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  • Errr... Hello. I am Highfive. The co-leader of the High Ocean Republic Clan and guardian of high fives. And you?
    Well, it kinda looks Italian. A little. Nizzi reminds me of Hitler after you mentioned it. I don't know why.

    You're quit sexy, orly?

    Bunny's is :3
    Victra's is D:<
    Mine is :D
    I know what you mean. My roommates are pretty good about keeping stuff clean, but one of them is a complete slob. It's pretty frustrating.

    Anywho, my break is over, so I must be getting back to work. :(

    Talk to you later!
    Nizzle doesn't loo italian at all. T___T
    It looks like something a black person would make. XD

    Hey, your in Sexy Smashers like I am! ;D

    And yes, aren't our avatars awesome?
    I like friends but where did I see you? Why'd you want to add me to your 400+ friends? Help me out. You've added a lot of friends recently. Don't think this rude, but if we don't talk in a few days I'll remove this friendship. Nothing personal, I just don't know you.
    I know, it feels so weird not to be pink. It weirds me out.

    As far as being a debater, that's entirely up to you. It's not super stressful, and you don't have to post a whole lot. If you're interested I would say go for it. It's not like you're obligated to stay a debater if you don't like it.

    And yeah, it's a good sign that they're taking a long time to finalize everything, but it would be nice to have something to do. ;)

    Use the rectangle option and set it to hollow. Preset the line thickness to be a bit greater in the line tool.
    I just changed it. It's been pink for a while now, so I decided to give lime green a try. Might as well make use of this premie membership that I paid for.

    And yeah, I'm hoping this will take off soon. I think it's a good idea that needs to be implemented, the sooner the better.
    Hey, no problem. I figured we ought to be, considering we're going to welcoming the newbies together. ;)
    Yeah, I do. It's more of a challenge, more of my friends go here than to my middle school, better teachers (for the most part), hotter girls lol, just a better experience overall.

    Alrighty, nice to know you're there man.

    About my friends list, nothing personal to you or the other 140+ people I deleted, just me being weird lol.
    Yeah, high school's going pretty well actually.

    I'm kind of feeling down, I don't really know why though. I'll be fine though. Thanks for asking :)
    You don't know what a mechanical bull is? e_e

    Erm, I dunno. It depends. o.0
    ATE. LOTS. o__e

    I wanted to ride a mechanical, but I was too shy. >.>

    That's fun. Never heard of that movie though. O_x
    That was, odd. I'll give you that one unless you wanted to replay. That's never happened before. It looks like you were about to win anyway though.
    Hey Zen, we have a match for The Curious Tourney. I would due it now, except that it's 1:36 AM here. XD I'd rather do it another time. What time zone are you in? (Assuming that 1:36AM is GMT-6)
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