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  • It's good to know that you've added new boards for the Smash 4 discussions, but shouldn't there be separate threads to discuss topics like Adventure Mode, Multiplayer, and other game modes? You have the character and stage discussions down, but the other topic categories are currently lacking. After all, the Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Discussion Topic seems more like a social thread.
    Got a quick question, since you seem to be in charge of the new Smash 4 subforum.

    Was hoping to start a new thread and post a collection of sources and infomation about the Smash series in general that I've gathered (with help). Thought it would be better to ask seeing as the subforum is relatively new and that there is an update thread as well (am also not sure if we can post new threads anyway).

    [COLLAPSE="Here's a small sample of what I'm hoping to share"]Dojos

    The Original Dojo
    The Original English Dojo
    Melee Dojo
    Brawl Dojo

    Various 64 and Melee Information

    Sir Ilpalazzo's Character Essay - Talks about various characters from 64 to Melee as well as several unused characters (includes the Forbidden 7)
    Melee Poll Results - Look at the bottom of the page to see a link to results series by series
    Translations of some of the fan mail from the Melee Dojo - Takamaru and Sukapon mentions
    Melee Beta and Hacked Data
    Sakurai on Roy in Melee - Found obviously by ToiseofChoice
    Sakurai and Charizard - Best when combined with the Melee poll and Brawl's PT

    Famitsu Sakurai Interview from 2002 - Talks about 64's development, has some unproven parts (feel free to ask which), so take with some salt.
    Famitsu Sakurai Interview from 2002 - Same as above, just about Melee.[/COLLAPSE]

    I'm hoping that this will be something that all Smash fans can enjoy and take a look at during the upcoming storm of discussion and maybe even see a bit into the mind of Sakurai himself.
    I have been auramazing :lucario:
    Well...kinda :p

    I'm on winter holidays now but I need a job and a new gcc :/

    but good to see you are well :)
    Pretty nice, not gonna lie. It's impressive, the difference between EC and WC. The low stress here fits me pretty well :3

    Broken screens are the pits :/ what's your lab on?
    Thanks, (hug)

    I'm trying to get things back on track, but it sucks waiting for stuff and getting to that point.
    Nice, I've decided to do tech school after I get tested for psy stuff that I have been having trouble with due to bad thoughts and A.D.D.

    Ouch on the laptop, that sucks. :<

    I've been a bit better but I've been down in some areas.
    Turns out the star ratings in iTunes have some use after all, since smart playlists update instantly and sync (obv) I can now easily move stuff in and out of my (temp) top50 list on my iPod as well as quickly sort new stuff

    * = s*** music (no tracks so far lol)
    ** = eh, skip
    *** = okay music
    **** = teh good music
    ***** = actual top50 stuff
    After playing two games of Mario Party with friends, I am most likely not contempt right now either. :laugh:
    lol smooth :p I'm good, currently working in California for the summer and hitting up E4U this weekend :3

    How goes everything in the life of Xiivi?
    Dude, you gotta use a good corn tortilla to hold everyneko.

    Oishi-hotsauce curve isn't bell shaped, it has a horizontal asymptote where more hotsauce will eventually not increase oishi.
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