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  • Hey, Zook.

    I noticed you're not too active anymore. Is it because you're losing interest in the internet or are you getting a life or something?
    Not in the afternoons, maybe if I can get the others on mid-day tomorrow, can u be on then, about 4 mountain.
    When should we set up the next meeting thing, since you missed the last one:ohwell:
    How'd you know?

    Well, hmm... probably just dark. It embodies what it'd be like to give birth to a living, demonic miscarriage. But rather than evil, it's just sad.
    I want my old name back!

    I don't care if I have my old account back or we can pull some admin hax and make my old account's name "Uncle_Kenny" that way I can make this one "Uncle Kenny".
    Yeah, I was thinking about that when Eor told me he couldn't reverse infractions.

    Son of a gun.
    I did go there and I gathered that much but the idea I have right now is just a rough assumption.
    I don't fully understand what B+ is.

    If they have a thread that explains what it is, they hid it well.
    hey. make an aim just to talk to me. i need someone to talk to, and nobody is online. except 0RLy but he is taking a shower.
    Zookkkkk I a-wanna be in yo exclusive back room so I can hang wit all da cool ppplzzzz, holla?
    *runs away*
    I feel a lashing coming my way.

    I strongly dislike a large quantity of BRoomers, man... :(
    Man, I stalk the hell out of the Pool Room.

    If anyone took my advice then I just saved a relationship, gave someone a direction in life, and taught someone how to swim today. Unless my advice sucked then I just broke someone's heart, ruined a life, and killed someone.

    All good things.
    I wish more people had problems so I could give more advice in the "Something bothering you?" thread.

    Is that dickish?
    Did you like disappear, common! We need our team captain:mad:
    but we do need our team captain
    Man, I'm freaking shook up here over all these new mods and faces now. I can't really adjust to the change too well. It's like, going back to high school after you graduated four years ago; it's a familiar environment but it's also completely different.

    Even in terms of staff, half the staff I became familiar with are no longer staff members and then there are new ones I just don't recognize. Like that guy below me.
    Nah, I knew Uncle Meat was Kitten for a long time now. The first time I left for good he sent me a PM and revealed his identity. He was a pretty cool guy about it all.
    Dude, this new search engine is freaking amazing. I typed in "Uncle Kenny" and searched by post and, surprisingly, there was a lot of positive feedback. I kinda stopped going by page four though since, uh... I didn't want to ruin my mood, but yeah it's amazing!

    I also learned that Uncle Meat became "Kitten" in order to infatuate me and then make fun of me later for it after revealing to me that he was a guy. The crappy part is that it kinda worked. I developed an interest in him but it wasn't infatuation.

    Regardless, things are gay. =P
    I went a little crazy and got on a posting spree when I joined up again.

    Hey, I had to catch up!
    Wassup, Zook. I have something....big to bring to your attention. Trust me, I think you will really like the idea. and LOL I look liek one of those people that posts on mods wallz and iz liek "CAN I HAS MODSHIPZ NAOS?!?"
    Thanks, MK.

    P.S. Modshipz, I has none. GIMMEH NAO.
    Hey do you have any advice on how to fix people up with superiorty complex, because I have a mate of mine. His one is going really bad. In fact soo bad that we get annoyed, especially when he plays smash. . . and all his trash talking is pretty irritating to the ears if you know what I mean.
    Hmm... Well thanks anyway.

    I'm sure commonyoshi will be one though he might decline.
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