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  • So your Zen has a different meaning? Why isn't it capitalized in your name? Is that a hint by meaning it is not a proper noun?

    Samurais are mostly Zen Buddhists, by the way.
    Can't we get the weekend? Because we have a whole different timezone, so it isn't easy to find an easy time (work, school etc). So do you mind to move the deadline to saturdaynight or sunday?

    i actually get emails if anything gets reported in online discussion XD
    thanks, and no i dont get anything directly the reports go somewhere else. i dunno if im allowed to say anything more than that lol
    Comments are here :).

    The 1st one: I didn't get a good laugh.

    #2. Eww....green goblins eating green slime...

    #3. That's one BIG shark. (btw the best one)

    #4. Pretty random.

    #5. This one was pretty cool.

    Anyways, my comments kinda vague but whatever. What summarizes all of them is that they are all loud :).
    It's basically the same audio except it's about a falcon dropping an animal of some sort?

    I bet that fall was not the most pleasant experience.
    Mindgames!? I should of know! You have tons of those...well that's what I think.
    ...mindgames, good one!
    Alright. It's just a same that a player like Glusent might get the shaft because his partner is going out of his way to be difficult...
    I am really starting to think that Dev is jerking me around. He's not doing anything to try to get this match organized, and he yells at me when I try to get him to tell me when he'd prefer to play. He is being a real headache to manage...
    yes, i did, but i guess you were distracted by your boss, blankvi :mad:

    really? well if you need help hosting, just ask

    edit: no wait, it was goku
    Why I said "sorry"? Hm...I was only apologizing because I thought my older bro was annoying/spamming or sumthing like that. But all is good, right?
    Remember this time you were facing this MK? And then all the way to when I said "sorry" as my name, that was when my older bro was playing. After that, it was me :D.

    Nah, my Ike is not all of that ;P.
    I'm just here to say those games were some good games :D. You're one of the best players I've faced so far. I guess the next time I'll Brawl you is next weekend D:.
    Ok, now my brother took over. He started playing in that match where you are Captain Falcon and I am Link.

    Edit: Now I am back to playing :D.
    You spin my head right round, ROUND ROUND
    When you go down, when you go down down.
    Lol. I didn't really mean it as stereotyping =/

    MCR is amazing. I just can't wait for their neew album to come out >.>
    Orly? Am I sensing some stereotyping in return? >_>
    No I do not think so, but I felt this way for around two years now. And this year right now my family members have gotten pretty sick @_@. one almost died about 2 monthes ago because lost almost all his sugar @_@. It was a close one
    My schedual is kinda full these weeks yea UNEXPECTED **** happening
    so go spam glusent or something i geuss he didnt do his match aswell
    I was talking about you and sir orion anyway making the round deadlines one day after another isnt gonna work all that well :x
    I have no idea why I feel like this also 126 words ryhme with dead @_@
    well this took me about three minutes to type on the spot

    Old Age

    My head in pain
    Bones ache
    my hair turnin Grey
    eyes feel heavy
    movement slow
    I dont seem to grow
    cant see clearly
    like this everyday
    cant seem to stay awake
    sixteen years I must complain
    YES ive had many parties and people coming over the lack of sleep annd i'm cooked cause ive got a ****load of homework to do and teusday is like weekend for me "
    Can you people stop spamming me :s
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