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A debate about debating...

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Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
Specifically, debating on this site. I notice that every single forum with social topics here has this unbelievable phobia against religious/political/sexuality etc. debates. Although the explanation for this remains fairly constant, it still puzzles me the degree to which people run screaming for the hills whenever the POSSIBILITY of such a discussion comes up.

So, let's take a look at this. There are a few constant reasons that debates are considered unwelcome on this site:

  • First, the emotional investment involved with these specific subjects. People get offended when their beliefs are called to task, and tend to get overly defensive in backing them up. This leads into flaming and general abuse on both sides.
  • Irrelevance to the subject at hand. This is fairly self-explanatory; people don't want their threads derailed.
  • The suggestion that no one's minds will change anyway. People believe the debates not to be worthwhile because people will always be set in their opinion.
  • The threat of postwhoring. In other words, people taking part in the battle only to get +1 on their post counts.
  • People don't like to read debates.

To me, none of these reasons hold much water at all, and I'll explain why.

The emotional investment part is a cinch: if people flame, they get moderated. If they can't be civil, then that's that. This isn't a matter of giving moderators extra work, it's just common sense. If they're the type of person that will start flaming over ONE discussion, chances are, they'll be apt to cause trouble even without the subject being allowed.

Irrelevance is a little bit less cut-and-dry. You see, to me, I'm always willing to account for a conversation going in a certain direction rather than remaining static. More to the point, some subjects very handily lend themselves to subject matter that is arbitrarily declared taboo. For example: the LGBT thread at the Pool Room. They say no religious discussion at all. Yet, the double-standard seems to be that people are allowed to say that their religious beliefs make them feel homosexuality is wrong, but they aren't allowed to be asked to elaborate on their reasons (such as they are), because THAT is considered debate. To me, if the subject is off-limits, it's off-limits to EVERYBODY.

But that's the thing. I don't think this sort of thing SHOULD be off-limits to anyone. I feel that these important subjects should always be discussed openly and unflinchingly. I think saying that a certain subject can't be talked about at some places is the same as sticking your hands on your ears and going "Lalalalala! I can't hear you! Lalalalala!" It seems... well... infantile.

The next argument against open debate is the assumption that people's minds won't ever be changed; particularly on the subject of religion. This is only true if you look at things in terms of stark, black-and-white contrast. Am I likely to convert someone from their beliefs entirely, making them renounce their faith? Probably not. But that's not what debates are always about. Debates are about gaining perspective and interpreting viewpoints that are different from your own. I've said before on numerous in-depth debates that I'm almost universally MORE interested in listening to the people that have a different point of view than that of those that agree with me.

To me, debating isn't about winning an argument. I mean, if I definitively proved myself right, I've gained nothing. I've simply broken even. If I can come to an understanding of someone else's possibly more accurate understanding of a subject, however, then I've improved my own perspective and have thus benefited for losing.

When it comes to postwhoring, I have to honestly laugh about this one. The hypocrisy involved with it has been absolutely staggering. Essentially, from my experience, the same people that use this argument are the same exact people that post repeatedly on a topic in which a debate has broken out, contribute nothing to the subject at hand, and simply post something like "Guys, stop fighting and take it to PMs." Yes, it's just as productive the fifth time someone says that as the other four times. :mad:

Yeah, that's another thing. It ticks me off when someone brings up a topic for debate, and then when they're contradicted they say "This isn't the place for it. Let's take it to PMs." Like it was okay for them to bring it up in the first place.

Finally, the suggestion that no one that isn't involved is interested in debates. To me, this makes a lot of assumptions and ignores some very common-sense realities. First, it's really not that hard in this day and age on BBS systems to ignore people who have things to say that you don't like. That in and of itself invalidates this argument. However, it also makes the rather foolish assumption that the people discussing the matter are argumentative flamers that just like to bicker, and the people that aren't taking part are rational, peace-loving people that only want what's good for the forum. Puh-leease.

So, naturally, I'm not advocating for any drastic rule changes or anything (for all the good that would do), but I thought that these observations should be made. If a debate is relevant to the subject at hand, I see no reason it shouldn't take place, even if it's not specifically here in the Debate Hall.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I find it disturbing and a little bit unfair that people are allowed to tote around religious beliefs in the PRoom, but once someone enters the discussion whose views are even slightly antagonistic to (any) religion, suddenly it's not allowed.

I'm not the only one either; Delorted has noticed this several times. It's okay for religious people to proselytize, but if you call them out on it you get reprimanded.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I find it disturbing and a little bit unfair that people are allowed to tote around religious beliefs in the PRoom, but once someone enters the discussion whose views are even slightly antagonistic to (any) religion, suddenly it's not allowed.

I'm not the only one either; Delorted has noticed this several times. It's okay for religious people to proselytize, but if you call them out on it you get reprimanded.
I think the same applies for another religion opposing them, for example disagreeing with somebody's bible interpretation will get me called.

You know guys, you can always go the Forum Disputes and discuss your issue about the rules of the PRoom.

I think he's trying to debate about whether or not the rules are justified, not directly trying to change them.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Then there is no debate from me, because I wouldn't make that rule in the first place. I agree with the fact that the rule is stupid.

But it does seem like he has an issue with it, from what I've gathered on AIM and our social groups.

Edit: I don't know how far this topic will get since we all debate about religion in this room, and thus agree that it is not big deal to question things.

But anyway, carry on. Maybe we'll get some disagreements.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Then there is no debate from me, because I wouldn't make that rule in the first place. I agree with the fact that the rule is stupid.

But it does seem like he has an issue with it, from what I've gathered on AIM and our social groups.
Nah, I agree he seems to have an issue, I just don't think that this thread is actually intended to change it, just to discuss it in the abstract sense, and it's a legitimate subject matter in my opinion.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
Why do you believe my problem has to stem from direct personal experience? I've gotten three moderations in my half-decade here, and none of them had anything to do with the subject I brought up.

What I'm looking for is someone that WILL justify a stupid, arbitrary rule for me - given what I said - even if the rule has never specifically come into effect to punish me.

Adumbrodeus is right. As I said at the end of the original post, I'm not making this topic to directly try to change this rule (though it's not a bad idea), but rather to try and come to terms with it.

It seems even MORE disturbing to me when even the staff members agree that a rule makes no sense, and yet acknowledge it as having merit. I guess these are the sorts of things I'd like to address.

This has become even MORE pertinent now that the LGBT thread has been locked in the Pool Room today. It's not going to bode well for any of us.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I think we can probably just chalk it up to the mindset of "We've always done it; why stop?"

Plus the moderators have to sign an unstated contract in their own blood saying that they'll abide by the moderator lawbook of arbitrary rule enforcement. One of these rules is no discussions about religion, sex, or politics.

It's just something you do when you become a moderator. *SHAMELESS JAB AT ZERO*

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Haha yeah, because I'm the only mod in SWF. If you ask me: I don't give a **** about whether religion is talked about in the Pool Room or not. We allow it in the Debate Hall and we've had our fun, have we not?

The point is that in the past, a lot of "debates" about religion in the Pool Room ended in people getting butthurt and others getting infracted for flaming; as a result of being butthurt. I'm guessing Admins wanted to get rid of that, and so the rule was made. What exactly do you want me to do if in all honesty, I don't care for it?

Besides, it's an ugly sight to click on a thread and see so many arguments from ignorance. Such a nasty fallacy:-p.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Haha yeah, because I'm the only mod in SWF. If you ask me: I don't give a **** about whether religion is talked about in the Pool Room or not. We allow it in the Debate Hall and we've had our fun, have we not?

The point is that in the past, a lot of "debates" about religion in the Pool Room ended in people getting butthurt and others getting infracted for flaming; as a result of being butthurt. I'm guessing Admins wanted to get rid of that, and so the rule was made. What exactly do you want me to do if in all honesty, I don't care for it?

Besides, it's an ugly sight to click on a thread and see so many arguments from ignorance. Such a nasty fallacy:-p.
It was a joke in case you didn't notice. :p


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006
I definitely agree and am of the opinion that there should be free discourse and debate of any subject, I think that, also, it could become a bit unwieldy and disorganized if it is allowed in every thread. I mean, how inefficient and inconveniencing would it be if you had multiple religious debates popping up in different threads?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I definitely agree and am of the opinion that there should be free discourse and debate of any subject, I think that, also, it could become a bit unwieldy and disorganized if it is allowed in every thread. I mean, how inefficient and inconveniencing would it be if you had multiple religious debates popping up in different threads?
*Remembers conversation previously held with Zero Beat about being on topic*

It has a great deal of what I have to say about on-topic vs. off-topic when it comes to debates, at least earlier.

While I do fundamentally agree, in quite a few threads it's a very legitimate tangent, and the fact that threads cannot be created where it's "on-topic" is an issue in my opinion.

However, the pool room isn't the Debate Hall, threads are allowed a great deal more freedom to go off-topic because of the nature of the room, and I fundamentally don't have an issue with that. Going off-topic doesn't detract from a pool room's archival teaching ability because they don't really have that per say unless defined as such. However in the rare thread that is defined as such, they should be held to topic.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
I wouldn't really agree. I believe that if they go on tangents to further the discussion, such as finding the reason behind the reason behind the reason behind the reason, then they should be allowed to. Although it would be harder to follow, the knowledge gained once understood is amazing. Meanwhile, if you hold a topic to be mainly, well, on-topic and allow little rooms for tangents, you force a linear style of thinking and debating. Many people can already do this, and while linear does have its benefits, I don't believe it can go as deep as tangential thinking. Tangential thinking teaches in 2 ways, one is to offer deeper insight upon a situation, and another is to teach people a type of thinking they aren't accustomed to. So, even with the more defined threads, they should be allowed to go on tangents if the tangents lead somewhere. On the other hand, if it's just spam, that's useless.

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