I watched both debates....while I trust no one from either party, except Ron Paul (all but Paul, Gravel, Kucinich, and Hunter are members of the Council on Foreign Relations)...I must say, that I deeply appreciated the things John Edwards had to say.....if I were a Democrat, I'd definitely be voting for him (heck, back when I was a neo-con, I liked him).
Anyway, the Republican debate was horrendous...it was really obvious Romney was trying to take it out on the world that he lost heavily in Iowa ( when you get beat by someone who spend, what, 10 times less than you did...no matter where you place below them, you lost badly)....I don't think there was a single person, with the exception of Thompson, that he didn't attempt to really berate or condescend....he also really tried his best to butt into all the conversations, and even demanded (and he got it) that he would have the last word at the Republican debate.
I'm tired of the stereo-typing of Ron Paul....it's almost like they think that if they all gang up on him at once he'll suddenly change his position on the war....Ron has had the same position for...how many years now? He's not going to change his mind any time soon (if at all)...they should just quietly respect his opinion...and if they must disagree, present some solid factual evidence against his argument (of course...practically none exists, so they fall back on calling him crazy, stereo-typing him, twisting his words, or even totally changing the argument in some way). Even though Thompson and Paul disagree on many things, I really respected him for not trying to single out Paul tonight and make him out to be the "evil Republican" of the pack.....(on that note though, Thompson didn't seem like he was fully "there" tonight....I can't help but wonder if he's just "doing it to be doing it" in this election cycle).
So anyway, the Republican debate really ticked me off......the moderator let them gang up on Ron, he let Romney dominate and pick fights too much, and he let the immigration debate between McCain and Romney go on for way too long.
Still, Ron was calm and collected, and even managed to crack a few jokes....he also gave some very intelligent answers to some issues that no one is addressing; he was a definite stand-out in the line-up, for one....I just hope and pray it strikes a chord with New Hampshire voters.
One thing is funny though...The Democrats don't want to touch Ron with a 100' stick....they showboat themselves around as being for "change", when Ron clearly has that one (abolish the IRS, Federal Reserve, Department of Energy, Department of Education, pull out of the UN, get out of NAFTA, CAFTA, change our economic system to a more Laissez-faire style policy, go back to the gold standard...etc)....that sounds like change to me! If Ron Paul gets the nomination, it'll be interesting to see how Hillary/Obama/Edwards handles him, as he has a very strong potential to get most of the independent vote, the de-facto Republican vote, and a wide number of Democrats too.