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Social 7th Heaven - Cloud Social Thread


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
If i want to play FF7 i start with CC right??
Not necessarily. I think due to the mystery element in FFVII's story that that one might be better to play first, since CC spoilers a good chunk of a particular reveal.
However, due to the nature of the beast, FFVII also spoilers a couple of scenes from Crisis Core, even though I'd not be sure if it'd have the same impact as vise verca.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
The main reason I think Crisis Core might be better to play first is because (ACTUAL SPOILERS HERE, so don't read if you haven't played through any FFVII game):

I think Zack's death in the game's ending would be even more tear jerking if you don't already know it's coming. And you will if you play FFVII.

The game does SUCH a good job of building him as a character and getting you attached to him that I'd imagine it'd be even sadder not knowing it was coming, if you were just playing this game as it's own thing rather than off your established FFVII fandom.

I was a weird case in that, I didn't play past the first hour or two of FFVII because I didn't enjoy it and played FFIX instead in the PS1 days (oh, and Spyro games, since I loved Spyro :p), but my brother was the FFVII guy and he told me stuff about the game, and when he got Crisis Core, he recommended it to me since he thought the gameplay had some resemblance to Kingdom Hearts, and because Zack was a more upbeat and relatable protagonist than Cloud. However, I already knew that Zack is gone before the events of FFVII from watching my brother play that game.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I guess I should say something here, huh?

I have to say, I was as completely shocked as everyone else. No one saw this coming, which is really impressive considering the leaks we've had before. Then again, maybe anyone who found out ahead of time decided not to speak up because they figured no one would believe them, haha.

Cloud's moveset looks really interesting, from the unconventional sword swings and stabs to his limit break-inspired specials and the Limit gauge itself. I'm looking into picking him up as a secondary...and apparently so are a bunch of other Robins.

I even put my full thoughts up on Youtube, for anyone who's interested in hearing me ramble for a while.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I immediately recognized the music, I just wasn't sure I could believe what I was hearing.

And then it all came in. The whole trailer, with all those neat references like Cloud stealing Wario's bike, the fact that he gets seasick on boats (or used to), the magic casting taunt into FROG, etc. It was unbelievable. This is definitely my 3rd most watched character trailer, only behind :4littlemac:and :4megaman:.

From the cast, I really like all characters, but Cid & Barret are tied for me in 2nd. Their attitudes are just hilarious to me.
Then Tifa + Yuffie. Then Red + Aeris, then Vincent, and then Cait Sith. I don't dislike any of them, it's just that the last two, I like a little bit less (but Vincent is higher because of his limit breaks).

Can't wait for those character trophies.

If we could get an AT from FFVII, part of me wants a fellow party member, and part of me wants Chocobo+Mog Summon. :D

btw, I hope it's not too greedy of me to try to learn Cloud as a 3rd, bumping Little Mac down to 4th (because I don't think I'll be using him in competition, as much as I love the character).
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Oh, that's right, I never discussed my reaction.

So interesting little tidbit - in the European version of the Direct (which I was naturally watching), Shibata-san actually didn't say anything about there being "one final trailer" or anything. Which also didn't give any clue to this being a new Smash character. He just said "that's all for this Direct. Thank you for watching and happy gaming!". So, after feeling a little disappointed (aside from Cloud blowing me away, the Direct wasn't THAT amazing), I actually was GOING to just leave the page there and then. But luckily, the trailer started playing just before I was going to leave.

After about two seconds, the song was already sounding familiar, but since I had no context, I was like "it sounds like the Bombing Mission song from FFVII but it's probably just something similar to it". Then it started to get really obvious and I was like "...well maybe it's an FFVII port for Wii U?". Then Smash and the "X" came up and I was like "they've only used that Super Smash Bros. X *insert game here* when talking about Mii costumes before, so it's just gonna be Mii costumes. No way Cloud is..."

And then the in-game footage started rolling and I literally started calling my brother who was in the room next to me. I was like "GET THE **** OUT HERE NOW!!!!".

And from then on I was just in utter shock.

Seriously, at the start especially, I was just in pure disbelief.


Smash Regalia
Jun 23, 2015
I was at the college cafeteria when I saw the trailer, hanging out with my usual group of friends. I hadn't seen the Direct yet, but my friends were talking about it, and about Cloud, and some were like, "no way, it has to be fake." So one pulled up the Youtube vid... The reactions were amusing, to say the least. Most memorable for me was after Cloud spiked with DAir, and someone said, "He even spikes?! Isn't his hair spikey enough?!?" :laugh:

Overall, though, there was a bit of salt in that group, though I, being the Shulk player in our group, felt it was cool and looked forward to using his long sword. Too bad the range doesn't look as grand as it could be, but #speculation. At first I thought Limit Break was his Final Smash, much like Mega Lucario/Charizard, until I saw Omnislash. My only experience with Cloud has been Kingdom Hearts, though...


AKA Zessei, Herald of Fate
Jan 6, 2013
The Eternal Void
That's...a bad comparison. Just about any other prequel would do to reinforce your point, lol.

Smooth Criminal
I used Star Wars for two specific reasons:
- The only thing that makes the prequels forgivable is that they only exist to provide backstory for the original trilogy.
-I was watching Episode 2 at the time.


Smash Cadet
Sep 12, 2014
I REALLY need to play FF7 now lol. Just hoping we get cloud in December at least, he looks really fun and that trailer was so good. As an Ike main I noticed a few key similarities like bair having a similar animation. Hopefully he's at least a mid weight but I honestly just want to get my hands on him. Hopefully sooner than later.

Tri Knight

Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2015
Ike will definitely be his rival. That's why I like to pick on Ike lol but as for Cloud's weight I'm definitely guessing Mid as well. Anymore any less would make no sense.


There's a red door and I want it painted pink
Aug 30, 2014
Behind you
"Why? A Nintendo fighting game featuring Nintendo characters on Nintendo consoles...why wouldn't people have a problem with the PS1's biggest poster boy in the game? Personally, I think it's completely ridiculous and degrades the integrity of the series."

People take Smash Bros. roster discussion way too ****ing seriously.


That's what happens when you steal a man's Omnislash.
You folks ain't getting sympathy from me.
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Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2014
Addicted to Miitomo
Planning to get FFVII from the PlayStation Store. I suck at turn-based RPGs, but I want to get to know Cloud better before he's in Smash and play what appears to be one of the best games ever made.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
People that call Cloud another Ike just cause 2 or 3 or his moves are similar to Ike's are just....ugh......
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
Well GX got info flat out wrong so not hard to top it lol.
As wrong as some of the info is, if weren't for them I would never have noticed how Cloud's dsmash starts by smacking them with the hilt.

They say the taunt afterwards represents his attitude and moodiness, and while I see the attitude, if he's so moody, then why is he smiling? It pretty much looks like he's thinking to himself "hehe... dumb***" after owning a foolishly charging opponent.
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Smash Regalia
Jun 23, 2015
I think that, until things settle down, until Cloud actually starts getting played, until some sort of metagame develops around Cloud, haters will hate. Once it settles in that he's in the game and their ain't a thing anyone can do about it, people will shut up, much as how things were with Pac-Man.

I for one just take the approach "don't like it, don't play them." If King K. Rool got in, so what; I just won't play him. There are enough people who are happy about it, that's what matters.

People can flame all they like about this mentality. Everyone has their own idea of what's fair, and what their imagined "due" is.
I generally play characters for how they play, not who they are. I main Shulk since I like his range and Monado Arts, I never even played Xenoblade Chronicles. (Though now that I have a N3DS, I've got my eyes on getting XC now...)


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
I thought CC was really good. The battle system was fun and the story was honestly more engaging than FFVII to me. And I honestly just think Zack is a much better protagonist than Cloud was.
Probably because Cloud was emulating Zack so there you go. Too bad CC opens up more plotholes then the ones that cover Zack's body.

Tri Knight

Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2015
I think the biggest problem is that people seem to forget that Cloud wasn't really a serious mello character. In fact, he was rather cocky. He likes to make jokes, and actually pick on his friends for fun. But he's also very complex as well. Having a foggy and brutal past does that to you.

Numara called him an "Emo Boy" but yet no character he has created equals Cloud. Sora is his favorite character but his personality is a very generic "let's all love" kind of thing. I love KH but I always found Sora to be corny. Now there's Noctis, who Numara said was up there with Sora, who actually has a realistic personality. I cant lie, he's got potential to be a fantastic character.

I want people to actually play through FF7 and analyze Cloud and then play FF8 and analyze Squall. Then we'll see who the "Emo Boy" is.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2014
When people mistake Cloud for an overly moody character, aren't they mostly thinking of Advent Children? There was no sense of humor to him in that movie and he was pretty much an "emo boy" in it.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I thought after Roy was revealed, I would be able to stay faithful to him after maining him in Melee and Project M.

Then Cloud was revealed, and that idea went right out the ****ing window. Cloud looks so cool, and there is no doubt in my mind that I'm going to (at least try to) main him. He looks like the perfect character for me, and I could not be more excited.


AKA Zessei, Herald of Fate
Jan 6, 2013
The Eternal Void
Probably because Cloud was emulating Zack so there you go. Too bad CC opens up more plotholes then the ones that cover Zack's body.
Are you okay, Necros? You seem a little more pessimistic than I remember.
Need a cookie? Hug? Both?
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Tri Knight

Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2015
When people mistake Cloud for an overly moody character, aren't they mostly thinking of Advent Children? There was no sense of humor to him in that movie and he was pretty much an "emo boy" in it.
Advent Children is the only reason why he is, yes. He was moody in Advent Children because he felt guilty for the loss of people close to him among other things. It haunted him which forced him to distance himself from everyone else.

But now people these days are claiming that he was like that in FF7. Even Numara, but I think he was in denial at the time that he made that Emo Boy comment.

I think Numara found his love for Cloud again around the time the Remake was announced cuz ever since Sora, I feel that he was trying to push Cloud away.
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There's a red door and I want it painted pink
Aug 30, 2014
Behind you
I think the biggest problem is that people seem to forget that Cloud wasn't really a serious mello character. In fact, he was rather cocky. He likes to make jokes, and actually pick on his friends for fun. But he's also very complex as well. Having a foggy and brutal past does that to you.

Numara called him an "Emo Boy" but yet no character he has created equals Cloud. Sora is his favorite character but his personality is a very generic "let's all love" kind of thing. I love KH but I always found Sora to be corny. Now there's Noctis, who Numara said was up there with Sora, who actually has a realistic personality. I cant lie, he's got potential to be a fantastic character.

I want people to actually play through FF7 and analyze Cloud and then play FF8 and analyze Squall. Then we'll see who the "Emo Boy" is.
I agree with what you're saying, but being less of an 'emo boy' than Squall isn't a big challenge.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2015
Well this hype video worked on me... I haven't been so excited about anything in gaming in a long time.

Now that I have cooled down a bit... I really hope he is a good character. I know some people will say play him if you like him regardless... but I don't want to gimp myself.

FFVII is my favorite single player game ever... it getting representation in my favorite multi player series ever is epic... just hope he is good.


AKA Zessei, Herald of Fate
Jan 6, 2013
The Eternal Void
Advent Children is the only reason why he is, yes. He was moody in Advent Children because he felt guilty for the loss of people close to him among other things. It haunted him which forced him to distance himself from everyone else.

But now people these days are claiming that he was like that in FF7. Even Numara, but I think he was in denial at the time that he made that Emo Boy comment.

I think Numara found his love for Cloud again around the time the Remake was announced cuz ever since Sora, I feel that he was trying to push Cloud away.
I agree, I think Cloud started to get more broody with Kingdom Hearts.
Off-topic, but it's NO-MU-RA.
Do I hear people bagging on my man Squall? :c
Cloud: "My name? It's Cloud."
Barret: "Is that because you always rain on everyone's parade?"
Cloud: "No, those are squalls, and nobody likes those."
I love the new FFVII Machinabridged.
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Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Actually, you want to know the funny thing about Cloud's behaviour in Advent Children Complete? It wasn't just his guilt over failing to protect the people he cared about. Fun little piece of trivia, since I've pretty much studied the character and the lore front and back,

After Meteor fell and they defeated Sephiroth, Cloud started over with Tifa in the newly established Edge. Eventually he found his own way in life as to run a delivery service to help the bar and bring in more business. Everything was going pretty well for Cloud, until he got a delivery request from Elmyra (Aerith's adoptive mother), to take a bouquet of flowers to the Forgotten City where Aerith died. It was this moment that put Cloud down a slippery slope, he started drinking more and became closed off from his family (namely Tifa and Marlene who was with them while Barret was out discovering better sources of energy to replace mako). But something happened! Tifa actually talked with Cloud about it, he confessed about being unable to bring back the dead and how Zack and Aerith's deaths weighed heavily on him.

They talked it out, Cloud actually MOVED ON (or so we thought he did) from this and went back uphill in life! Eventually he took Denzel in who he couldn't help but feel partially responsible for with how Meteor destroyed Midgar. It was around this time that a mysterious disease was plaguing the Planet (primarily, Midgar and surrounding areas). Geostigma, the corruption left behind from Meteor and Jenova/Sephiroth's influence to be precise. People were dying on the streets, and Denzel turned out to be infected too. So Cloud sprung into action, started to do research on the human body and on ways that this Geostigma can be cured while balancing work, fought so hard to find a cure for Denzel. So what happens despite his efforts?

Cloud gets infected with Geostigma too. That's why when Denzel was like "Guess I was the last straw..." in the movie, that's because it was that moment where Cloud broke. How was he supposed to help his family and friends if he couldn't even help himself? It also brought back that past guilt over Zack and Aerith he thought he'd overcome. He's only human, despite being kind of a monster beneath it all thanks to all those experiments that were done to him.

"I just thought... I couldn't care for myself...let alone anyone else."

Thus we get this 'emo' Cloud in Advent Children.


It's stuff like this, and how Cloud was able to come back despite it all, stronger than before after having to put up with SO MUCH CRAP in his life? Is why he's my #1 favorite character in all of fiction, and my fictional role model (real spot goes to my late Dad of course). Cloud shows signs of weakness, being vulnerable, struggles like anyone else, but decides for himself in the end to try, and when he tried, he won.

He's not perfect. THat's why he's so awesome to me. Anyways, that's my little short version of explaining why Cloud got the bad 'emo' rap afterwards. Lastly? In Dirge of Cerberus? We can see the fruits of his labor after overcoming what he did, being more upbeat by comparison to before and coming into his own self. He wasn't some mercenary, he wasn't some Ex-SOLDIER. He was a goofball named Cloud Strife.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
He got the bad emo rap because a majority of fanfic peeps chose the crappy wah wah dialogue choices in FFVII instead of the I'm a cocky badass ones. You can write whatever you want in a novella but that doesn't mean much if it stays locked up in japan.

And since the novella was locked in Japan that's where a majority of English fans would get confused on why Cloud transitioned from confident to identity crisis to confident to depression to confidence again.
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