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  • The avi's fine, I just don't know why you changed it.

    Speaking of which, I need to change my own to reflect what I'm currently working on...
    Is that only in the GBA version? Because I have a cleared file on my Grandparents's cartridge... oh wait, I guess I never cleared all the bonus (Funky, Groovy, Tubular), levels. Meh.

    *checks on Youtube*

    Speaking of Mario World... Check this out if you get bored.
    Wow, I have never heard of the sprite changes before. Looks like you don't have much left to go!
    Ah. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted XD

    Oh, did you see my preview for Simirror? It's about 3 pages back on the thread.
    Remember, I beat your Yoshi with Ganon? =D

    I can do some brawls later. Normally I'm kicked off video around 7:00 (ain't it nice to have congruent time zones?) on Sunday nights, however, and my brother is on the Wii.. I'll tell you when he's off.
    I saw it, but I was involved in two different problems of my own, one of which I'm still dealing with.
    The boom box is the box that he summons using his Side-B, able to use it for recovery, trap himself inside the box, use as a barrier, trap opponents in the box and blow it up... etc. Okay, maybe it isn't as versitile as that, but I still think it's pretty good. Bah.

    Yeah, I finished the song. Pretty good.
    LOLdoublepost. I'll get to work typing it up, It's only in my notebook right now... I think it's versatile on the level of Dimentio's Boom Box!

    *watches video*
    Sorry about delayed response...

    No, my brother is playing Super Paper Mario. I'll tell you when he's done... care for a preview of Simirror's most complex move, his USpecial? I'm really proud of it, but I think I worded it horribly.
    Well, w/e. I had only seen it from Mendez's VM myself...

    Are you sure it was the other way? Meh. I'm working on a quick joke moveset to get back on the thread, the main character from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    I'd almost forgotten you were working on L XD

    *image of L sliding down a sidewalk in a carton chased by Kira pops into my head*
    You would not believe the idiotic Brawls I just went through. All platforms fell, two other people... and a level 5 cpu. They all ended up me vs CPU. This went on for 3 hours.
    My brother's using the TV with the Wii now and shows no signs of moving, so don't expect anything more tonight. Sorry.
    Yeah, those were GGs. You've got a very nice Yoshi. A shame you couldn't stay longer what with Twilt and Kibble getting in on the act.
    I don't have a link, it was in my old computer. I think I posted a link to the old one in my first visitor message, as a link-up space.
    Actually, I'm going to be leaving really, really soon. I can do some once I get back, in a couple hours. In the meantime... Look Around You!
    Interesting, you posted the message in the 30 seconds I was switching to my own account XD

    Thanks for the compliment. I really haven't learned anything else besides switching to Zelda... you have Mortar Dashing down solid, though.

    And has Squirtle's DThrow always been so frickin powerful?
    Yeah, i've been practicing for a while now lol.

    Maybe tonight, i can has a rematch? lol...
    Lol yeah XD.

    Why must you use Metaknight!?!?!?! He has the W*orenado!!!!!!!

    I'll be on tomorrow (today), just not during the hours of (9:00?-12:00?)-(3:00?-5:00?), depending on extenuating circumstances.

    Oh, I got an awesome Up Special for Simirror. He's coming along nicely, along with N's specials. How's Kid Goku and Binky Sakurai doing? I saw you got Mendez to make you a Kirby Hat.
    *highfives back*

    I'll set up a brawl. It's been a while since I actually played anyone good... :ohwell:
    Actually, your prediction should've been correct. I was picked up late, however...

    It's good to be back.
    It's like 10:37 PM over here in Toronto i think...XD

    ill be on in 5 minutes.
    I dont think I can tonight.I have to make a tag for myself tomorrow...so tomorrow I can do it.
    I actually have a near perfect connection when it's just with Mendez. . .So I'm wondering if it's from your end. I'm on the west coast. You?

    That said, those were good, albeit laggy, matches. Be happy to brawl you again. . .Although it'd help if you spammed less. :p
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