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  • Only a few.

    The one about Going Green
    The one about Autism
    The one about The Straight Arrow (Boy Scouts-ish)

    One or two others, can't remember. I think there was one about eating healthier.
    Agreed on that. I haven't seen many KOTH episodes, but what I have were gold.

    Obligatory ticking and tocking
    *fast to notice VMs*

    I don't think there's anything on after the Simpsons, so my brother should be off the TV. *flexes fingers*
    Lol, how far was your clock off?

    It's 7:40 here too. Yay for congruent timezones.
    I found that out after they suicided with Eggroll for every life the last time I played one.
    No. Bluigi. My Yoshi CPU isn't even close to how you play; it'd hurt me more then help.

    ! New Simpsons episode! *watches*
    Yeah, I'm off the computer. Playing Super Paper Mario.

    What time did you have in mind for the brawls?
    Yo sorry to be annoying but...

    Want to Brawl in a couple of minutes or later on tonight? :p
    *watches Ankoku vs SamuraiPanda vids as a counter*


    Also, I'm setting it to loser's choice for stage picking, just FYI.
    lol at you viewing Sheik forums

    Yep, I discovered that Chain >> Yoshi's recovery.
    Sure, I was hoping you would ask.

    I just watched some of Ankoku's vids vs Yoshi, learned some tactics. By an odd coincidence, the stage they were playing on was Delfino :bee:
    *sits on top of house with mouth open*

    That's given me an Idea for an avi mod, actually...

    O_O On a completely different topic entirely, there's a HUGE winter storm coming in tomorrow to us Woasters... and we already have a foot here. This... could be epic.
    Apparently, I'm supposed to be DIing upwards if it's horizontal knockback, and horizontal if vertical. I'll need some practice vs CPU to master it. Which brings us to this: I stood still for thirty seconds while a lvl 3 CPU set to attack walked around me. I hate my CPU.

    That's fine. It'll just give me more time to practice on my DI.
    I just found out today that I've been doing it wrong...

    Also, check in between the lines of my last message.
    Sorry, no.
    Hidden text reveals that L will appear in my next SSE chapter.
    The correct answer is: Agi is on Christmas break due to a severe winter storm!
    ~translation~ I'm up for brawls tonight.
    Greetings, Sundance!
    2 snow days in a row!
    Guess what! *waits for you to guess*
    I'm not sure I can maintain that level of randomness throughout the whole SSE, but I'll do my best. I have to make him a semi-plausible character, you know.
    1: Sakurai deserved to be LOLworthy, as he's a semi-joke moveset.

    2: You're welcome.

    3: So am I.

    4: You're almost right with your prediction.The weeds are the effect of the Root of all Evil, not it's cause.
    I've done two Chapters of my SSE so far. Sakurai stars in the first one, check it out!
    Yo, um, just want to make sure, but, L is guaranteed to come in 4.0's life span right?

    He's going to appear in my first SSE chapter, and i just want to know I'm not going to regret anything....
    Nice job! I found the same video you watched on Youtube, the changes are LOLworthy.
    I'll add them in.

    Tell me if that was the right one, you've roused my curiosity.
    Hey, do you want any of your characters to appear in my SSE? I'm shooting for around 50, including some (not all) characters from Brawl. I'll even take them if they aren't fully done, as long as you're sure you'll complete them.
    No, I'm done with brawls for the night.

    ...that really does suck. You have my pity... *gives pity*
    If you get there before he does, we will ;)

    I'm hosting one right now.
    I'm going to do some brawls with Kibble. Feel free to join, if you want.
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