What to look for in terms of palette swaps and costumes:
: Are his Luigi and Brown costumes back? If they are, what is Mario's final swap? If it/they isn't/aren't, what replaces it/them?
: Are his Fire and Waluigi costumes back? What are his two remaining costumes?
: What are her five remaining costumes? Do her White, Blue, and Green dresses return?
: What are his remaining costumes? (I think we know default, Green with reddish-brown hair, Black with red hair, Yellow with Purple hair, and Black-Grey with Gold hair, right?). Is there actually a Dry Bowser alt?
: What are her three remaining colors?
: Do Yeti Kong and Green DK return? What are his remaining colors?
: What are his remaining colors? (I think we know default, Dixie-like, and Yellow shirt and White cap.)
: What are her three remaining colors?
: What are her four remaining colors?
: What are his remaining colors? (I think we know default, Red, Blue, Purple, and Classic.)
: What are his two remaining colors?
: What are her colors?
: What are his three remaining colors?
: What are his colors?
: (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we know all of them already.)
: Is Green Kirby back? What is his last costume?
: What are his six remaining colors?
: Are the Dark MK and Galacta alts real? What are his colors?
: What are his three remaining normal costumes and his six remaining Wire Frame costumes? (I hears WFM has a hoodie alt too.)
: What are his three remaining alts?
: What are his two remaining alts?
: What are his remaining alts?
: What are his remaining alts?
: What are his four remaining alts?
: What are his five remaining alts?
: What are his Alph colors?
: What are her remaining colors, Male and Female?
: What are his four remaining colors?
: What are his colors?
: What are his three remaining colors?
: Do a few of Sonic's alts from brawl return? (Red, Yellow, Green).
Correct me on ANYTHING that is incorrect. We know all of
, and
's colors.