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  • Good games, Zook.
    I hate that lag! :mad: I think I know what's causing it now, though. My sister is using the internet when I'm playing. -_-
    It's not a meme, its just what I do. Plus, Azua was the one who made my avatar and put it on me.
    Zook, I've known you long enough that we should get eachother bagles and coffee.
    You live like a worm. You like to play the drums. You think you’re getting good, but you can handle criticism. You'll show me what you know, and I can tell you if I think you’re getting better on the drums. You’re not a real doctor, but we call you Dr. Worm.
    Hey can you remind me to make a sprite or two later today? I think I might forget:ohwell:
    That's so mean, you even post on my wall. I'm gonna have to delete it so I don't have to see it.
    Lol, I been getting floods of Gundam messages lately :O

    Thats nice to know you like Gundam on SciFi. I wish I could watch it but its being ******** in Canada.

    All I have left is the Japanese dubs, which I finished already :p
    I've never seen Zook used in a comic book, haha.

    You up for Ganon dittos?
    Yeah. Your Yoshi is very impressive. We have to play more Ganon dittos again.

    I laughed nearly every game.
    Very fun games. I live for Ganon dittos.

    I liked the Wiz Kick Spike on your second stock.
    Your avatar reminds me of the merchant from Resident Evil. If I was a mod, I'd probably get an avatar of him with the title "What're ya buyin'?".

    So... you know. You should probably do that soon.

    I'm online now.
    In about an hour or so, maybe sooner.

    Pizza's gonna be here soon, so I'll take 2 or 3 slices. How does that work for you?
    Yeah, I'm not sure how often JV is on, though.

    You still wanna play Brawl Ganon dittos some time?
    It takes some people a little while to get the joke. I was hoping it'd be obvious cuz' he's a chicken. xD

    Oh? You're trying to get other moderators involved?

    I still love Ganon dittos over wi-fi. Brawl Ganon is bad and all, but they're still fun. I'll probably main Ganon in Brawl+.
    I'll try, I named him Tyson because of the chicken nuggets. He might've been auctioned, iirc.

    Community service?

    Not much new with me. Went to a smashfest yesterday, going up to the middle school to take care of animals tomorrow. I also have a friend with an SD slot on their computer. I have an SD card, just not slot for it. xD

    I might be able to get Brawl+ now.
    That picture was actually taken up at the middle school's ag department, haha. The bull's name is "Reeses", like the cups.

    I wanted to post a picture of my baby chick named "Tyson", but I didn't upload it. So what's new with you?
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