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  • Ay. I'm working on MYM now. I'll be back at 9:00, then every 15 minutes. If you see this, I can try to Brawl any time before 10:00... is that OK?
    Yeah, happened to read your conversation the instant after I posted on your wall. Just sending reminders. =)

    We should play friendlies again sometime.
    grumble grumble.

    I don't think I'll be able to play tonight. I'm fine being online... but my parents will get pissed if I turn on my wii now (10:00 at night).

    Tomorrow, however, I should be fine any time after 7:30 EST... is that too late (for the tourney or for you.)?
    Oh and by the way, we have to play for Smash Through the Ages. Tomorrow I have early release from school, so tomorrow would be a good time. And if not, then Friday afternoon through the weekend would be cool too. Just tell me when.
    Well yeah, I finally got my replays together. Sorry it took so long, but I:

    1) Have been sick
    2) Have been busy with tourney matches/school/irl stuff

    So yeah, but I got them together today. There's only 8 in here. Much less than before. You can trash the others and replace them with these. Hopefully you haven't started on the others yet... '^_^

    Cubone has challenged you for my lifes tourney so you have three days from now to respond
    Any chance you can play now?

    Edit: did I seriously miss you by 2 minutes? Guess it goes to coinflip then :(
    Thursday might work, and Friday is the best day for me.

    any time after 20:00 EST is fine on friday. Same time on thursday... but that's a bit iffy.
    why does it seem like i'm the only one who has to deal with school!?! even college folks should have at least SOME concept of "busy" and "homework"! :mad:

    JK. but seriously, I don't think I'll be free till Thursday or Friday. :(
    R U READY 4 THIS!?!
    I gonn take u down! wut u gonn do a-boud it?

    JK. we fight for DBs tourney. when are you free?
    GGs kazoo.....i think. our cods were acting up again and causing us to de-synch. =/
    Awesome, we usually have smashfest on Fridays. Do you know if you are anywhere near the university of florida campus? My cell is 239-470-8515.
    I don't have them ready at this moment. But I'm certain there will be less. Tomorrow I'd have them.

    Still less work, so don't start on those that you have...
    Augh, terrible.

    Just lrn2Internets, will you? Sarcasm does not work on it.

    Memory-wise, I never remember anything that important. You expect way too much over the Internet.
    Still sad.

    And that little comment you made still failed at sarcasm, because I didn't see it until your /sarcasm below it.
    Well that's what I'm saying. I was going to replace the ones you have with new ones...probably less

    Unless you already started then that's a different story.
    In fact, I'd actually like to request new ones in replacement for those. Those are too old...

    You just saw that now? I forgot I requested those XD. Meh, if it's too much then cut them down if you must. I don't even remember what's there honestly...
    1. Sarcasm over the Internet = Failure. You're terrible.
    2. Do you really expect me to remember something said on Smashboards over a month ago? No, because I tend to forget almost everything here except important (funny or otherwise) things.

    You're just an idiot who thinks sarcasm can be used on the Internet.

    I saw Wtf you did to DiOde in those online matches, that was F***ed up :laugh:

    And i didnt know you took on HugS with Weegee...
    Well LP told me just first to 7 wins. He never used the word barline. And the reason i sent u 3 different posts is im posting from my phone and for some reason my phone hates smashboards and cant work all that good with it. So it acted like i never posted until a 3rd time i posted on ur profile and then it showed all three. Sorry. Anyway i guess i gotta find someone else to barline then. Gotta go to bed now. Nite dude.
    Well what kinda thing is it? Is it like a first to 7 wins match or just members of the team reviewing me?
    Hey, just checkin if ur still up for our match tomorrow @ 4:30. Remember, it's the 1st to seven wins thing about the L.I.O. I'll host.
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