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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
Felicidades en llegar al cuarto de siglo, Vain. Espero q sigas cumpliendo en salud. Me entristece en escuchar q estaras en una mision por alla en el Medio Oriente y eso quiere decir q no volveremos a escuchar tu comentarios locos o hacer alusiones a personajes de anime =[ . Has mejorado un monton desde la primera vez q cogistes un control para jugar Smash y eso hay q reconocerlo. Eres un tremendo Marth y espero q continues jugando pq podrias convertirte en unos de los mejores. Hecha pa alante q estoy buscando trabajo hasta en Guayama [entrevista manana, woot]. Que tengas exito por alla en Egipto y consigas muchas mujeres con el 'tan' hostil.



I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Good stuff to all.

We need some info on the tournament next month. The planning and all that.

Note to east: Prepare this month so that you can make it next month.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Zyko: *ehem* juegas mejor de como recuerdo...pero deja la obsecion con el shine spike, lol g
No es obsesion, si se me presenta la oportunidad de hacerlo sin fallar, then why not use it? (pero en verdad que la mayoria de los KO's que te hice a ti fue por el shine spike= siempre me tentabas con gimpiarte con eso lol/reva)

HDL=Funny but true about the tourney.

Info of my cousins:

Name on boars: Gamemaniac
Name entry: GMX or MATT
Real name: Matthew
2nd mains: Fox/Shiek
Hobbie:internet and vid games
Location: Toa Alta P.R.

Name on boards: Chronox
Name entry: CRX or Jon
Real name: Jonathan
2nd mains:Mario/Y.Link
Hobbie: video games
Location: Toa Alta P.R.

They are brothers...



Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
About Rum & Smash 3

Good stuff to all.

We need some info on the tournament next month. The planning and all that.

Note to east: Prepare this month so that you can make it next month.
Good point HDL. We need to start preparing for Rum & Smash 3 as it will probably be the last one for Melee (unless brawl sucks ***). Actually I had talked about that with Mono and he called me today in the morning and he told me "Hey I got the student center locale for September 15...." I was like WTF 1 exact month? But after some consideration I think it would be better to do it on september rather than october, Since at the end of october most people have exams. The date that seems the best so far now is September 30. I want to announce it with a lot of time so most people can make arrangements to make. The Location we are looking for this time is the Student center annex, those who came to Rum & Smash 1 know is far more comfortable than the one of Rum & Smash 3, Air conditioner, water fountain, and technically more space. Even if this date isn't final we should have it confirmed in a few days, if you have any problems or objections please say so before we choose the exact date.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Hhmm... I didn't post yesterday, so I know I'm a day late now, let's start off with:

-Vain's Birthday, congrats and don't die over there in Egypt, I still haven't faced your Marth yet.

-Smashfest and tourneys, hmm, I need opinions, since my class are seniors and we're thinking about ways to raise money and all, I thought about telling them to make a SSBM/Halo/SC3 tourney, but I haven't told them yet about it, so that's why I'm asking here.

-And for last, I'm getting the hang of certain techs for Ness, of course, most of Ness' tricks are around, I'm just trying some out.

Aeon 2.6

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2006
Fourside, Eagle Land
I'll say it from now, Im not sure if I can go to that tourney, it depends on location and stuff, and school is another thing holding me back, so.. I may not make it to te tourney.

I'll do everything possible to go, but im not promising anything.

Crono the Great

Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2005
Gurabo, Puerto Rico
Hi, I mostly lurk here, but I had presented myself to you guys once before(I appear in the unknowns section of the smash finder list :laugh: ) I was wondering where the next tournament would be held, and also If I need to give any info for the smash finder list.

Thanks in advance :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
Good stuff to all.

We need some info on the tournament next month. The planning and all that.

Note to east: Prepare this month so that you can make it next month.
Oh snap, starting to get my smash bone on over here. If you need me to bring anything to R&S3 I can bring a tv, cube, and game, so just let me know.

And to whoever asked where the tourney is, the RUM and Smash series is traditionally held in Mayaguez, so yeah (Recinto Universitario de Mayaguez).


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Brawl is not coming out until next year. Why would R&S3 be the last one?
Maybe, just maybe, when Brawl comes out, the event could be called
"RUM & Brawl", but I don't really see the need for a namechange, it can still be called Rum & Smash 4 on Christmas. Note that it isn't coming until 2007, who knows if it comes out on summer...

Welcome Crono, I've never seen you around, maybe I saw you on the front page's list.

Ok gente, necesito sus opiniones, por favor posteen acerca de esto:

Ahora mismo, estoy en cuarto a~o, (OMG personal info!!) mi clase esta buscando maneras diferentes para sacar fondos, ok, el punto es el siguiente, estoy pensando en sugerir la idea de un torneo de SmashBrosMelee,Halo y para atraer mas, SoulCalibur3, ya que muchas personas en el pueblo juegan Halo competitive y todos ustedes juegan Smash, ademas de eso, un torneo en Utuado no seria malo, pq asi ambos Este y Oeste tienen que "guiar" una cantidad menor que ir de Bayamon a Mayaguez o de Mayaguez a Bayamon y aja, de Bayamon a Utuado son como 45-1 hora, mas o menos, y de Mayaguez a Utuado es un poquito mas dependiendo del transito. Acerca de hosting puedo buscar o entre el mismo grupo "orientarlos" en cuanto a eso, Bueno, la pregunta mia es, deberia o no sugerir la idea a mi clase? Por que yo se que aqui podria conseguir un buen local con estacionamiento por un buen precio o quien sabe si gratis. Den opiniones!
Lo mas problabe busque algun local en Arecibo tambien, asi no tienen que tirarse el viajesito por el monte :D pero claro, necesito opiniones!

ciRius j0Qr

Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2005
San Juan, Puerto Rico {Estudio en RUM so M mepuede
Asegurate que sea una fecha comoda Y como son fondos pro clase graduanda no sea exagerao y empiezes en Dic. Empieza con par de fines de semanas largos ahora
precio $7 digo pensando en que va a ir bastante smashers por lo menos
t6ambien puedes formar combos
Ej: si va a participar en mas de un torneo (en el de Halo y SC3) pues le descuentas $1
de los 7$
No se atrareria mas gente?

(digo ese precio es basado en vasto conocimiento en economia, osea NADA

pero es una recomendacion


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Brawl is not coming out until next year. Why would R&S3 be the last one?
Well Brawl hasn't come out yet and just look how gay some people are acting. Since Brawls comes out about the same time Rum & Smash 4 should be taking place, I feel that most people will be uninterested in Melee. If that where to happend we would have to move R&S4 to summer or something to wait a few months between the release so that we have a pretty good idea of tiers and fairness all around due to stages. In the whole brawl argument i'm neutral, if it sucks then be it, let the melee continue; if not is a good oportunity to make the smash scene bigger.


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
I don’t think we have to wait several months after playing Brawl to have a tournament. We already know what makes a good character and a bad stage. We just keep an eye out on SWF to see if anything is discovered that may alter how the game should be played competitively, as well as analyze things ourselves. I don’t think tiers play a part. The most we have to know is if all characters are tournament suitable, which they probably will be because Nintendo is placing balance as a higher priority than they did with Melee (which was rushed). Also I have a feeling that even if it did suck tournament-wise, people would still play it. Just look at SC3.

Crono the Great

Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2005
Gurabo, Puerto Rico
I think i could make it to RUM and Smash 3. I have been to RUM before and its pretty easy for me to get there; the only problem is that its a 2~3 hour drive :psycho: . About the Utuado tournament, well...I dont even know how to get to Utuado so I'll have to wait to see If I can make it. $7 seems like a good price to me, even though its a pretty odd number. Why not $5 or $10? A tournament in the "area metro" would be great for me, since i can get there pretty easily. Even a smashfest would be good.

Anyways, lets see how I all turns out so maybe I can bring some of my friends with me to samsh with you guys.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
About the Utuado tournament, well...I dont even know how to get to Utuado so I'll have to wait to see If I can make it.
Note, the Utuado tournament isn't official, I'm just taking it into thought for the moment.
Utuado isn't that hard to get to... If I had a map right now I'd tell you an exact route, since I don't know it by number, but I know how to get there :D

SSBB, as we know, we know nothing except new stages and characters... So who knows if gameplay is really changed at makes it suck? But besides, just because there's new characters, people will want to play it.
Go Claus!

I'll edit instead of a new post, below me...
J0QR, of course, just ask any of the westies, that's what RUM and Smash is about.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Could someone tell me about This R&S4 thing What is it about
Is there any smash community in Rum I wuold like to be in touch
WTF dude? Have you never read any of the posts since page 1 from the Rum people? or have you never gone even once to your own student center? I'm going to mayaguez next thursday (not tomorrow) Snakes on a Plane. I guess after that there will be some smashing Carlos or Maximus apartment.

HDL I get the point what I really meant was, even though unlikely there might be a tournament banned character, I know we are capable of making good judgement of the stages, also if we do it in summer is about 1 month maybe a little more, I belive Brawls comes out at the end of april, i'm not sure, since I rather wait than to read peoples guesses and such.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Well my chances to go to a tournament on mayaguez are higher since i already have gone to rum to the halo 2 tournament so i know where el RUM is and since i went once for halo a game i dont play much i think i will defenetly go to a smash tourny so let me know when is it going to be and i will try to make it


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!

Thank you all, I had one of the nicest b-days ever. Got presents from parents and friends, actually ate an expensive breakfast at Dennys which I didn't have to pay, and got to Smash with Evil and other Rum players!. My Marth keeps getting sexier and sexier but he's still far from complete, gotta head on down to HDL's to train train train.
Thanks for the info on your buddies Zyko, Will inform Wolf about it.
H@wk, tell Y@ko to make an account, otherwise me and Wolf can't add him, since it'd become such a mess for us and new users. We have a lot of Rum Smashers without accounts or they just simply don't remember, but I haven't mentioned them to avoid confusion.
OMFG- Luigi Player
SPIN- ex Link now Ganon Player ( think his name is TOP now,Triforce of Power)
NEJI,LEE,PNDA,etc etc etc
J0Qr, You're studying in Colegio yet you haven't gone to Smash at the Student Center yet, tomorrow i'll be going over there so I hope you show up, along with Wandering is it?

And last but not least.
Ryu -for- Brawl, Who the heck are you? At least have the decency to introduce yourself and tell us your main and where you're from. 2 Posts in this thread so far and it's been 1 line sentences.
Yes, RUM & SMASH 3 ( not 4 Mr J0qr) is open to Anyone, even U.S. Players if they so wish to come (Like Handsome COmp was supposed to ages ago), but yeah, stop one lining the thread.

Thank you all and Happy Smashing~


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
I don’t think we have to wait several months after playing Brawl to have a tournament. We already know what makes a good character and a bad stage. We just keep an eye out on SWF to see if anything is discovered that may alter how the game should be played competitively, as well as analyze things ourselves. I don’t think tiers play a part. The most we have to know is if all characters are tournament suitable, which they probably will be because Nintendo is placing balance as a higher priority than they did with Melee (which was rushed). Also I have a feeling that even if it did suck tournament-wise, people would still play it. Just look at SC3.
I only hope that Melee won't be completely "opacado" by Brawl, like SSB64<SSBM, and to still make tourneys and smash fest of Melee and Brawl by equal. Also it will take time to do singles on Brawl AND Melee if we completely take out the 2 vs. 2 tourneys. (I personally think it's a waste of time)

Eventhough the fighting online thing will kick azs.

edit: Vain I forgot to congratulate you on your "Dia del pajaro" (Birdday) Y que te vaya bien en egipto. LOL yo juraba que tenias como 19-20 years old but DANG!


Ryu-for- Brawl

Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2006
Puerto Rico
Hi, my nick in smash bros. is. トニさま. Im from San Juan, im 23, im intreseted in joining the PR competitive smash community, and of course, i would love to have Ryu in SSBB. So let me know when and how you guys play... im eager to compare my skills to yours. Sincerely, me.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
Hey ☺☺☺☺! I'm from San Juan too! Tienes q especificar un poco mas. Cerca de Plaza por ejemplo? O tirando pa' Santurce? Puerto Nuevo maybe? Post that information and we could make some arrangements.

No importa Vain, no lo incluyas. Todavia no quiere hacer un account.

Zyko- El lunes q viene no, el otro nos vemos de nuevo!

........................TOTO POINTS + SMASH POINTS FTW (Fock the what?!?) ^^


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Lo del online de Brawl lo estan pensando, no es seguro q lo pongan, Sakurai no esta muy interesado en el Online..
Si no ponen el online, Satoru Iwata(Presidente de Nintendo), va a quedar como un embustero, pq el prometio un SSB online. Lo que pasa es que el Sakurai(Director de SSBB) ese es medio idiota, o dice las cosas pa que le cojan pena, pq el alega que talves no se pueda jugar para 4 online, pero si el DS, PS2, PSP y Xbox pudieron, pues obvio que el Wii puede tambien. Eso que dicen es todo show, saben que sin el online van a hacer perdidas y van a seguir trancaos.

Ok, volviendo a lo regular, Zyko, acerca que de Brawl "opaque" a melee, pues... no se, puede que sea asi, pq mira a Soul Calibur 2, entiendo que quedo opacado por SC3, PERO Halo2 no opaco al primer Halo, este, los chances son todo.

Hhhmm, personajes baneados? Pues quien sabe, pero si supuestamente los van a "balancear", no creo que halla que banear algun personaje, pero claro, los tiers tienen que llegar tarde o temprano.

Crono the Great

Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2005
Gurabo, Puerto Rico
Gurabo is pretty close to San Juan and Bayamon, so I was wondering if I could play some of the guys in the area. I hear Bayamon is packed with good players, so I would like see how I stack up....even if I'm not that great. So if anyone is planning a smashfest or anything of the sort in that area it would be cool if I could participate.

ciRius j0Qr

Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2005
San Juan, Puerto Rico {Estudio en RUM so M mepuede
Ok The student Center has 4 floors you could tell me where or which is the room
what floor

Promote Man!
Announce yourselves on the community
Maybe this smasing stuff could bring Most Smash RUMers

Vain- Was it tomorrow (Friday) Or Tomorrow Today ( thursday)
you posted at 1:10 AM so I wanna clear that out


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Ok The student Center has 4 floors you could tell me where or which is the room
what floor

Promote Man!
Announce yourselves on the community
Maybe this smasing stuff could bring Most Smash RUMers
There is no need to promote anything, as all prepas that knew nothing and where interested into some gaming they went to the student center first place. There are actually more than 5 floors, lets do a little Math, You already went to floor 1 to buy some book, Yo went to floor 2 to eat at least one, floor 4 where offices and you went there to get your student ID, obviously floor 5 aand up must be more offices, OMG there are always a lot of students on floor 3 I wonder where could it be?
When there's a group of people playing smash every freaking day of the week, on the exact same place there is no need to promote.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
OMG! Floor 3!!!


...J0QR, you should explore the grounds often, that way you won't get lost.

Hhmm.. promoting? I know some people that are now over there in RUM, I'll tell them about it, maybe.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico

Just as Dojima logically states it, it's in the Third Floor of the student center, The T.V. ( 27 inch) is usually out all the time. I went over there yesterday although I went pretty late (like at 6 pm). We played D.O.N. Battle Staidum (Dragon Ball One Piece Naruto) till like 12 am,lol.
I love that game, although way simplistic, won on my second try at the game, its really fun stuff. I did bring smash but 4 player D.O.N. goodness didn't let me play,lol.
But yeah, pretty easy to find us, we're at the left corner side of the 3rd floor near the Arts Area if you're coming in from the Huge Dog Statue.
Today I'm probably going over there to watch Snakes on a Plane with friends :)
Happy Smashing!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Wow man i was loking at the oc2 results and if the Evil i was cheking is carlos then he lost in the first round of pools so i hope that that is not carlos man but if it is i want to thank you for going and represent P.R it does not matter you got your *** kicked we are still proud
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