That's not true at all. Look at Joseph Stalin.
Stalin's aim was the quell internal dissent. This was completely different from the aims of the U.S. government with regards to 9/11. Furthermore, foreign citizens remain more expendable than your own citizens, but that is not always the answer to everything. For instance, when you fear that your regime will be toppled from within, that is when you go after your own people. In the case of 9/11, the U.S. government had no reason to fear an internal revolution. They were not intentionally targeting political dissents who wanted to overthrow the U.S. The conspiracy argument is that 9/11 was staged as a reason to go to war. There is no reason why a U.S. citizen would be necessary to act as the kill when a foreign citizen would suffice because the aim is to stage a crime that harmed civilians and blame it on someone else. The aim was not like Stalin's aim.
"scapegoating another country."
You shoud have just quoted me. I'm too tired to find it, but I think that was a typo.
The US had a lot of support at the start of the Iraq war and lost it for several reasons, like terrible foreign policy. Management of the war is what failed.
Considering that the U.S. went to war with Iraq citing evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime was developing weapons of mass destruction (a charge that has little to do with the activities of Al Qaeda), then it would make more sense for the U.S. government to fabricate evidence of WMDs in Iraq to justify that invasion.
And on that note, it would make more sense for them to fabricate evidence that the Taliban were doing the same. This would achieve their aim of providing justification for entering Afghanistan (assuming that they ever wanted to be in Afghanistan in the first place).
No, I've proven that controlled demolition was involved in destroying the towers. And planes also hit the towers. It's all caught on film. Both, not one or the other, happened. There's no element of uncertainty.
I mis-typed that question. What probability would you put on the opposing theory that the towers were brought down by planes alone?
no one could disprove the controlled demolition theory science so people stopped talking about it. It's proven and I know what I'm talking about.
Question. Maybe I missed that part, but have there been any experients that replicate the controlled demolition theory in an environment similar to that of 9/11? That is, have there been tests in which structures constructed in the same way as the Towers were destroyed by demolition and compared to the same type of structure when it was destroyed by the collision of a large projectile carrying jet fuel?
Almost any theory can be justified. But not all theories have the evidence to back them up. By evidence, I mean actual samples taken from the scene of the crime, or a replication of the same scenario.
I don't agree with the government getting Al Qaeda to do what they want. Al Qaeda wants a holy war and Iraq was a good start. Iraq could have started many ways.
I believe he was speculating that IF 9/11 was an inside job, then those guys who flew the planes had to have been manipulated by the U.S. government to do what they did. And that opens up a new can of worms for the conspiracy theory. How did the U.S. government get to those guys?
To el nino: the evidence that I have which proves al qaeda could not have been involved is the thermite found in the wtc dust. It is literally impossible for the men in caves to plant thermite charges in all the buildings. Also I am using the common sense that 19 hijackers that the CIA immediately accused, of those, many are still alive, and the only evidence they have against them is a passport they found on the ground zero site, after the bodies disintegrated supposedly in the plane wreck, how is it that the passport survived.
Al Qaeda is more than "men in caves." But the assumption is still that charges were planted. If those charges were not planted, then would we be safe in saying that Al Qaeda might have been involved.
Also, objects can survive plane wrecks. Plane wrecks, like car crashes, are not disintegraters. It's not like falling in from outer space. But how well do objects survive controlled demolition?
Put yourself in the position of the perpetrator. How would you do it? You want to plant a passport at the scene, but you know that all sorts of medical specialists are going to be running around the scene immediately after the crime because of rescue operations. You can't hide anything; this is a massive disaster, and it's all under public scrutiny. You've got people running around everywhere; it is not a controlled scene by any means. You would have to plant the passport on the plane itself. That way the condition of the passport, when found, will pass the scrutiny of forensics specialists.
The problem is, after you fly the plane into the building, that piece of evidence (which you want to be found) is gong to be damaged, and when you detonate the charges (which you planted) you cause further damage to the evidence, increasing the likelihood that it will be damaged beyond recognition, rendering it useless for your purposes.