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  • Haha, yeah people are silly like that. They feel as if they can't 'waste the money' on things normally, but when they see something is getting sold for less it suddenly becomes 'oh I guess I can get that now since it's such a good deal'.
    You mean like YT stuff? How recently are you wanting? He had some stuff from G6 just uploaded that's **** I could show you, but before that it may be a few months back...
    You know, the User CP shows a preview of VMs, the preview for that VM you just left me was:

    "Man, yo.

    I somehow lost my copy of Twilight"

    I laughed.

    Sucks that you lost the game though. But no need to worry about it now if you lost it so long ago. You should find things to be happy about :D
    Yeah I know how that can feel. We all hit our low points, but just have to move on up as best we can.
    hope things work out for the better for you with the whole job thing

    i'm sure they will :)
    Well if you never got over some of them or didn't change your mindset/seriously work towards improving then the mistakes will stay.

    New mistakes come as a result of improvement and getting rid of old mistakes, but that's all part of the learning process and pretty cool to solve.
    First thing is to improve your mentality. I hear Adam talk about you killing yourself or getting incredibly frustrated if you get comboed a lot or mess up or something. It's friendlies and he's really good, so why are you getting mad? Instead, use the mistakes you made as food to learn from.

    That's my first piece of advice. I have more but we'll just do this step by step I suppose.
    It's not meant to be a bad name! No ill intent here.

    Night has been good I guess. Nothing I can complain about.

    have a good night and good day tomorrow!

    I think you're a good person and fun to talk to. I don't need more reason than that to like someone. (hug)

    now go crash mr. alchozio
    I had pretty much went to work

    and then had to go to bed early so I could be up now to go to work

    Man that's awful, sucks you had to deal with that

    pretty much work and then work tomorrow morning

    I wish they didn't schedule me an evening followed by a midday followed by a morning

    that just messes me up even more considering i already have thalassaemia and hypernychthemeral

    Well generally it's good to keep those out of the public eye just to avoid drama and thus avoid getting pulled into something and possibly warned/infracted or something. But you're always free to come talk to me in private if you want, always willing to listen to what you have to say. :p
    sadly not everyone is a good person and some people don't really realise why their actions are a problem/offensive for others

    luckily you are a good person though <3
    being up at 4am sucks :/

    oh well more song lyrics:
    Boy I think about it every night and day
    I'm addicted wanna jump inside your love
    I wouldn't wanna have it any other way
    I'm addicted and I just can't get enough
    Don’t you know don’t you know
    You’re beautiful don’t you know
    Don’t you know don’t you know
    Your beauty it’s inside you inside you
    Don’t let ‘em bring you down no
    The beauty is inside you
    Don’t let ‘em bring you down
    'Cause you start your life today
    Live any thoughts you’ve dreamed off

    I don't care if you don't like cliche lyrics, you just should have a good day tomorrow. :)
    Yeah been pretty rainy and lame here; was going to be snow but didn't get cold enough for that. Just got off work and now have school work to do. Wonderfully uneventful all around.

    It is fine, bro. We should always be on good terms, just a misunderstanding/overreaction and such. Smash is a silly game anyway. <3
    I got the PM you sent; I read it over while on break at work, lemme go back to it.
    Yeah it really sucks when you end up tied down like that. Especially back in WNY my smash friends were my main friends so if they go and you can't then it's like you have no one to hang with. Heh

    I got home from work and just fell asleep. Kind of completely drained at this point, doesn't look like it's going to be getting any better.
    could do that more like should do that :)

    oh well tonight is ovah for me g'nite luv
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