Let's take a moment to look at Cloud. While I'm glad that we're past the whole "Cloud hate" train, it seems as if he is a bit underrated at times. One thing that really stands out is the "just gimp him" belief that people seem to have about him. Now, don't get me wrong, his recovery is certainly one of his biggest weaknesses, but gimping Cloud is easier said than done. There are certainly characters that are able to threaten Cloud with their potent gimping abilities (

), but from personal experience and viewing many high level Cloud matches, Cloud is mostly getting gimped when he makes a mistake offstage. He can actually cover himself very well, and the edge guarder usually has to make a good read to correctly gimp Cloud. His high recovery, ledge snap, and low recovery usually have to be covered differently (some characters may cover 2/3, but not all of them) and given that he has several options to assist his recovery, like stalling with Blade Beam (gives him drift and provides a big moving hitbox to cover him), Cross Slash (stops him momentum), charging Limit, and Cloud has threatening aerials that can ward off/kill attackers.
Surely, characters will optimize their edge guards against Cloud, but he still has was to optimize his recovery and mix up where he goes. Not only that, but it seems that an often glazed over fact is how potent Cloud is at edge guarding. Many characters that can threaten him offstage can also be threatened just as easily (ex

). From my experiences, the only characters that I could not reliably edge guard are

Combine that with his untapped ledge trapping game (he's actually really good at it) and he is a character that I fail to see dropping out of top tier. One could argue that he could "fall out of top 5", but with the way that the meta is shaping up, is there really that big of a difference between top 5 and top 11 in this game?


are pretty much all national threats and are capable of dominating the rest of the cast (Ryu doesn't really dominate the cast and might be the "weakest" top tier, but his reward will always keep him relevant). I don't think it really matters who is truly #1 or #8 or #4 on the tier list, none of them are considerably stronger than the rest. Each top tier has at can say they lose to at least one of the others, while also beating/going even with the others.
Last note before I go back to permanent lurk status,


isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Cloud gets rocked in disadvantage, but he can actually punish Sheik pretty harshly in her disadvantage as well. He can challenge her really well in neutral, and he actually has the ability to juggle and edge guard her (bair/reverse nair/LCS on Bouncing Fish, 2 frame dair/Limit Blade Beam on Vanish). Sheik can still edge guard him really well and her conversions in neutral are quite threatening, but it is at worst a 40:60 MU (45:55 at best for Cloud imo).