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3rd Party Character Rant


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
I just wanted to express some opinions I had about the status of 3rd party characters in brawl...
Megaman started on the NES and has so many titles on Nintendo systems it's not funny. He is from a side scrolling platformer. He could have a perfect moveset. He just makes sense. He makes as much sense as Samus. Honestly, no one else will probably be in unless they decide to put a square character in Brawl. If they do, it will probably be someone from an older Final Fantasy such as Black Mage or Sora. Sora has a small chance cuz he was on the poll, but I am not gonna hold my breath. He does have a bigger chance, because many square composers are working on the game if I remember correctly.

So yeah..this is my rant. Feel free to comment.
i doubt megaman will be in. alot of other characters are exactly as you describe, namely bomberman. and what puts bomberman in over megaman is that he has interacted with first party characters, he doesn't have 80 different versions of the same character, and he offers something new to smash. what i am trying to say is that megaman is gonna have some serious competition for the 3rd party slot


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2007
I think that with all of the requests for Geno that he as to be in. I also think that Sakurai might want to use lesser known characters to help give them a boost in popularity, such as Game and Watch or Doctor Mario. Will Geno take up one of the 3rd party slots? Sorta. Geno is owned by Square, not Nintendo. He was actually created by Square. This is different from DKC and Rare because Rare pretty much made the game, while Nintendo created the character. This is why when Diddy Kong Racing DS was made, Banjo and Conker had to be taken out. Both Conker and Banjo appeared in DKR for the first time on the N64, and had other games on the N64, but because they were created by Rare and not Nintendo, they now belong to Microsoft. Think of Krunch (I think that's what his name way) who debuted in DKR on N64, but since Nintendo came up with the idea for him, he is owned by Nintendo and was thrown into DKR DS. Geno is a third party character, but could be given sort of a pardon into bypassing the 3rd party character rules. Plus, even though Sakurai said there would probably be only 3 3rd party characters, that was a while ago and could have changed since then. Maybe we could have 5, giving more room to freely allow characters such as Mega Man and Bomberman and not have them fighting over a single spot. There are plenty of 3rd party characters that would fit good for Brawl, so I think that if Sakurai wants them in, he will put them in. He won't have 3, then find a new one he likes, and not put him in.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
HOw does bomberman offer anything new? all he does is throw bombs. Plus, Megaman is wanted a helluva lot more than another bomb thrower.

And there is only one version of megaman, if you had actually played, you'd notice he's the only one (aside from exe, but that doesn't count) referred to as such.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
HOw does bomberman offer anything new? all he does is throw bombs. Plus, Megaman is wanted a helluva lot more than another bomb thrower.

And there is only one version of megaman, if you had actually played, you'd notice he's the only one (aside from exe, but that doesn't count) referred to as such.
lets see, there is:
Mega Man X
vent and aile
geo stelar and omega-Xis
hyper megaman
Megaman from captain N
the original megaman

that seems like alot more than one, and it doesn't matter that they aren't called megaman, the games they are in have megaman in the title. and onto the bomb throwing, the best way to explain this is through captain olimar, all he does is use pikmin and people want him in. all fox did was fly in a space ship before he got in smash, all falcon did was race cars before he got in smash. why can't they do the same for bomberman that they did for all these great smashers. the fact that bomberman uses bombs makes him unique in that he is an item based character, working similar to olimar. and bomberman has appeared in a fighting game where he did alot more that throw bombs, "dream x world tv fighters" i think it was called. also, how many people do you think wanted snake in, the answer is one and he is in. bomberman has just as many fans as megaman, so don't say he doesn't. and in the original, all megaman did was shoot lazers at people, sure he used different kinds of lazers, but they were lazers none the less.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
I think that with all of the requests for Geno that he as to be in....Geno is a third party character, but could be given sort of a pardon into bypassing the 3rd party character rules.
Geno isn't just any third party character. He's a third party character from the Mario universe. That, along with his amazing ability to BE AWESOME, should be enough reason for Sakurai to put him in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
lets see, there is:
Mega Man X
vent and aile
geo stelar and omega-Xis

hyper megaman
Megaman from captain N
the original megaman

that seems like alot more than one, and it doesn't matter that they aren't called megaman, the games they are in have megaman in the title. and onto the bomb throwing, the best way to explain this is through captain olimar, all he does is use pikmin and people want him in. all fox did was fly in a space ship before he got in smash, all falcon did was race cars before he got in smash. why can't they do the same for bomberman that they did for all these great smashers. the fact that bomberman uses bombs makes him unique in that he is an item based character, working similar to olimar. and bomberman has appeared in a fighting game where he did alot more that throw bombs, "dream x world tv fighters" i think it was called. also, how many people do you think wanted snake in, the answer is one and he is in. bomberman has just as many fans as megaman, so don't say he doesn't. and in the original, all megaman did was shoot lazers at people, sure he used different kinds of lazers, but they were lazers none the less.
gotta fix your list a bit there
Megaman -contained universe - may be linked to X series
Megaman.exe -contained universe
Megaman Volnutt -contained universe

the title "Megaman" is put on a lot of franchises for branding purposes. X is not Megaman, if he was he would be referred to as such in the actual game. The only similarities X shares with megaman is that he';s blue, shoots plasma, and was built by Dr. Light. The only reason that Megaman is even in the title is because Capcom didn't think it would sell without the Megaman branding. Zero, Zx, exe, and all the other series use the Megaman branding for familiarity. HOwever the actual character of Zero is not megaman, and wasn't even buit by the same creator. the fact that his name is Zero should hav
e been enough of a giveaway. Those that are bolded are based off of X, so they're exluded as well. HYper megaman is the same megaman from the original series. Why your trying to pass off a super move as a different version is laughable, but not as laughable as your Captain N example. That's still the original, based off the first game's box art. SO yeah, the only three characters actually referred to as Megaman are the three I listed above for the reasons i listed above. X, Zero and the rest are branded with Megaman's name, much like Yoshi and Wario were branded with Mario's name,

In the span of the original series, Megaman shoots lasers, plays soccer, races gokarts, and fights hand to hand. He did alot mor than walk around mazes and drop/bow up bombs. He's actually a well rounded character, and is easy to make a varied moveset for, without taking the amount of extra weapons he ammased into account. If your main argument is that Bomberman has been in 1 fighting game already, than Megaman has done the fighting thing three times already, four if you count the cheat code from megaman 7.

He's also WAY more popular than Bomberman, and that was proven by Sakurai's third party poll. And your comparisoin between Bomberman and Olimar doesn't really hold water. Bomberman is not unique, Link and Samus uses bombs, Peach is largely item based. He brings nothing to the table so why bother with him? Olimar, at the very least, has the fact that he comes from a popular first party game, the same as Fox and Falcon. Bomberman does not have that luxury, and judging by the polls, many wouldn't want to waste the slot on him.

Try again


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
link has 1 bomb move, samus has 1 bomb move. bomberman has hundreds of bomb moves, his fighting would focus on use bombs on people. hitting someone with a bomb, kicking someone into a mine, throwing or kicking a bomb at someone, fire bombing someone. bomberman bring allot to the table, i just think you don't want to look at it. i don't actually care if megaman gets in or not, he would probably be fun to play, the thing is you should never say it is for certain until he is confirmed. you make it sound like megaman is already in, when there are plenty of other good third party characters who could easily take this slot that you are so certain that megaman already has.

the different versions thing is that in 1993 they stopped the classic series and introduced the x series. so even though x is not called "megaman", he is in a megaman series, is the main character in that series, and since the other classic series stopped making new games with the exception of compilations, the NEW megaman.

finally, even though some people don't want bomberman in, there are plenty others who do, the same goes with megaman and all the other third party characters... except for sonic which at this point looks to be everyone vs. me. if you still hate bomberman as a suggestion, why don't you read some of his support threads, and take a look at some of the movesets others have made for him. thats what convinced me to like waluigi and olimar, so it could do somin fo you my main arguement is not the bomberman fighting game, that was a counter to show you that he has appeared in games where he did fight and did more than use bombs


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
link has 1 bomb move, samus has 1 bomb move. bomberman has hundreds of bomb moves, his fighting would focus on use bombs on people. hitting someone with a bomb, kicking someone into a mine, throwing or kicking a bomb at someone, fire bombing someone. bomberman bring allot to the table, i just think you don't want to look at it. i don't actually care if megaman gets in or not, he would probably be fun to play, the thing is you should never say it is for certain until he is confirmed. you make it sound like megaman is already in, when there are plenty of other good third party characters who could easily take this slot that you are so certain that megaman already has.
this sounds like a very bland movesets with nothing but explosions. i dont hate bomberman, but i dont see how he adds anything unique to smash cuz dont forget Snake's movesetis supposed to have a lot of explosives too in addition to link and samus. it would just be too repetitive.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
link has 1 bomb move, samus has 1 bomb move. bomberman has hundreds of bomb moves, his fighting would focus on use bombs on people. hitting someone with a bomb, kicking someone into a mine, throwing or kicking a bomb at someone, fire bombing someone. bomberman bring allot to the table, i just think you don't want to look at it. i don't actually care if megaman gets in or not, he would probably be fun to play, the thing is you should never say it is for certain until he is confirmed. you make it sound like megaman is already in, when there are plenty of other good third party characters who could easily take this slot that you are so certain that megaman already has.

the different versions thing is that in 1993 they stopped the classic series and introduced the x series. so even though x is not called "megaman", he is in a megaman series, is the main character in that series, and since the other classic series stopped making new games with the exception of compilations, the NEW megaman.

finally, even though some people don't want bomberman in, there are plenty others who do, the same goes with megaman and all the other third party characters... except for sonic which at this point looks to be everyone vs. me. if you still hate bomberman as a suggestion, why don't you read some of his support threads, and take a look at some of the movesets others have made for him. thats what convinced me to like waluigi and olimar, so it could do somin fo you my main arguement is not the bomberman fighting game, that was a counter to show you that he has appeared in games where he did fight and did more than use bombs

To the first part of your post. Snake is a character based of Explosive attacks, having bomberman would be awesome but then we will have two explosive type characters.
Though this wouldn't really stop him from coming to the game since we have several sword base characters.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
snake so far has a rocket launcher which is more rpg than explosive, and i feel this is how he will play overall, using projectiles and rpgs, which will own

bombermans moveset on the other hand would focus primarily on using explosives, whilest with the other characters it is a move type of deal. i cannot come up with a bomberman moveset because i have nither the time nor the patience to do it. this maybe why you think he is bland. i will post maybe a character moveset someone else made for him here so you can see it


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
I know Megaman isn't a shoe in, the only third party whose actually in the game is Snake, everyone else is uncertain, including the Hedgehog. Megaman was the second, or third most requested third party character (the other top spots were taken by Sonic and Geno), so it would seem that, the japanese at least, are more interested in his inclusion then they are Bomberman's. I do think he has a better chance than Bomberman though. But I don't hate the character, I just don't think he's a good fit for Brawl. To be honest if Bomberman did make in into the game, i'd try him out, but i've never beena fan of characters that would have to be centered around one particular aspect. Vali's Olimarmoveset is the only thing that convinced me that he might be a good fit for Brawl: it doesn't focus soley on the Pikmin, but the Pikman enhances Olimar's moves. I've looked around the bomberman threads, they haven't convinced me yet though.

I do believe a few classic series games were released after Megaman X, primarily because they tied the two series' together using Zero. But yes, the original series was retired for X, just as the X series gave way to the Zero series and so forth. But as a character name, Megaman still referes to the original.

Plus I think it's better to retire a series, instead of practically killing the franchise. The Xbox bomberman was HORRID. Bomberman could work for brawl, but I don't see it happening. IF it does, and he plays well then fine.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Geno made it second on the poll due to his popularity, and it's not like Nintendo has not asked for Geno before. He made an appearance in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

They would ask for Geno because that's who the fans wanted most. Under King DeDeDe from Kirby, and alongside Ridley from Metroid. Neither of which are 3rd party.
. . . The thing is, would S-E miss out on the chance to have one of the more important or more famous characters in if they could get one in? I really don't think Nintendo will say " well F off!" If S-E said ". . . .We would prefer to have Crono/ Moogle/ Black Mage or w/e in SSBB to advertize FF. . .or even the FFCC Wii guy to advertize FFCC which is a Nintendo only series".

And really, we don't really know how this goes. Does Nintendo ask for the character like when they asked Sega for Sonic (which is Sega's mascott so. . .go figure) or can devs/ 3rd partys ask Nintendo to put in their characters as with Snake's case? Does nintendo simply ask the dev/ 3rd party if they want to have a character in and said party has the choice of which one to do or do they have to give Nintendo the character they (nintendo) asked for if they want to add any characters?

IDK how it works but I just can't see S-E only having Geno as their character for SSBB. . .


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
well bomberman worked fine in dream x world tv fighters, so he is not so far fetched.and sega killed the sonic franchise with the game for the 360, which sucked and people still want him in.
and before i go into rant mode, i am going to post two bomberman movesets.
Size: 2/5
Weight: 2/5
Power: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Jump: 3/5

A: Quick Jab
A (repeated): Lighting Jab (a series of quick punches)
Smash > A: Hard Punch
Smash ^ A: Uppercut Fist
Smash v A: Split Kick (does the splits, spins legs around in a circle)
Dash A: Tackle (charges forward and hits enemy with shoulder, like in football)
Air A: Spinning Kick
> Air: Downward Punch (like Falcon's raptor attack, but without fire)
< Air: Back Kick
^ Air: Headbutt (swings rather large head back)
V Air: Downward Kick

Grab: (the standard one-hand grab)
Grab Attack: (jabs enemy quickly)
> Throw: (straps bomb to enemy and throws them forward, and bomb explodes while enemy is still in the air)
< Throw: (swings the opponent behind him)
^ Throw: (throws enemy above head into air, then chucks a bomb at him while still in air, and bomb explodes, sending enemy flying into random direction)
v Throw: (slams enemy down onto ground)

B: Bomb (pulls out a bomb from self and is able to carry it around/throw it, almost exactly similar to Link's bomb attack, but causes more damage and doesn't explode while Bomberman is carrying it)
> B: Hellfire (quckly throws a single bomb at lightning speed in front of him, striking an enemy and catching him on fire for a temporary period of time)
^ B: Pump Bomb (pulls out a red bomb, like in Bomberman 64. Is able to carry this bomb around without it exploding, and it pumps up and gets bigger every time ^B is utilized. Once at maximum capacity, it can be thrown with A and it causes a massive explosion. If not pumped fully up, the following explosion after thrown depends on how much it was pumped)
V B: Mech Suit (Bomberman transforms, wearing a shiny gold/silver robot coating, his face still visible. This transformation is similar to the Zelda/Sheik transformation, and Bomberman may stay in this transformation for a medium amount of time. Getting damaged a lot will shorten this period. The suit improves his speed and attack slightly, and it also comes with a built-in cyber sword, similar to the beamsword, and all his A-attacks utilize the sword)
Super Move: Destruction (a giant Pump Bomb falls onto the field, erupting into a field-wide explosion in which every character is burnt)
Taunt: (does a quick jab, and pulls his fists back to protect his face, as if boxing)
Winning Pose: (punches the air above him, his eyes closed [smiling])


A: Punch
A, A: Punch, Opposite arm punch
A, A, A: Punch, Opp. Punch, Hard Punch
> A: Big fisted punch
v A: Trip kick
^ A: Uppercut
Smash > A: Bomb Punch (*NOTE: Can be used to punch his own bombs that have been placed, causing them to "hop" forward a space. All his other A attacks will explode his bombs)
Smash ^ A: Headbutt
Smash v A: Hard Kick
Dash A: Headfirst Dive

Air A: Punch
> A: Double Fist
< A: Spinning back kick
^ A: Flipkick
V A: Stomp (*Meteor)

Grab: Reaches out to grab
A: Headbutt
Forward: Attaches a bomb to them and tosses them forwards, like he would a bomb (so a lobbing throw). Weak.
Back: Spins around, attaches a bomb to them, and swings them backwards. Stronger.
Up: Bends forwards, and throws them straight up with a bomb attached. Mid to Weak.
Down: Slams them into the ground and plants a bomb on their chest.
B: Bomb Drop - Bomberman drops a bomb on the ground if he taps B. Each bomb has a 4 second fuse. If Bomberman holds B, the bomb is instead created in his hands, and does not have a lit fuse. He can run with this bomb in his grip, but cannot attack or double jump while he holds it. Pressing A or B makes him lob it in an arch, landing on the ground with its 4 second fuse lit; Smashing A makes him throw it straight forwards, exploding on impact. Forward B goes into his Forward B attack (below). If he holds B like he does to lift the bomb, he can keep holding B longer to pump it up. Pumped up bombs don't slow him down, but he can't jump at all. They can't be thrown quite as far, but have a bigger blast radius. An already dropped bomb cannot be picked up again by anyone, even Bomberman.
> B: Bomber Swing - Bomberman begins swinging his arm while palming a bomb. He can still run and jump while doing so, and holding B builds the spin up to be faster. When he releases, he will throw out a number of bombs in an arch that will explode on contact. He'll toss one, usually the one he's carrying if he's got one, just pressing Forward B. BUT if he swings, he can get 2, 3, 4, 5, and maybe even 6 to go in a full arch around in front of him. Not very powerful explosions, as is the case with his normal bombs, but a good way to clear an area.
^ B: Bomber Copter - From Bomberman Hero, of course. Bomberman sprouts a propellor, sits back, and gets some lift. He starts ascending slowly, but gains altitude faster as you hold B. He will eventually hit a certain "limit" after about the height of the Falcon Dive, and hover from there on in. He can let go of B to descend, increasingly faster until he gets rid of the propellors and falls, but if he does a crazy cycle of B, no B, B, no B, he can last a lot longer hovering than usual, if you don't mind a wavy flight pattern. If he gets max lift and hover with this attack, it should all take about 7/8 seconds before he runs outta juice. Tapping A while he's in fight mode will drop bombs from the sky that blow up on contact.
v B: Bomber Kick - Bomberman drops a bomb in front of him and kicks it forwards for the length of a Falcon Kick. It just slides into place, and doesn't blow up, even if it hits something (knocks it back instead). If he uses this attack in front of an already placed bomb, he'll kick that instead. He can't kick pumped up bombs.
Super Move: Power Bomb - Bomberman suddenly makes a giant red bomb, with a huge P marked on the side. Toss this wherever you want to watch the fur fly! >:D

-Out of 5 -- Speed: 3.5, Power: 2 (Bombs range: Reg-3, Pumped-4.5), Weight: 3, Jump: 2.75, Gravity: 3.25
-Bomberman will explode his own bombs if he hits them. However, if you use the Bomber Kick or his Smash Forward A, the Bomb Punch, he's safe to touch them, and will actually even move the bombs out of his way.
-If Bomberman lands on one of his bombs he's set, he will do a low bounce off the top: the Bomb Jump! Pumped Up bombs will give him a greater boost.
-Bomberman can only have 3 set bombs around the stage at any time, meaning you have to wait 4 seconds until you can place another if you place all 3 at once.
-Other Bombermen can kick/punch other Bombermen's bombs
-Sometimes, the best route with Bomberman is to play it safe and just drop bombs in crowds while you stand off in the distance. During 1v1s, it's better to rely on his punches and throws, and leave the bombs for when you know you're safe.
Taunt: Stands up on his tiptoes with the other knee bent, punching out and winking. "Yeah!"
Entrance: Rides in on the Bomber Jet, then climbs out as the cycle zooms off.
Kirby Hat: Kirby gets the Bomberman helmet with (| |) eyes, but keeps his pink face.

Win Poses:
1. Winds up his arm and leaps into the air, punching his fist and cheering
2. Punches, then punches again, and follows with a spinning kick, stopping with his arms folded and his back facing the crowd. He turns his head with a look of "badassery" XD
3. Stands tall, legs apart, and gives a V-sign with both eyes closed (he's smiling!)

p.s. sorry for the incredibly long post


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Bomberman worked fine in that game because his developer was involved in making the game. The same reason Simon Belmont was there. however, neither of these movesets really help your case


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
Since when are there definite 3rd party "slots" in Brawl? If he wanted to, Sakurai could have more 3rd party characters than 1st party.

Oh, and one thing that Geno has over other (i.e. lame) Mario characters such as Toad and Petey Piranha: he represents Super Mario RPG better than any other character. He was a main, playable character in the game.

It's not like Nintendo is going to go to Square-Enix and say "Hey, we want Geno, but we can't use any Final Fantasy characters because then you'd have two 3rd party characters in Smash. We only have so many 'slots'.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
Bomberman worked fine in that game because his developer was involved in making the game. The same reason Simon Belmont was there. however, neither of these movesets really help your case
so that means he can never work in any other game if his developers aren't there to hold his hand, is that what yer trying to say.

and the movesets weren't ment to help this case you say i have.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Since when are there definite 3rd party "slots" in Brawl? If he wanted to, Sakurai could have more 3rd party characters than 1st party.

Oh, and one thing that Geno has over other (i.e. lame) Mario characters such as Toad and Petey Piranha: he represents Super Mario RPG better than any other character. He was a main, playable character in the game.

It's not like Nintendo is going to go to Square-Enix and say "Hey, we want Geno, but we can't use any Final Fantasy characters because then you'd have two 3rd party characters in Smash. We only have so many 'slots'.
Sakurai stated that after Snake there will only be two or three third party openings.
so that means he can never work in any other game if his developers aren't there to hold his hand, is that what yer trying to say.

and the movesets weren't ment to help this case you say i have.
What I'm saying is that it's not a situation where seating is limited. Nintendo did not create Bomberman, and the slots for third party candidates are extremely limited.

And since you said Bomberman brings somthing new to the table, the movesets you provided don't seem particularly unique.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
well those were two movesets made by some guys, sakurai has been known to work wonders with movesets, so he could go far with bomberman if bomber made it in.

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Bomberman has no chance. He throws bombs at people. He would just be a lame addition. I would much rather have Megaman who has an amazing variaty of attacks he could choose from. Sonic is basically a shoe in, since Miyamoto asked Sega and I seriously doubt Sega would decline. Especially after the olympics game. Anyone else has no chance as I previously stated. And it is still possible for there to be Geno and another Square character. It was my original point that Geno wouldn't be counted as a 3rd party character even though he is.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
Bomberman has no chance. He throws bombs at people. He would just be a lame addition. I would much rather have Megaman who has an amazing variaty of attacks he could choose from. Sonic is basically a shoe in, since Miyamoto asked Sega and I seriously doubt Sega would decline. Especially after the olympics game. Anyone else has no chance as I previously stated. And it is still possible for there to be Geno and another Square character. It was my original point that Geno wouldn't be counted as a 3rd party character even though he is.
i could give you rants to the end of the earth regarding bomberman and how his chances are GOOD for getting in brawl, but i am to lazy, so i will just list a few points

1. appeared with a first party character (wario blast)
2. hudson is on great terms with nintendo
3. bomberman has already appeared in a fighting game where he did more than just throw bombs, also appeared with snake in same game
4. bomberman has a great history of games (excluding xobox 360)
5. he is an original character and offers something new to smash


Smash Cadet
May 1, 2007
Even though game and watch isnt third party, how many players expected him to be included in melee?

Anything could happen.

DJ Napps

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2007
Howard U

lets see, there is:
Mega Man X
vent and aile
geo stelar and omega-Xis
hyper megaman
Megaman from captain N
the original megaman

that seems like alot more than one, and it doesn't matter that they aren't called megaman, the games they are in have megaman in the title. and onto the bomb throwing, the best way to explain this is through captain olimar, all he does is use pikmin and people want him in. all fox did was fly in a space ship before he got in smash, all falcon did was race cars before he got in smash. why can't they do the same for bomberman that they did for all these great smashers. the fact that bomberman uses bombs makes him unique in that he is an item based character, working similar to olimar. and bomberman has appeared in a fighting game where he did alot more that throw bombs, "dream x world tv fighters" i think it was called. also, how many people do you think wanted snake in, the answer is one and he is in. bomberman has just as many fans as megaman, so don't say he doesn't. and in the original, all megaman did was shoot lazers at people, sure he used different kinds of lazers, but they were lazers none the less.
I couldnt have said it better....


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
Two characters I'm hoping for besides Soinc:


-I'm hoping for Klonoa to be in Brawl, since the games that he starred in were awesome, and he's had games on a Nintendo Console (along with a lot of cameos), but it might not be likely. Another reason I think that he should be in Brawl was that his first game (Door to Phantomile) was one of the first games to have a 3D character in a 2D environment. It sorta made a huge difference in gaming I guess.


-I know the regular Megaman is more hoped for that his net navi version, but you have to admit, the series was awesome! I'm hoping that Megaman EXE. makes it in. I'm not quite sure what his chances are, so I gave him a 55/50% chance of appearing. I chose the net navi version because it is much sleeker, seems a bit faster and having attacks in which you use BattleChips will be COOL! (Cybersword, Battlechip in! DOWNLOAD!) I'm crossing my fingers for Megaman EXE! Jack in!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Two characters I'm hoping for besides Soinc:

-I'm hoping for Klonoa to be in Brawl, since the games that he starred in were awesome, and he's had games on a Nintendo Console (along with a lot of cameos), but it might not be likely. Another reason I think that he should be in Brawl was that his first game (Door to Phantomile) was one of the first games to have a 3D character in a 2D environment. It sorta made a huge difference in gaming I guess.
Klonoa's preactically retired right? add to that that the Namco's first rep would probably be Pac-man. I don't see it happening

-I know the regular Megaman is more hoped for that his net navi version, but you have to admit, the series was awesome! I'm hoping that Megaman EXE. makes it in. I'm not quite sure what his chances are, so I gave him a 55/50% chance of appearing. I chose the net navi version because it is much sleeker, seems a bit faster and having attacks in which you use BattleChips will be COOL! (Cybersword, Battlechip in! DOWNLOAD!) I'm crossing my fingers for Megaman EXE! Jack in!
The exe series is horrible after the second game, and that anime is even worse. plus the fact that your version is based on the horrible anime makes it an insta fail.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
Klonoa "retired" around 2005 with his appearance in Namco X Capcom.

And Namco has worked with Nintendo to make Mario Kart GP (though Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man and Blinky were in it). If they want any Namco character in Brawl, Klonoa is top pick. And i'm guessing you hate the dub Megaman anime. The original Japanese versions are usually much better than dubs.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
I would still think that the mascot Pac-man would be Namco's first pick. I'd see their second being one of the SC fighters, to promote Soul Caliber Legends on the Wii.

And I dislilke the anime regardless of translation. THe only dubs i really can't stand are Naruto, and One Piece. Bleach is pretty good though...

back on topic, i think your other reasons for exe were kinda flimsy to be honest


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
Well, Klonoa has Pac-Man on his cap anyway, so it doesn't matter. He still shows off the mascot spirit.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Not in the same way that the inclusion of the actual mascot would.
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