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  • ♡Yes really! You have a very interesting play style, people don't know what to expect! ^__^
    ♡I know why you're a boss, Mr. Ugg! ^__^

    ♡It's because you're strong and cool and very fun to fight against! ;)

    ♡It's easy to see why Mr. Fatman chose you!.^__^
    ♡Patronizing? I really thought you did splendid! :dizzy:

    ♡I'm really sorry if I did something wrong! :dizzy:
    ♡Goodness me... my heart was pounding really hard! ^__^;

    ♡Are you that splendid with the rest of the cast? Those were very good games Mr. Ugg! ^__^

    ♡I'd love to play again sometime. ;)
    Ugg, I need to do a boss battle so I won't feel bad for entering and not doing one. I don't care the outcome really. So, I'm prolly gonna just use Puff. :D
    hmmm okay, haha. it's just i'm losing overall by 1 now so i want a chance to beat pentasalia's score! HAHA

    hm dang i'm pretty busy tomorrow... well if i have to wait a week i will xD i'll just have to let FMOI know, it's all good. if u resign i have no more hope!
    hey ugg :) i got a smashfest later today at like 5 in the afternoon

    so i have like a few hours of availability right now. u think we can pull it off this time?
    hey, when will you be available? haha, sorry to just add to the number of ppl who are constantly challenging u MR BOSS
    Do It for the Lulz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO49RnWfV24 (read the description too)

    Rate please. My disupte is in process, so as of now the music is enabled.

    I suggested to Matt that we take turns featuring peoples channels in the youtube tab below the chat. That's why mine is there now.

    I also suggested for music that maybe we don't have to go with any of the choices I mentioned before. Indie is my favourite type of genre and I have a bunch of songs from that. I've seen some videos with chill songs like those and they allow for some chill editing also. We wouldn't overedit with those either. Very few songs from that type of music would fit a combo video, but it's just an idea. Not to mention we would be VERY original if we went that route.

    (of course bren didn't like it :p)

    P.S. If that yoshi guy ever can't record for you, I can. Just ask and I will.
    My plan to entice you worked lol. Yeah i kow what you mean. Am swamped too, am just on a 30 min break >_>
    ohhh, i understand. it's fine. you're the last one i have to play, so just post in the thread when you're available or something :) good luck with everything
    If you're receiving this note you are currently on Bowser, Captain Falcon, or Ganondorf for my Level Up! tournament. Well, today is your lucky day, because it is TWO-FOR TUESDAY! Every match you win until 6:00am Wednesday morning (Mountain Time) will count for 2 character slots instead of just one.

    Enjoy the benefits of this special opportunity!

    For details, click here: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=7570842&postcount=739
    Uggert. For KWiz's new tourney its gonna be teams/crews type of thing.
    Your on my Team. D:<

    I'm getting Pink Fresh and Goku as well.
    We need one more after that.
    haha I kept accidentally using her grab alot, and when I wanted to dash grab she'd just stand there :p

    Samus is soooo hard to win with lol
    I can usually do decent, but I can never land the killing move xD
    I must learn and practice xD

    And seriously? It's 4:30 here O__o
    I thought you lived in PST, not MST?
    lol yeah, pirate ship match was lulzy

    We should brawl again later :)

    And whoa, you're eating supper and 3:30 O__O
    Ugg, pleeeaasseee, don't randomly leave like that. just say "Last1" in your tag or something ok. I just find it rude.......

    GG's though, but why did you leave? :(
    I wanted to practice more

    And I honestly have no idea how you play so well in that lag. I keep messing up xD
    You're too good haha
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