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  • You've got :mad: as well. He's really good with Ness.

    Edit: Oh, GIRL Ness player. I think you're right. :ohwell:
    o_0 Thanks, that looks really good. I like the mechanical designs behind it as well as the soft glow. I'm sort of tempted to use it for my avatar/signature or something later on, haha.

    Maybe I will... I gotta learn proper typography skills.
    sup yink :p
    sad story, today ive got a Contusion on my left knee, it hurts pretty much xD
    i felt with my scooter on a straight street lol (it was frozen)
    but currently im fine.
    greetings vic
    ive made you a new b-day present :p since you got your last a bit earlie, cause of my stupid actions (on my view)
    (Y) (Y)
    double thumbs up lol
    Yeah, my goals sort of the same even though i know theres a chance it'll never be reached. =/
    I just want to finish my ness studies and come up w/ a somewhat reasonable way of brawling each character or dealing w/ for that matter.
    you are alone
    I had no idea you were a girl (No offense)
    I didn't know there were any Girl Ness mains either lol
    I know girls second him but w.e it's cool lol
    Been maining him since 64.
    He was the hardest character to get IMO
    I was only 6or7 and he was so cool
    I loved winning and Ness was like top tier in that game lol
    Once melee came out i saw there were other characters stronger and better but Ness was just so fun i never switched I did have seconds though
    but i was only serious with Ness.
    Brawl came out all of my seconds were either nerfed or broken so i decided to stay w/ Ness
    There was no questioning who i would main in the first place
    Hmm true true
    should i inform them to come to the original thread on here as well?
    or do you think that'd be considered spam on aib's terms
    I'm thinking of putting that post for the combo vids on Aib
    you think i should or no?
    Oh, yeah, feel free to post those whenever you like. I just finished the ton of work I had this week, so I can start taking some of those requests.
    Remember your always welcome in the Lucas boards too
    Ness and Lucas boards are kinda like allies

    I think your right,i dont think ive seen another female Ness player??
    ...we got 2 female Lucas players(Sade and KassandraNova) lol
    So dont feel left out:)
    Us Mother fans gotta stick together:)
    Theres not alot of Lucas and Ness mains.
    Yeah usually the Ness mains would say Ness is better and some Lucas mains say Lucas is better...their so similar its hard to choose.

    Both Zelda and Sheik

    In all I would like Lucas,ZSS,Kirby,and Zelda/Sheik

    Really??...that would be cool
    Are you sure it wont be too much?
    Thanks...instead of Sonic, i would like Zelda/Sheik instead if its not too much trouble.
    Thanks Ive always wanted animations like those
    See, I just don't get why so many people like the Molgera theme. It has never done anything for me. I guess I'm the oddball out. WW had a very characterized soundtrack that fits the game (while playing) absolutely flawlessly - perhaps better than any other game in the series. But as standalone music, it's weak -- like listening to the Pokemon music while not playing the games. I just can't do it. The music is 110% perfect while playing, but outside, it doesn't work.
    Hmm... it's definitely a tie between Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. OoT had the best melodies and TP had the best ambience. They work so well together that I really can't choose one. How about yourself?
    That part was so sad...
    Flint was crying and getting so angry. ;_;

    Flint is my favorite M3 character so far.
    It started off being normal. I was drinking with some of my friends at a Halooween party. But then this foreign exchange student (he was a friend of a friend) from Germany got really drunk and started drunkenly getting all Hulky and aggressive. He was just yelling and trying to grab people. Then he was gasping for air and if we weren't around he probably would've died the Jimi Hendrix way.

    So yeah, a strange strange night...
    And I'm doing good. I probably had the strangest night of my life, but it's okay because I thought it was going to be because of me but instead someone else caused the strangeness.
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