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  • I'd just reset your passwords and such.

    Also I did an IP check on the hack VM, and the IP only matches your account no other account. So can't tell who it was.
    Well, now let's remember the point of AWYP is to have fun making art, not just getting a prize. Remember users like Frown, Lokii, and myself reentered contests even after already having a postbit, so I don't think it'll be a problem getting people to join if we handed out 3 postbits.
    Right. Well, I dunno, I still think a custom title you don't have to pay for is a nice prize. Premium might be a bit much for regular AWYP contests though.

    I dunno though, I think anyone who places 3rd still deserves the postbit though.


    1st: Postbit, Title, judge
    2nd: Postbit, Title
    3rd: Postbit
    I like Nemesis. Another one I had thought of was 'Other'. Whatever works.

    Date should be determined as soon as the theme is decided, I was thinking somewhere around April 22. Xiivi can start it up I guess, as long as it's organized it probably won't matter who makes the OP. Might be best to follow the OP format of the other contests.

    What's wrong with the paintbrush?
    You can get unemployment while being a college student? That's odd, but good on ya. Whatever works out best. What are you studying anyway?

    As long as you get it fixed and stay out of the red, it's all good.

    ah, I know how that feels

    sucks when it happens, especially when you're tired an can't pull yourself to sleep and just mindlessly click around hoping something entertaining happens

    hope you got some sleep at least

    any updates on your life situation?
    Well I gave you one, but seeing as yes it's AWYP that's not been in "our power" for quite some time, Freestyle might be a good choice. Hop on AIM if you have it, we'll talk.

    And I meant judges, kinda sad that not much has been thought up. I can definitely come up with more. I was on a big graphics site for quite a few years.
    I love themes with multiple outcomes. Like "ideal vacations". Who knows? You might go to FL, or maybe you'd like to go to outerspace.

    I don't know, because this is starting up, we could do a generic Freestyle, but you should probably talk to people about that first.
    Sure, I'd love to judge. I just wanted AWYP to take off again, hence why I tried for one so long ago. Idk what happened with Virg.

    Why not? I'll judge.
    Yeah, the postbit is plenty for the reward.

    As for themes, I should be fine with most things, but run it by me to make sure it isn't something that could bore me. :p
    You have all my consent to start a new AWYP (I'll endorse it as well). If you want to talk prompts I'd be more than willing to oblige.
    Should be fine; judged a WWYP-side event and was in a WWYP; so AWYP isn't too much different. ;P

    I'm sure you can find someone else! ;D
    the drama isn't as bad as people make it seem, it's pretty much nothing if you ignore it, lolz

    judging is fun ;P

    Aw, does that mean you thought I might be part of the problem? :(

    you know there are honest people because there is you! <3

    and I'd help judge AWYP since you need help
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