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☁ Wichita Kansas Area Discussion ☁ Let's Play Every Mario Party Board

Should we start doing the Kansas PRs again?

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Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
no highlight for me :'( that tourney was so awesome, though i didnt do as well as i thought i would. im bringing it at gigabrawl though, playing anther has given me a new view/perspective on pika. yall be ready, the devil rat is coming back


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Wow, Wichita did very well. I'm really proud of everyone!

MO Fact: Dang, Andrew (asc) did a really great job! But Nicole used . . . Peach? When did she switch over?
I switched about a month ago and did much better. I highly doubt I could've taken Inferno and Tactical to three games with Gdubs. I just need to get better with her and I should be good to go.

Also, Zeton drunk is probably the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. You should try to get him to show you before you go home.



Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
Power Rankings Re-Evaluation is this weekend!

Everyone who is a panelist should show up at wherever we meet on Wednesday so we can agree on a time for us to all get on AIM this weekend.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
ah you guys did good i wanna play now! some body host.....i still dont have carpet!

man i wish i coulda went, i wantd in on some of that cash money


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
the genesis

this will be a long one guys so bear with me please. I also feel it is worth a read to everyone. these are my thoughts and feelings on wichita as a whole and the metagame and the next step to advance it. I mean no anger or malice toward anyone in this post but I have been compiling info and watching things closely for a very long time and at this point I feel the rest of u guys are ready to hear this. and if I say your name in this post please dnt be butt hurt by wat I say but take it as a personal challenge it may sound cruel but understand that **** jus got real and we all grown ups here for the most part.

kahoka: this tournament was very big for a lot of ppl involved. it pretty much determined final placings for the genesis crew. big names were there. there were upsets and all that jazz. now to the point. affinity did well.... very well. congratulations u beat me in tourney. and placed higher than I'm sure even u expected. now the power rankings are coming up and we know there will be changes among the tops and down to the bottoms of the list. I say this to state my feelings. and like I said dnt be butth hurt cause u did awesome affinity. but in my personal opinion u had very good day. do I thnk u will play like that or even near on a day to day basis now? no I don't. I observed your gameplay a lot and by the end of the night it wasn't hard for me to see. can u prove me wrong and keep it up affinity? not to say u aren't good or dock u in the least cause u beat me and judge fair and square but do u feel u could do it again? daily? get to the point where u can. ky and cam and me didn't do as expected at this tourney. guys step it up or all of us will be losing our places.including me.

get togethers: after we got back from kahoka me ky cam clel and zeton all played friendlies at cams. but we all tried something new. idk if it was intentional but that was by far my favorite get together period. we all sat down and started playing but u could tell in the atmosphere of the room ppl were reflecting and starting to


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2009
Strafford MO
Power Rankings discussion, huh? Should be interesting to see who ends up where (I know I'm not on there, but it's cool to see where everyone stacks up).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
reflect on things said and look inside and truly wanna get better. as a result.... I saw some of the best gameplay I have ever seen from those 4. cameron ky clel and zeton were on a whole other level. because unlike other get together u could tell it was a little more personal. why say this? because I feel that as long as we keep holding hands and skippin down the road nothing will get as well as it could. so I want people to know. either we start gettin down to it at smashfests or I personally will start to invite people to specific get togethers that show they wanna go beyond where they are at. wat that means is all that bs and johns why u didn't do this or that EVERY GAME u play has gotta stop. cause by now we know who wants wat. so ask yourslef wat do u want? u wanna look cool or u wanna get better? and show it.

power rankings: this is the last part for now but its a need to read for ppl who even look at the list. power rankings are based mainly on tournament placings and player skill. my personal belief is that both should be balanced. as a result I ask to be appointed to the panel to be the devils advocate so critical thinking can go on and we can get this right. I also want to state that WE NEED MORE COMPETITIONS. power rankings here are skewed. since the last list places have move at least 3 seperate time. many can attest to that. so get together should have at least mini tournaments. to gauge the accuracy of the power rankings. now if someone is extremely slippin here the would should have a emergency meeting of the panel and it should be under heavy scrutiny. why? cause the power rankings should be a competetive goal to help u grow so it needs to be accurate. the truth needs to start being said and show so we can all impove.
All in all everyone has improved a lot. u may take my post and say **** u. to that I say suck a ****. to those who read and wanna get better. and understand that if I placed a peronal challenge to u I wanna see u succeed. If u understand all that then u know my number. good luck

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
lol domo you dont need to use that sig anymore. and domo is so right. i have never felt such a compelling force to get better since playing anther. im hitting brawl hard now. we must prove that kansas aint no state to **** around with on a national level. we are known in the midwest, time to take it big. ill be coming down to wichita semi frequently over the summer, i need to play you guys


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
Maybe I read your post wrong, but I do not fully agree with your post. I think that when you get to the level of play where you lose all love for the game, the game loses some value. I'm not saying I don't agree with you, but your post seems, almost robotic. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you for the most part, but at the same time this game means close to nothing to me without the people. My point is that I feel as if I've managed to improve over the last couple weeks especially, develop closer bonds with people in the crew, and most importantly I've been having s*** tons of fun.

I'm all for getting better and expanding my boundaries. This is just how I viewed your post I guess.


Smash Master
Oct 12, 2007
Over the skies of Emeria.
Oh god, I love shoutouts threads...
Heres some... Your in for a long post...

Lawl shoutouts! If I forgot or didn't mention you, sorry. I wish I could have met and talked to everyone :)
Affinity - Grats on second, dude. You deserve it. Also lawl Samus vs Ness!
Domo - I don't think that the lives of those Pizza shop workers will ever be the same after meeting you and Ky, lol. You are always entertaining as usual. Nice job against Lain, dude!
Zeton - YOU MAKE NO SENSE!! YOU DEFY ALL LOGIC!! YOU MAKE ME WANT TO BELIEVE IN GOD!! Seriously Zeton, if you work on how to counterpick, you are going to be soooo much ****. That first match with you vs Anther on battlefield has got to be one of the best Brawl matches I have EVER seen to date. Freaking amazing, dude. I love you, you crazy hobo you.
Holms - You're pretty much the worst person ever. You knock me out of the tournament, you attack Legan and throw him out of his chair, you break Ripples role-play Link sword, jeeze what a bully. Lol just kidding man, good games :) Beware that I now know of a use for my previously useless Falco... I will be remembering that next time I fight your ZSS :p
KY - Lol DeDeDe inhale suicide pwns you! GET *****! Good games man, I wish I got to play you more, the 2 friendlies that we did were super fun, I love watching your Pit, dude. Seriously you are really good. Kansas is so much more **** than I ever thought, you guys are all impressive and unique.
Steeler - Who's a little Steeler? You are? Oh yes you are! Yes you are! Oosha boo, steeler, oosha boo! A goo goo goo! A goo? A boo? Oosha boo steeler! ...I have no idea why you make me talk like that.
Clel - Beast Marth, dude. Looks like you got bracket-screwed too, haha. Better luck to us next time.

Affinity - You wrecked this tourney, good job. Good friendlies, we need to do more next time.
Domo - where were my friendlies man?!? No problem, it was late and most people weren't exactly sober. Next time though, I expect you to wreck me twice as hard.
Zeton - As long as you don't get drunk again, we should definitely team some time.
Holms - Fantastic stuff. LOL LUIGI'S MANSION! Glad I got to play you some.
KY - Why didn't we get to play, son?!? :(
MISTER Doom - Possibly the most fun I had at the event. You are now one of my favorite people
Stealth - You are a super cool dude who is way too good at teams and making me DI the wrong way. I always like talking to you, even if the Rubik's cubes in your bag intimidate me.
The Real Inferno - Thanks for helping make this thing run smoothly, double thanks for the good matches, and triple thanks for the Pokemon stories. Next time... Falcon awaits.
Supergamer - You are a cool dude, and I enjoying playing our ditto-tastic matches. You are too good with Lucas Down-B!
Steeler - Stop maining the best character in the game, you tier-*****.

What this I hear about our buddy Zeton DRUNK? Details.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Fox N-airs IRL

Dag crap it, Zeton! You almost naired me! I literally woke up to a nair, thinking that you were gonna follow up with u-tilts to d-airs. So I was about to counter your stuff, or at least power shield it.

Domo, you didn't have anything to say about Mr. Doom? Mr. Doom is sad. jk

Supergamer, how long do you plan on being in the library, if you're still in the library? Mr. Doom is going to leave from Brennan to go to Jabara around 6:45 PM.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
There was a hidden camera on one of the t.v.'s at the venue

I got some matches between domo, affinity, and razor... and they'll be going up on youtube later tonite ;D

Affinity got recorded.... and he didn't even know it ^^;



Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
There was a hidden camera on one of the t.v.'s at the venue

I got some matches between domo, affinity, and razor... and they'll be going up on youtube later tonite ;D

Affinity got recorded.... and he didn't even know it ^^;

No big deal :)


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
Hey Stealth, where do you go to school?
I just got back from a College Fair at WSU and I really, really like UMKC.
I was wondering if you go there or anything.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
havent read everything on here yet. Have massive migraine headache and am now very sick. going back to bed XD itwas a good tournament with good times

edit: domo's right


Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2009
Derby, Kansas
College Fair at WSU
God, I've been at these forums too long now...i saw this and it took me a sec to realize an entire college could not, in fact, tilt the control stick forward and press A in midair...

Anyway, I'd love to come to one of these Smashfests you guys have on Wednesdays, but I'm only in high school and my parents said no (since they still have control over me). I can see where they're coming from, though, i wouldn't let my son go to a party with 5-6 people in Wichita where he only knows one person and te rest of them are college students (or older...idrk).
So it looks like if you wanna smash me it'll hafta be WiFi. Sorry.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Looks like the Mexican swine H1N1 virus got another Kansan. We were trying to infect the other states, but it backfired. jk


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
@Stealth: Ahhhh, that's too bad I guess. Are they at least near each other? I always want to keep my smash options open, at least for now.

@MDoom: I don't think I caught that. I'm confused.

@Frag: Seriously man, work on the confidence. I think I've said this numerous times at the last couple smashfests. On the boards you constantly talk about getting better (either how you want to or how you have) which is great, but when you say things like, Domo three stocked me, no surprise, you start back at square one. Just a tip.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
*several asperin and some rest later*

Jesus I feel much better now. Hey guys. Sorry I couldn't come hang out at Andy's tonight. Had the Raw Rant anyway.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
@MDoom: I don't think I caught that. I'm confused.
Had you been with Mr. Doom, Affinity, Steeler, Holms, and Supergamer, then you wouldn't be confused.

However, I did read in the news that someone from Johnson (lol @ "John"son) County was diagnosed with the virus.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
4rce i feel you man. i know what you mean. i genuinely enjoy getting together with everyone and playing my favorite game. and these friendships mean a lot to me.

yet i agree with domo. being good at this game and improving is also very important to me. i have to travel across the land because training is my cause. i have to understand the power that's inside.

sandbagging doesn't help anyone, particularly at a time when our only tourney experience comes around ~once a month and is out of state. if we sit back now then we will lose progress. you can play hella serious and get 2 stocked and still value our friendships. i appreciate when people here play me seriously because our "friendlies" are the only practice i get for this game.

talking to PT players (even though they only play them on the side for fun) at kahoka made me realize what i am doing wrong with my pokemon trainer. expect to see some subtle changes from me soon.

i want wichita tourneys to return...


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2009
Strafford MO
Wow, that was a lot of fun. Thanks for the games, guys. I'm seeing a marked improvement in my game, but I'm not there yet.

More research and testing must be done!
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