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  • My AIM is in my contact info. It was just one click away... Anyways, it's: exDarkLight
    Distance usually doesn't affect lag that much. It's your connection and whether we use the same service provider or not.
    Sure, I'd love to play you. If you want a match, you'll have to contact me over aim. I'm not THAT active on smashboards.
    I hope your ready buddy, because Luigi is fired up and ready to fight!!! GO WEEGEE! GO WEEGEE! GO! GO! GO WEEGEE! :)
    alright, i accept!!! i have school on the weekdays, but i get online after so ill check to see if your on or not and then we can fight GnW dittos!!
    sure...I was waiting for someone to challenge me for it! haha...so are you available on weekdays? if so, I'll just look to see when your online on smashboards, then I'll message you
    I'm sorry! I have to clean the kitchen right now, so i'll play later ok buddy! :)
    haha yeah I know Online is tricky, you can't play the same way you play offline T_T
    Well good once you figure it out, you'll be dominant off and online :) Good luck! =D
    O Karasu tough loss, it's alright I lost first round too haha I blame the lag :p
    Anywayz, there's a loser's draw just to let you know, so try to do well in it! =D
    Oh my gosh! I'm sorry buddy I didn't know, i've been using the internet channel i'm sorry buddy! :( Let me know when you ready ok buddy!
    lolz. Yeah, wifi can be a b**ch sometimes. There was a bit of button lag in those matches. @_@

    Heh, yeah, I talk through the names sometimes. XD
    Killed meself? Yeah, that was a FAIL. XD

    Thnx for the compliment! Your not a bad Samus yourself dude! Those Zamus whips were friggin killin me. Their attack animation last soo long! >.<

    Anyways good stuff buddy. And sure, I'll report it.
    Right on. Well I'll be in and out of here all day, so I'll look for ya!
    BTW I've added ya so we can do this wheneva!^_^
    Hey dude! I'm your opponent for the pro tourney thing! ^_^
    Just let me know when your available for the match.
    Hello, if you have received this message, you have entered for the Pro Brawl Tourney(s) November Tournament. Since we almost have about 64 competitors, the draw will come out on Friday. The rules are stated in the group "Pro Brawl Tourney(s)." So be prepared to play.
    Your undefeated you say? Wow! This is gonna be fun, and I hope i'm a challenge to you buddy. Now get ready for the Peachy, and Weegee time! :) GO IKE! GO LINK! GO TOONLINK! GO SONIC! GO ZELDA! GO PEACH! GO WEEGEE!!! :) LOL!
    I don't know how to use PT T_T. He looks so cool I want to learn how to play as him. For a second I thought you were using random characters on me. Your samus is bomb. I need more characters to play as. Ike is too slow for most of the cast unfortunately.
    XKarasuX, the ranking system of the Pro Brawl Tourney(s) group is out! =D
    I won't ruin the surprise to tell you what rank you are, but your rank might go 1 or 2 up or down, since the October tournament is not over, but your final rank will be pretty much around what it is now! =D
    no wonder button lag was so heavy you live in Washington lol thats pretty far from Ohio.
    You talking about stealth raptor? He's supposed to be really good. Don't lose faith. If you're able to play and enter tournies without wifi, I guess you can lol. You're lucky that way =P. Still, though. You're never gonna face me online again?
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