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6 Things I learned from Katawa Shoujo

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Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
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This game, Katawa Shoujo is really something. It really was kind of an eye-opener for me about a lot of things, some positive, some negative... After a little more playing of it, I just couldn't shake the feeling that my first review (hosted on another site) was... missing something. The personal side. So here you go:

6 things I learned while playing Katawa Shoujo.

6. I think my self esteem might suck

I'm writing an essay on a Dating Sim visual novel, so maybe this kinda goes unsaid, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the level of introversion present in myself that this game revealed to me. What do I mean? Well, for starters, I started the game on the Hanako path, because she was the only girl in the story I felt that I could really connect with - someone shy and timid enough that I could, within reason, approach her.

Hanako is a girl who is scarred from a fire and essentially pathologically timid - she has very few friends, can barely express herself, and is prone to locking up and becoming catatonic with panic. And this is the character I connected with most. That is, not the protagonist I was playing as, but rather me, as a person. Every other character made me feel somewhat out of place, with a cheeriness or quirkiness I couldn't latch on to for some reason. I tried the Emi (extremely peppy, athletic girl) path next, and felt horribly out of place. But I'll get back to that in a second.

In any case, it left me really wondering, "Is there something I'm doing wrong?" I tend to go after the girls who aren't as popular, pretty, or have weird self-esteem. It makes me wonder how that reflects back on me... Probably negatively. I never thought I stood a chance with the "popular" girls, so I specifically went after those who didn't have many friends, who were shy, who were pariahed. I would "help" them. The despicable "nice guy" routine. Ugh.

5. I'm really into this style of narrative

Most of the time when I game, it's high-action style stuff - 2D fighters, 2D and some 3D platformers, side-scrolling brawlers, and the like. So when I started playing this, I was sort of unsure what to expect - I had never played anything that was even remotely like this, excluding cheap flash games of a similar style that were exclusively there for the porn content. But as I went into it, and really got involved with the story and the characters, I started to really emote with the game. Not only in the sense that I laughed at the jokes and comedy segments, or that I felt bad when one of the characters were hurt - I really started to feel the emotions that Hisao seemed to hold, and even further, how he empathized with the other characters to an extent.

This doesn't usually happen to me in other media, save for the best-written normal video games or the very greatest of films. I don't know if Katawa Shoujo is simply a shining gem of the genre or not - I haven't been exposed to that many of its like - but I very highly doubt that this kind of reaction is simply due to it being great in its genre. I think it genuinely has to do with the way the narrative is exposed: it just works for me somehow, and allows me to connect with the characters really well. I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

4. I don't understand what a relationship entails

I'm currently 18. While I'm no longer a virgin, I have never really had a stable relationship. All of my relationships in the last 5 years could, essentially, be described in one of two ways:
1. I ask girl out -> I get rejected -> I become emo for a few days then learn to get over it
2. I meet girl online -> We hit it off -> I ask if she wants to be my girlfriend -> We have some sort of online relationship, which then inevitably falls apart due to the distance or other factors.
Notice how success in the first category is basically a non-starter for me. That normal procedure of high-school romance is basically a closed book for me. I've never had a real relationship... But after playing this game, I can't shake the feeling that I've been deceiving myself on that point for quite a while. Right now, I'm in a long-distance relationship with a girl from my previous home (a place I go to to visit every few months). I met her online, and have not been home since. And I'm taking it like a real, real-world relationship. My first sexual encounter was with a girl who I met in exactly the same way... About a year after she dumped me because of the distance. It feels like somehow, now that I really think about it, I'm just pretending that these relationships are something they aren't.

But even more than that, I wonder "what's the difference between what I have with my long distance girlfriend and friendship?" Yeah, sure, there's the erotic connotation, but what else? We say we love each other, but somehow I can't shake the feeling that I've missed the entire point of what love, and this relationship, means. This came to me after playing through the Emi path of the game. *Spoiler warning* Emi is a very peppy, upbeat girl with some dark past (she has no legs - that's kind of a given), and although to begin with her relationship with the protagonist seems like smooth sailing (especially compared to Hanako), after a while the question of what it means to love one another comes up, and Emi turns out to be something of a closed book in regards to her past, and unwilling to open herself up. The Hanako path features very similar scenes. After looking at these relationships unfold, I was stuck puzzled, wondering, "Why do I love my girlfriend? How is this different from friends with benefits?" And I couldn't find a decent answer at all. And now I'm stuck here, puzzling about what to do and what I'm doing wrong.

3. I take virtual relationships too seriously

Remember back in point 4, where I mentioned how I was really getting into the story? Well, when I decided to leave the Hanako path and turn to a different storyline... I felt bad about it. Does that smack as bizarre? At all? Well then, let me fill you in on one more detail: it felt like I was cheating. It felt genuinely bad. Like I was betraying something. But as I pondered over how it was strange that a game could have this sort of effect on me, I almost froze in place as I realized the bitter irony. It took a virtual relationship with a virtual character to realize just how ****ed up my virtual relationships with real people are.

As I mentioned before, essentially all of my "relationships" have been with girls online. Most of whom live halfway across the globe from me. And one of these was... bad. Not "I met 'her' and ended up getting molested by a dark man in a trench coat" bad, but "I stayed up all night crying and chatting with 'her' as she pretended to kill herself" bad. It really, really disturbed me, and was another one of those moments that should have made me think twice about my relationship to girls I've never met physically. And this game caused that again. Take my current girlfriend: she's a real person, we've talked, I've seen her on her webcam and heard her speak. But the relationship is still virtual. We're not there for each other. I can't give her a hug if she's up all night crying with her problems. I don't suffer the kind of closeness issues that you have with Emi and Hanako because the physical distance is too extreme. And I'm left wondering, "Should it matter?" I honestly don't know, and it feels outright horrible to dwell on it.

2. I can't play games like this any more

Shortly after putting down the game and finishing the Emi storyline, I went to eat dinner, and it felt like something had just hit me in the gut. As all the realizations I had, caused by the game, tumbled over me, I felt rotten, and what's worse: I felt like it was all made even worse by one simple fact: I had just spent 3 hours on a Saturday night and 5 hours over the few days beforehand playing a dating sim visual novel. Is it something to be ashamed of? Maybe not. But for some reason, it felt like it - this was the first game I would have to hide from my friends, the first game I felt positively about that I just couldn't share with them. Unreasonable? Biased? Maybe. But it's not that I didn't like it. It's that I feel that its influence is releasing thoughts in my head that I should not be considering in the first place. And what bugs me the most? It took a ****ing dating sim, a game I feel ashamed for playing in the first place, for me to think about this stuff! It makes me feel as ****ed in the head as Kenji, and I can't shake this feeling that the other shoe is gonna drop.

And remember, it's not that I dislike the game - I find it extremely enjoyable! It's just...

Following the Hanako path made me realize that I have a real tendency to go after girls with low self-esteem, and feel terrible about it because it makes me wonder what's wrong with my own self-esteem, or if I'm even seeing them as equals so much as "doing them a favor".
Following the Emi path made me realize just how little drive I have, and feel terrible about giving up running because of the cold weather and my lack of interest in leaving my room and doing something productive most days.
Following the Shizune path made me think about how hard it is for me to communicate with my girlfriend, and made me feel terrible about how our relationship makes me feel... And if she feels the same.
I'm scared to go down the other two paths, because I don't want to know what they're going to tell me about myself.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't supposed to take anything away from this game (as I said in my review, from a purely objective standpoint, it's a really good narrative). In fact, this isn't even supposed to take anything away from the game in a subjective sense: any game that can dislodge this sort of feeling and realization from me has something special about it. I think I have not played a game - hell, any media in my recent life - which had more influence on me
[*]. That scares me, but at the same time makes me wonder: am I the only one? Am I just ****ed in the head? Am I just overreacting to an average narrative? Or is this really such a powerful piece? I have no idea. But I'll say this much: if I can't take what I learned and do something with it, then I... don't know.

Strangely, I have to give my recommendation for this game while simultaneously hoping that it doesn't have such a strong influence on the person playing it, despite that somehow being the point of the medium. It really just hit me like a flying brick, and I'm sure that, for some, it's simply enough just a fun little past-time. But for me, it was more than that, in a disturbingly effective way. And as a rule of thumb, I cannot give anything that moves me that way less than a perfect score. Katawa Shoujo is ****ing beautiful.

[*] Unless you want to count my playing Kaizo Mario in German Lit and Math, which correlates very nicely with my dropping grades...

1. 4chan has a sensible, heartfelt side

Huh. This one kinda was a shocker for me. Maybe I should spend less time on /b/.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Hey i liked the game too.

You should look past the "virtual dating sim" part and just read it like a novel (which is what i do) there are really good visual novels that deserve the "novel" part.

By "virtual" relationship i'll assume online since virtual would mean something unreal. While dating online i consider something inpractical, you do still learn from the experience.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I understand that. I used to be a heavy MMO player so i would encounter various people and some i would go further with contacting them whether it be instanting message or giving my number. Sure, its not how people "normally" socialize, But its socializing still. There ares things you learn from socializing with different kinds of people.

I'll just say.. You were probably looking too hard for a "love" relationship.

Also... Don't know where online relationships happen outside of mmos since i'd probably never venture to those kinds of sites..


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
What have I just read...

Well you learned something from it. That's good. I'm interested in how you will harness that new found feeling/understanding and where it will take you. Keep me updated :)

BTW Lilly Path is high tier, you are so wrong

(I don't even know what this game/thing is)


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
If you haven't done the Lilly or Rin path I hear those are the most well-written, particularly in Rin's case - of the two I've only played Lilly's path, and I can vouch for it being very touching. I'm not sure what introspective musings it might spur, but it does have to do a bit with the prospect of long-distance relationships and not being close to your partner.

I can relate to a lot of the thoughts in this blog, by the way. Maybe not the more personal aspects like online relationships, but the narrative really reached me and made me ponder some things myself. Also, I would probably never tell someone I knew in real life that I've played this.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Yeah that's not the easiest thing to admit or showcase.


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
After playing only one route in this game I've actually grown a heart. I went into the Rin route wanting intercourse with some hot crippled *****, but the feels were too much. Instead of masturbating, I cried. I cried manly tears. So many ****ing feels.


Apr 3, 2008
I have the distinct feeling if I were ever to play the game I would have some of the same reactions from what I hear of it... my heart can't take stuff like that without breaking a little, I'm too much of a softie.

I have no idea what that says about me either really, that I'm apprehensive even about playing a game for the same reasons as BPC? I don't know. I had a rough past that I could talk about, and I've played that nice guy routine out in real life before to a sad ending... But beyond that I'm not sure why I'm so pensive just reading this. How bad would it be if I ever actually played the game...? Probably pretty heart-wrenching. I don't know what that says about me vs BPC...

But it was at least nice to see he's got some human soul somewhere down there. (Most of the time you're just yelling profanities around here XP)

And if it makes you feel any better I'd probably be just as reluctant to let anyone in my normal life know if I ever decide to buck up and play it. Probably has something to do with how obscure a thing it is as well as people would probably consider it "mushy" and sexual.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I have never cried reading any novel, playing any video game, or watching any movie/show. I'm pretty stone hearted.

People have a stereotype on visual novels since eroge primaries represents like 70% of the visual novels made. But in that 30% are some real genuine interactive novels. (some having eroge still, some NOT)


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
ussi, come on mate, anyone who says they haven't cried while watching clannad, or manly tears while watching ttgl is flat out lying ;)

bpc... maybe you got unlucky with this visual novel. it seems to relate to your life too much. it might be better to play something more 'light-hearted' such as clannad vn, or fate/stay night.

just quickly: on point 3, it's not bizzare to feel guilty or any other strong emotions while playing a visual novel. in fact doing so is the sign of a great game.

also, as a mighty 2nd year psych student, you learn that proximity is one of the biggest reasons why people like each other. this is most likely the reason you feel like you've missed out on love with your long-distance girlfriend.

i won't go further than that however, i'm obviously not qualified, and if you still feel awful or whatever a therapist might be the way to go?


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Clannad is my most favorite VN!

But i didn't cry during it or the anime.
not even when little girl died


Smash Rookie
Jun 1, 2009
Pallet Town
Those inexperienced with visual novels tend to hold KS in high regards, mainly because they have no other experiences to compare to. I played it but didn't feel a thing. No emotional ties, no gut-breaking thoughts or feelings of emptiness; it was just another visual novel. Maybe I'm just desensitized to this sort of stuff. It was entertaining, but nothing more to me.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
ussi, come on mate, anyone who says they haven't cried while watching clannad, or manly tears while watching ttgl is flat out lying ;)

bpc... maybe you got unlucky with this visual novel. it seems to relate to your life too much. it might be better to play something more 'light-hearted' such as clannad vn, or fate/stay night.

just quickly: on point 3, it's not bizzare to feel guilty or any other strong emotions while playing a visual novel. in fact doing so is the sign of a great game.

also, as a mighty 2nd year psych student, you learn that proximity is one of the biggest reasons why people like each other. this is most likely the reason you feel like you've missed out on love with your long-distance girlfriend.

i won't go further than that however, i'm obviously not qualified, and if you still feel awful or whatever a therapist might be the way to go?
I'm by no means saying it was bad, or that I was "unlucky". Like I said near the end, any game/narrative that has that kind of effect on me is an instant perfect score in my book. And I really, really enjoyed it. It just had a huge impact on me.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2011
In any case, it left me really wondering, "Is there something I'm doing wrong?" I tend to go after the girls who aren't as popular, pretty, or have weird self-esteem. It makes me wonder how that reflects back on me... Probably negatively. I never thought I stood a chance with the "popular" girls, so I specifically went after those who didn't have many friends, who were shy, who were pariahed. I would "help" them. The despicable "nice guy" routine. Ugh.
This is exactly like me.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
BPC- I'm not saying this to be a douche, but none of what you said about yourself suprises me, because it reflects in your short temper.

Generally, people who rage at everyone, or are cynical all the time are acting out due to some form of insecurity or jealousy. They usually didn't have much social status as kid.

It would also explain why you like girls with low self-esteem. Apart from the fact that you may feel less vulnerable around someone with a similar or lower level of self esteem than yourself, it could be because you like the idea of boosting her self esteem up.

As for the game, it's not uncommon for people to be absorbed by a game. I find that the people who do this are the ones who use games as a form of escapism more than others, often because it's the main source of entertainment in their life.

I could be wrong about all this, but it's what I gather from personal experiences of my own. Don't lose your sh** on me if I'm wrong.

This game seems really interesting. Do you just find it online or something?


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
After playing only one route in this game I've actually grown a heart. I went into the Rin route wanting intercourse with some hot crippled *****, but the feels were too much. Instead of masturbating, I cried. I cried manly tears. So many ****ing feels.
Rin's route hit me harder than any other route, that's for sure.

ussi, come on mate, anyone who says they haven't cried while watching clannad, or manly tears while watching ttgl is flat out lying ;)
I cried harder from
death in Wakfu and
reaction than I did from
death in Clannad. That doesn't make Clannad or TTGL less emotionally-driven than Wakfu, but it does show that people will react differently to various forms of media.

And out of all of those things, at least one should have been that youre a weeaboo.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Gonna be honest here, this VN sounds like a few people trying REALLY hard to make something touching.

with sex.
because sex sells :/

Then again, a lot of VNs are try hard as ****.
Yeah I'll play it though, just so I can hate it while experiencing it.

Ever17 will always be better
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
BPC- I'm not saying this to be a douche, but none of what you said about yourself suprises me, because it reflects in your short temper.

Generally, people who rage at everyone, or are cynical all the time are acting out due to some form of insecurity or jealousy. They usually didn't have much social status as kid.

It would also explain why you like girls with low self-esteem. Apart from the fact that you may feel less vulnerable around someone with a similar or lower level of self esteem than yourself, it could be because you like the idea of boosting her self esteem up.

As for the game, it's not uncommon for people to be absorbed by a game. I find that the people who do this are the ones who use games as a form of escapism more than others, often because it's the main source of entertainment in their life.

I could be wrong about all this, but it's what I gather from personal experiences of my own. Don't lose your sh** on me if I'm wrong.
Nah, your analysis is pretty spot-on; I'm not the hardest to read online–I wear my heart on my sleeve on the forums to overcompensate in a way. This doesn't bug me; it's not disrespectful, simply a fair analysis.. This:


This bugs me. **** off, Slickback.

This game seems really interesting. Do you just find it online or something?
I saw it on the Fakku front page and figured, "Eh, what the heck". Check it out. Fair warning: while the site and most of the game is SFW, the game contains scenes that definitely aren't (although you can opt to skip them), and getting seen playing this sort of game by anyone is a good way to get chided heavily for it.

Gonna be honest here, this VN sounds like a few people trying REALLY hard to make something touching.

with sex.
because sex sells :/
This simply is not true, sorry.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2008
Hopewell, NJ
I played for 15 minutes and almost fell asleep out of boredom. To think that I downloaded utorrent for that. The dialogue was hopelessly slow and trivial and I think they spent like 3 minutes describing a gate.
May 3, 2009
trust me bpc, it was for the best that i edited out what i said.

also it's good that you learned this about yourself through a game rather than through some painful heartbreak and suffering inevitably caused by your many personality flaws.

so i applaud for you being mature and honest with yourself.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)

Of all other websites, why does it have be an Adult website.
Wait, this game isn't hentai-based, is it?
no its not. there is some scenes, but its just showing what happens in a relationship. Its not even long, its really quick compared to H-scenes that actually try to sell.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I was going to come in here and call you babies, but then I remembered:

A. I cried while reading Lord of the Flies. No, not cried, BAWLED, like a freaking child. I haven't cried that much since.

B. I cry at anything basically

So, I understand how you can get attached to stupid fake people.

And wait, is this a porno thing?... >.>
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo

Of all other websites, why does it have be an Adult website.
Wait, this game isn't hentai-based, is it?
The game is technically an eroge, and definitely not completely safe for work. That said, from what I've heard, it's one of the few where the sex not only feels like it's a completely natural part of the story (like in a well-written novel rather than a cheap game), and the option exists in-game to just skip all NSFW segments. If you DL'd it for the porn, then you're going to be sorely disappointed.

I played for 15 minutes and almost fell asleep out of boredom. To think that I downloaded utorrent for that. The dialogue was hopelessly slow and trivial and I think they spent like 3 minutes describing a gate.
Are you familiar with the genre of Virtual Novels? You need to read it like a book (or, more accurately, a "choose-your-adventure" book) - the dialogue is all there is. Give it a little time... But if the first 15 minutes bored you to death, then you're either a very slow reader, or probably not into this kind of thing.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Are there any virtual novels that aren't based on relationships/sexual content?

I used to love choose your own adventure books as a kid.


Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2012
Ahem, whether you are dating online or in real life, you need to remember one quality that is very important. Commitment. You are 18 and I'm just 21. I relize there isn't a huge difference. That being said, lack of commitment is your biggest enemy. Not saying you have a problem, but if two people go at a "relationship" and one of them is pretending "it's just online" or " it's nothing big" I wouldn't expect any of it to go really anywhere lol. I am getting married to my "online" gf now. We have been dating for about 3-4 years. I go see her sometimes in 9 month gaps. You are just 18 so I understand why you have shorter relationships. Just i only see dating successful, when both parties are looking for settling down. Not just a high school version of dating xD so don't feel bad about having short relationships. Or whether they are online or not. People will be people far or close. At least you will find out how devoted they are "before" you get serious. Am I right?:)



Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
Are there any virtual novels that aren't based on relationships/sexual content?

I used to love choose your own adventure books as a kid.
not a whole lot

from what you've said though, you'd probs really enjoy fate/stay night

i hope people aren't dismissing vns on the sheer basis of being eroge, otherwise you're sorely missing out


Project M Back Roomer
Nov 29, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
The game is technically an eroge, and definitely not completely safe for work. That said, from what I've heard, it's one of the few where the sex not only feels like it's a completely natural part of the story (like in a well-written novel rather than a cheap game), and the option exists in-game to just skip all NSFW segments. If you DL'd it for the porn, then you're going to be sorely disappointed.

Are you familiar with the genre of Virtual Novels? You need to read it like a book (or, more accurately, a "choose-your-adventure" book) - the dialogue is all there is. Give it a little time... But if the first 15 minutes bored you to death, then you're either a very slow reader, or probably not into this kind of thing.
It's 'Visual Novel', not 'Virtual Novel' by the way. Also, you can disable to the sex scenes, IIRC.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
It's come to my attention this wasabi banzai whatever is hentai.

Not cool.
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