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  • Hey, just wanna check it see if you got my previous message, I wanted them in MP4 ;)
    If you want a spot in the HOR vs MAD thingamajig, I'll brawl ya for mine. I don't really want to be in on this war.
    We play for the "Choose your tier list" tourney just notify when you're ready and i'll get on xat
    Member: Darktoon

    Main: :toonlink:
    OTLs: TOMB 3(Placement 17th/ 33)
    The People's Tournament(Placement 5th i presume, but it appears you were in the same tournament, so feel free to correct me)

    He's looking to occupy a spot in the Occult, it's up to you to look into that, so i'll leave you too it. Make a good choice.
    That would take a lot of time...
    A lot of time...

    My friends and i play offline by the way, in fact, they're my only source of offline other than CPUs, only.

    I'm going to try to host.

    And Falco? What is this i don't even...
    Link me the tourney...
    I've been checking out the regionals a lot more, i'm trying to do something, even if it means hosting my own tourney :l

    Who on earth were you using?
    Kazoo, I could team with you in that online doubles low tier tourney. My mario is pretty decent.
    I won't be on xat for a while today maybe until tonight. Just letting you know.
    Obv. / sarcasm is hard to tell over the net.

    Say that in friendlies :mad:

    Who would said LIOn be? :o
    Falco >>>> Than Falcon. Period.

    Sheen close match with TGK? o.o

    I'd hate to be the one to say that :S
    He's in Boston atm, and Gamestops there have Brawl and consoles set up in store. I'd kill to move right now.
    You need to break.
    Falco vs Falcon? I imagine FD or SV.

    Sheen? How'd that work out? looool

    SD = SD Card btw.

    I'd love to see more. I've played the best Jiggly here in state multiple times, the guy's too beast :@
    I think i've only won with Falcon and Sonic, not even my high tiers(worst in comparison) didn't get him to 1 stock...
    Who were you using?

    I got Lash to get active in the MK Brawl discussions, so you might want to take a second look at him later on...

    One: Have 2 SD's. Win.
    Two: You mean you never have spare time to upload anything of yours? :S
    You'd rather be seeing more of this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsn18BHnxBE
    Not really...
    He plays an incredible MK, and i couldn't even beat him with Sonic. He ***** my Samus while he's at it >_>
    I can only win with Falcon. Haven't tried Link out vs his MK, but i've done it before against other MKs, so i'll pray for a miracle...

    What are you intent on doing with Jv3stocks? :S Good lord, pull some of that sheet out now, i'm craving to see some good Occult rep.
    Why the hell would i play Samus vs MK? :S
    I go Falcon, and i can recall beating his MK multiple times...

    lol, i just noticed i haven't mained anyone higher than E tier, lul
    All the vids he has of me i'm either sandbagging or the lag was belligerent. lool
    What chu mean i play OoC?
    This is all from Aibou.
    I shouldn't have even acknowledged if it was about the online discussion. My apologies.
    Spamming? The forums?

    I have an average of 8 posts per day...
    I don't even know many of my post that are outside of the Online discussion or Character Specifics, and i'm spammy for being an all round member? :/

    And keep it up in the leading.
    The fact that i love the Online Brawl section of the forums, and it's where i originated. Course i'm going to be active in the Discussion :rolleyes:

    Also, how did you get Hot_ArmS to join the Occult?
    MP4 files I guess, that's what is best for editing them in Sony Vegas, unless you have something that might work better let me know ;)
    I'll be a while on the judgement on this.

    Also, I want you to see to a possible new member, he's already got his OTLs done.

    Talk to Sheen, like now :mad:
    We do have a Falco for a reason, and i think he would be able to help you out something good.
    Having strangers pick me up? o.o
    Mother would kill me. It's not me that is being unreasonable, it's my mother.
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