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3/26 CSULB 2GG Results SoCal


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004

1: calipower
2: lawrance
3: airtola
4: royalflush
5: ll.nd
5: iketakeda
7: F4714
7: Danimals
9: kapwan
9: Derek
9: iammustard
9: ken
13: djdivine
13: cams
13: lucky
13: evan
17: Ryan
17: devil
17: big daddy chris
17: tyrant
17: branespload
17: godric
17: cspark
17: jdm
25: sacuz8
25: hugoplanko needs to pay
25: iamketchup
25: hungry for love
25: bearakuma
25: Thetofushop Reg. Fee
25: 2ne1
25: jinuyasha
33: michael
33: emily
33: lai
33: jnuth
33: bond


1: calipower
2: ken
3: djdivine
4: Veserius
5: Ryan
5: nam
7: jason l
7: 2ne1
9: kapwan
9: sacuz8
9: marc
9: wastedpenguin
13: evan

Melee Doubles

1: Lucky MacD
2: Alex19 Mango
3: easy on the onion (peligro! baka4moe)
4: lovage replicate
5: stabbed hyprid
5: g&t jun
7: j666 e40
7: zephyr vq
9: Jason spark
9: Dendy loves Hugs

Melee Singles

1: lovage
2: Mango
3: fly amanita
4: Norstein Bekkler
5: ConnorTheAdolescent
5: westballz
7: macd
7: replicate
9: lucky
9: 24
9: mikehaze
9: baka4moe
13: alex19
13: hugq
13: Socal's Best Link
13: sniper
17: neurofat
17: DendyPretendy
17: stabbedbyapowerade
17: g&t
17: spark
17: zephyr
17: Bone
17: J666
25: michael
25: vq
25: viper
25: Jack of Blades
25: jun
25: jason
25: peligor!
25: e40


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
no i mean the bracket, not the results. like, who faced who and whatnot.

unless it is there, then im blind.


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA

1: lovage- You've been really on point lately and I have a lot of respect for that. I'll try to put up a better fight in the future.

2: Mango- I feel like you always exploit my tendency to go for attacks when it looks like I just might be able to hit them put can't. I swear I'll get over this eventually; I've gotten over plenty of other bull**** habits over the years and I don't plan on letting this one keep me down.

4: Norstein Bekkler- I want to say "Kira's good now!", but "Kira's still good!?" is more appropriate.

5: ConnorTheAdolescent- You put on a damn good show after not going to a tourney in ages. Nice seeing you as always.

5: westballz- You get harder every time I play you. Keep it up!

7: macd- Sorry to hear about your controller issues. You need some sort of safety mechanism to guarantee that C-stick down will work in any case!

7: replicate- I didn't talk to you much this tourney, but it's always a pleasure seeing you.

9: lucky- You haven't been performing as awesomely as you usually do, but knowing you, you'll step it up again soon enough. Good stuff in Marvel, too!

9: 24- Good show. It's too bad that our one friendly had to be interrupted.

9: mikehaze- My favorite quote from this tourney: "What is a Lanstar?" That question has never popped in to my mind before, but it's a good one. You did really well considering how long you've been inactive and good **** having the patience/brains to run the clock out when all else fails!

9: baka4moe- Congrats on beating Joey and Lanstar. You may not have gotten Connor or Wes, but I'm sure you'll be back for more later.

13: alex19- Didn't really talk to you at all, but it's good to see you still play the game.

13: hugq- Good set, you're still as smart and precise as I remember you being.

13: Socal's Best Link- You outplaced Socal's best Link!

13: sniper- Haven't seen you in ages! I like your hair.

17: DendyPretendy- Your enthusiastic commentary is much appreciated.

17: stabbedbyapowerade- You probably would have done better if you didn't enter as something that can't actually stab people. I recommend "stabbedbyabayonet" for next time.

17: Bone- Nice seeing you as always! I learn a lot about Peach whenever I play or watch you.

17: J666- You got outplaced by Socal's Best Link!


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
i send the tio file to aib but its not uploaded yet. I'll post the link when its up


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
shout outs, as promised:

1: lovage - good **** oscar. congrats on winning! also, thanks a bunch for your support, it really helped!
2: Mango - hi lol
3: fly amanita - thanks for all the support you gave me, with the practice/advice/etc. congrats on 3rd
4: Norstein Bekkler - congrats on doing so well
5: ConnorTheAdolescent - thanks for the compliment! i really wanted to get that second game off you lol
5: westballz - thanks for teaming with me. i also really wanted to get game 2 off you
7: macd - nice seeing you again
7: replicate - nice seeing you again
9: lucky - ggs joey, and next time get more sleep! lol
9: 24 - congrats against stab
9: mikehaze - ur a pretty cool dude, gj considering u havent been to a melee tourney in a while
13: hugq - nice seeing you at tourney again man, you should come by sometime.
17: DendyPretendy - THEDENDYPRETENDY
17: g&t - good thing we didnt play first round haha
25: viper - ggs
25: jun - nice finally meeting you lol
25: jason - thanks for your support in the mm!
25: peligor! - had fun teaming with you man, also sorry about how u did this tourney :(
25: e40 - next time bro, gotta keep practicing

also, shoutouts to:
hyprid for the practice and telling me to take a break lol
charoo (champ?) for hosting the tourney
lanstar - ggs
johnny - for your confidence in me.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 23, 2007
kira: Wish I played you more. I learn a lot by playing you.
joe: Same as kira.
stab: You still have the ability to beat some really good players.
connor: I should've said hi :(
mikehaze: You're my biggest fan even though I don't know why. Nice to see what you can do after being gone from Melee for so long.
fly: Introverts are awesome.
dendy pretendy: Fun friendlies. I enjoy spamming fsmash. :)
hugq: Nice seeing you again. I need to play your Samus more.
jason: Sorry for having such a terrible Puff. Maybe I'll make it decent some day.
peligro!: Only played you in one friendly, but you were quite impressive.
baka: Stop placing so well in teams lol. Keep getting good results despite what I just said.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2006
Burbank socal
1. High Champion 805- You did really well especially considering how tired you looked. Wish I had gotten to see the finish.

2. MaNg0- Thanks for playing those friendlies with me. I really need to practice my Marth and Puff with you so I can develop a more impressive and less gay style. Maybe then smashers will actually like me LOL.

3. Fly_Amanita- It IS! But that's not where the name's from. We'll get to play sometime. I enjoy your consistency over the years.

4. Kira- So good to see you again. You look so different! I'll get you next time ;)

5. Winston Brooks Dennis III- Sorry we had you worried about rides for a tick, there. Glad you were able to finish. Teach me new tricks if you don't like my Marth so much.

5. Squirtle- Good seeing you man. I'ma bring my Ultra Balls next time.

7. MacD- I remember when you used to be like the only active peach in SoCal...now there's like 9. wtf did you DO?!?

7. Joeplicate- You standing next to Skurai and under exit signs is HILARIOUS. Good seeing you.

9. LuCKy- I really messed up not banning Stadium for game 3. I like playing your Fox. I will probably never say that again LOL

9. Back4Moar- Really?!? that's two tournies you've tied with me in now. You're getting better. I think if you get ranked your confidence will get a boost and you won't fret as much before and during matches.,

9. mikeHAZE- Thanks for providing the most hype set of the tourney for me. I knew **** was real when you threw off your ball cap.

13. Alex19- Didn't see or talk to you. zzz

13. HugQ- Good set. we should play.

13. SBL- That ain't j666

13. sniper- pewpew
17. Dendy- "Will there be refreshments, perhaps?"
17. Stab- You gotta deal with **** talk in sets, man. It happens to all of us. ggs.
17. j666- "Make that *** roll li-" SHUT THE **** UP <3
17. Bone- How did I not see you?
25. viper- good playing with you. Long Beach? Moar like Peach Beach, son!
25. E40- WAS HERE?!?! AND NOONE TOLD ME? Peach Beach lol
25. Peligro- Peach Beach~
25. Jason- :|

Champ and Neal, thanks for the tournament. First Champ tourney. Thanks to Hyprid for the graaaaapes. Emily for NOT SUPPORTING ME.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
kira: Wish I played you more. I learn a lot by playing you.
Your Marth movement is so confusing O_o It's really hard to catch you / read you lol (this is a very good thing of course). Maybe I should spam needles smarter.

I really need to practice my Marth and Puff with you so I can develop a more impressive and less gay style. Maybe then smashers will actually like me LOL.
Don't do that! I tried doing that for awhile but then I realized you should just do whatever you think is the best option to win. If camping and playing lame is the best decision, then do that. I realized there is no best style in this game... as long as you actively try to get better and improve your game then any style can win.

Also you looked pretty impressive (and not gay) playing against Stab =P And I'm pretty sure every smasher likes you lol

Also I'm down to see that bracket! And I can't wait to hear the commentary
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