maybe i was suppose to read in between the lines..but this being a 2-day tournament, are people crashing the night at the venue between sat and sunday?
is there a place we could crash friday night, instead of us leaving @ 4am saturday? lol. getting a hotel is our last resort, but if its not possible to house all (10) of us, a few of us, still, would deffinately appreciate the convenience.
It appears NewOrleans smashers (chad, ricky, ray, john, pierre) have dropped out of attending this due to work interferences.
Thus leaves 2 cars atm:
Varuna, Flarefox, Cyphus, Lee, Ben
Taylor, Tim, Kyle, Vaugn, ?
so yea...answers about housing fri/sat much appreciated. (i'm aware of the party at sos's sunday B])
EDIT: also....the rules...mlg-style-w/e....does that mean you can reset the random stage once, if u don't like it?
If not, can you ban neutrals, or only counterpicks?
we should be crashing at SOS's friday night...and most likely a hotel Saturday night, unless otherwise offered, lol.