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  • Where'd you go? :(

    The online boards have gotten dreary and inactive without you.
    alo :)
    we have a match for DTP's Low Tier Tourney
    unfortunately I won't be here for most of the day ><
    so we can get our match done either tonight or tomorrow if that's cool :)
    cuz deadline's tomorrow lol XD
    Screwing up eh? I usually screw down, it's worked out for me pretty well so far >_>
    Hey, is it ok to have our match tomorrow? I left a PM earlier, but that was bcuz I didn't know where visitor messages were.
    Hey, so I just remembered I never did get those points from you or Goku, and I'd rather you just didn't worry about them at this point. It was 500 for me, and I don't even want any of the 500 point games. So yeah, at least on my end keep'em.
    Lol thats perfectly fine, honest initiative is a good thing.

    What I hope is that it was;

    "Wow theres no mods here and this community really needs structure, I'm going to help!"

    and not

    "Wow theres no mods here....jackpot! If I act real good this gig is mine!"
    Droogie, you really shouldn't, I entered for the fun besides I'm sure Blazer has given up trying to get the points too, Its not like we needed those wii points besides its your birthday money, I wouldn't feel right you spending your money on us <.<
    <33 why did you just decide to become visible

    (sorry about the late response had to do something)
    Its alright though I just don't like to win like that >.>

    That's why I go with AT&T :bee:

    Oh and if you don't want to, you don't have to give me those wii points >.>
    *wags tail* hai....... is there any plans or anything?

    (for kwizes tournament.)
    My mains are

    Smash64: Pika, Falcon, fox, KIRBEH!
    Melee: Falco, Falcon, Marth!

    Yes I'm a tier *****, and yes I win games :)

    And its no coincidence Falcon is on both lists...he just owns smash...which is another reason i probably suck at Brawl XDD
    wow that be sweet =) thanks sure u can. Ill have be internet back when my parents can be bothered to put the internet back up
    Oh, I'm willing to participate. I've just been a little too lazy. I'll follow your orders now. Unless you still want those lives, in which case I'll give them.
    I know how you feel...in a way.

    Hmm, well if you need to talk or anything at all, let me know. I'm here for you.
    TSM attacked bot 8bit and ToZ . I thought you new that I have record of it <_<.
    He got rid of two of ToZ life gods sake >_>. Was TSM following your orders.
    He also attacked me twice
    zen Grey lost a life to 2bit because thanks to TSM you made it to the point were my country has no attackers so now my countries defenders can attack.

    Also if I am online and I am not responding that is because I am making a spreadsheet of all points for each person
    i think u should remove all cept the ones you talk to the most

    thats what i did
    lol. thats not good.

    Make your character and I'll approve/disapprove tonight.
    makes my friends more special






    you have way too many friends girl

    you should be like me

    and limit it to people you talk to a LOT online and/or people u know irl
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