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Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Good question Shiri. I haven't really thought about this section on yoshi's game (since I normally attempt to bait things from there). I'll input on this later cause as of right now, I'm beat from having to scrap my computer to scratch with a new operating system since I lost my XP disc, but I'll end up having it back soon (uploaded ftw!)


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
I use the laggy nature of Fair to set up Nairs. Since Fair has a lot of set up and Nair has like none. And that stuff on tall character's jabs is good to know.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
One method I use quite frequently is if someone is above me on a platform, I will usmash or nair their shield, making them fall off. Usually they won't react fast enough and gives me a free fsmash.

Not so much an edgeguard tactic, but it has to deal with hitting shields and punishing so....yeah lol

Deleted member

:yoshi: Thanks for the responses, guys.

Yeah, I can tell by the varied responses that this really isn't a solid part of our game yet.

I guess to ease discussion along, let me ask some questions.

1] If Marth or Meta Knight were on the edge and you knew with 100% certainty that a forward or neutral air from the ledge was coming, what would you do to prevent it or counterattack?
Running grab. **** **** ****.

2] What do you do to combat the different ledge recovery techniques (ledge rolling, standing from the ledge, double jumping onto the stage, ledgehopping)?
Shield grab getup attacks, tilt rolling, you cant really punish standing from the ledge unless they do it every time.
3] Take any random opponent you find yourself fighting lots of times and put them at the edge. About how many times out of ten would you say that you were successful in keeping them off the stage? How many times out of ten would you say that you were repelled from your efforts? Is it worth it to try to play at the edge with Yoshi?
Uhh depends if they are meta knight XD If they are meta knight i wouldnt, just use the time to make space, if they are not meta knight its usually safe.
Wumbo Wumbo


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
:yoshi: Thanks for the responses, guys.

Yeah, I can tell by the varied responses that this really isn't a solid part of our game yet.

I guess to ease discussion along, let me ask some questions.

1] If Marth or Meta Knight were on the edge and you knew with 100% certainty that a forward or neutral air from the ledge was coming, what would you do to prevent it or counterattack?
i usually space myself and throw eggs at the ledge. If they get hit by my egg, i either up smash them from their hitstun, or up air him. If they break my egg with their aerials, I usually pivot grab and throw them back offstage.

2] What do you do to combat the different ledge recovery techniques (ledge rolling, standing from the ledge, double jumping onto the stage, ledgehopping)?
I try to space myself so that if he were to roll, id be able to forward smash him. at the same position, if my opponent were to stand i could down tilt him. If you feel that your down tilt would not reach him, just dash attack him. If he shields, he'll just end up back on the edge. If he were to double jump i would short hop, egg to double jump up air. if he ledgehops, i start by throwing a few eggs, if that doesnt work, i jump down and try to nair him.

3] Take any random opponent you find yourself fighting lots of times and put them at the edge. About how many times out of ten would you say that you were successful in keeping them off the stage? How many times out of ten would you say that you were repelled from your efforts? Is it worth it to try to play at the edge with Yoshi?
I'm not sure if I'm successful in pushing my opponent offstage, but one thing is for sure....i can deal alot of damage when my opponent tries to get back on. throwing an egg and spacing yourself is so safe, you can punish his hit stun from the egg or his air dodge if he tries to avoid it.
EDIT:edgeguarding metaknight is very tricky, I always try to be very safe when they're on the ledge. Usually I'd throw eggs and bait him in my pivot grab.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2008
Flagstaff, AZ
:yoshi: Thanks for the responses, guys.

Yeah, I can tell by the varied responses that this really isn't a solid part of our game yet.

I guess to ease discussion along, let me ask some questions.

1] If Marth or Meta Knight were on the edge and you knew with 100% certainty that a forward or neutral air from the ledge was coming, what would you do to prevent it or counterattack?
I agree here with Sock'z, running grab works well, especially if the opponent has already used their second jump. They're only left with up-B.:chuckle:
2] What do you do to combat the different ledge recovery techniques (ledge rolling, standing from the ledge, double jumping onto the stage, ledgehopping)?
Against ledge recoveries, I try to vary in techniques, for I have been told to get somewhat predictable. What I have been doing recently though is running towards the ledge with no intention of stopping. This usually makes my opponent recover from the ledge in some manner, but by the time they execute the afore mentioned recovery techniques, I would have ran off the ledge and into midair. I am then left to double jump back towards the stage (avoiding the insta-ledgegrab) and punishing their ledge recovery in the most effective way possible. (Ex. to "Tank" the ledge attack and then instanly N-air.)
3] Take any random opponent you find yourself fighting lots of times and put them at the edge. About how many times out of ten would you say that you were successful in keeping them off the stage? How many times out of ten would you say that you were repelled from your efforts? Is it worth it to try to play at the edge with Yoshi?Success: 5 out of 10. Repelled:5 out of 10
Playing at the edge is necessary for me because I can inflict a ton of damage to the opponent.
I agree also that this isn't the most solid part of my game either, but It's getting a bit better.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
ok i have something to say about how green ace plays since i've been fortunate to have his yoshi **** my shiek several times. XD it's kind of irrelevant in some situations, but you could use ETS to slide back and land it right...
when i am on the edge, he figured out the perfect interval to that when he does an egg toss, it hits people as soon as the ledge invulnerability ends... it scares the ****ing crap out of me!
This really makes me want to just experiment with things... I'm thinking about making a yoshi how-to-play vid soon, even though i suck, in order to just cover all the do's and don't's... once i get more free time, i'll be in the lab....

edit: i've NEVER been successful at the ledge, unless i interpret that they're rolling on the edge, in which i down-b on their *** when they get vulnerable in the animation... i'm thinking pivot grab might be able to cover a good amount of ways to get back on, since it puts a great deal of distance between you and the opponent.... like i said, i'll work some with it.... i got to represent the yellow yoshis by being good at something.... >.<


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
Oklahoma City
I don't claim to be an expert Yoshi, but I usually either go for the spike when they go offstage or just start chucking eggs at them. Usually the eggs. XD

Fsmash when they are recovering from just above the edge (didn't need to grab it) has won me a few matches. If you bait an F-air from a character with average range, you can take a step back and charge an F-smash. When he pulls his head back he gets just a little more space and they get a slightly charged Fsmash in the face.

If they grab the ledge, one of my favorite things to do is short hop and U-air as they jump up (if they jump from the ledge). It can hit them before they attack and it's nice to KO. Even if they just climb up or do a ledge attack you're pretty safe from them.

And it's fun to just do a running U-smash as they get up. But I'm pretty sure that only works on Wi-Fi. XD


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Can you ECE to gain invincibility frames like the characters with Zair to edgehog? or maybe down b as well?


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
reverse ECE is nice when they're still at a distance if you don't want to go out there (coughmkcough lol)
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