group for sure,

A great person to chat to,
A good friend to count on,
Bonds of trust through a Smash Bros. Forum,
Could conquer any mountain,

Even when you left one day,
A presence nobody could replace,
We all knew you'd return to open arms,
Once again, we'd see your face,

Who would think an American girl,
Could inspire an Aussie Bush Poem?
I guess you just gotta thank,
This place, this Smash World Forum.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
I'm not clever enough to write something like Vyse.

But thanks for the mention anyway, lol <3


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008

T'was maybe only a year ago,
That girl had posted here,
She had a way of making words,
Those words seemed at first queer,

An interesting group of friends she made,
A bunny, a marth, and more,
Her welcome thread would not die,
A hearty group for sure,

A great person to chat to,
A good friend to count on,
Bonds of trust through a Smash Bros. Forum,
Could conquer any mountain,

Even when you left one day,
A presence nobody could replace,
We all knew you'd return to open arms,
Once again, we'd see your face,

Who would think an American girl,
Could inspire an Aussie Bush Poem?
I guess you just gotta thank,
This place, this Smash World Forum.
*speechless to this* <3z

@Glyph: lol. You could atleast try :laugh:


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
I know that, I was just joking, 'kay? But I do wish that I was up there though :) Wait, I'm not popular here? :ohwell::confused::dizzy:
No hard feelings? You are a kind person, it is just we never held a full conversation for me to know you like that. It doesn't take much to befriend me, but you seem to talk to one, then move on. :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
Wow, dedication/one-year blogs seem to be the "in" thing, eh?

Well, uh, congrats on having so many friends, Heartz. I don't really know you (heard mention of your name a few times), but I'm just posting in here since everyone else is doing it. <_<

When July rolls around... my blog is gonna be terribly short. I might not even make one. :cry:


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Wow, dedication/one-year blogs seem to be the "in" thing, eh?

Well, uh, congrats on having so many friends, Heartz. I don't really know you (heard mention of your name a few times), but I'm just posting in here since everyone else is doing it. <_<

When July rolls around... my blog is gonna be terribly short. I might not even make one. :cry:
Well, I'm not some w**** of Smashboards. :laugh: I'm a bit too discreet for that. I just like to help people and cheer them up when they're sad. Because nowadays, people are just being troubled left and right. But thank you for stopping by. Where have you heard of me? People are talking about me behind my back? :mad:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
Well, I'm not some w**** of Smashboards. :laugh: I'm a bit too discreet for that. I just like to help people and cheer them up when they're sad. Because nowadays, people are just being troubled left and right. But thank you for stopping by. Where have you heard of me? People are talking about me behind my back? :mad:
First, I was in NO way implying that you were. Good grief, since when did having a lot of friends lead to that kind of stereotype?

As for where I've heard of you... well, on Smashboards, that much I know. I honestly forgot where it was I saw the name, but it evidently stuck with me. Trust me (if you can), it wasn't in a negative context at all.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
First, I was in NO way implying that you were. Good grief, since when did having a lot of friends lead to that kind of stereotype?

As for where I've heard of you... well, on Smashboards, that much I know. I honestly forgot where it was I saw the name, but it evidently stuck with me. Trust me (if you can), it wasn't in a negative context at all.

You sound like my friend here, Rew. Always thinking I am implying something negative or derogative. I am very much down-to-earth. So please forgive my random mentionings.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Still as depressed as always I see

You really need to lighten up Mr. Nintendo =/

Hai Heartz
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